Neena Gupta recently brought to life a meme icon who has been hugely popular on social media over the last couple of years: Ganji Chudail. Yes, you read that right! In YouTube India's latest comedic gem, Neena Gupta gave the animated character an unexpected glow. The video kicks off with beauty and lifestyle influencers ShivShakti Sachdev, Ishita Mangal, and Sakshi Sidwani tied together. A deep, ominous voiceover sets the stage: "Ek baar teen YouTubers ko kidnap kar leti hai, Ganji Chudail (Once three YouTubers were kidnapped by Ganji Chudail)."
Enter Neena Gupta, transformed into the iconic 'Ganji Chudail', whose name loosely translates to "bald witch" in English. "Thak gayi hoon meme banke, ab tum teeno mujhe babe banaoge (I'm weary of being a meme. Now, you three are going to make me a babe)" she declares. She also says that if they don't comply, she will have their social media accounts deleted. Reluctantly, the trio then agrees to help Ganji Chudail with a Gen-Z makeover.
Watch the video below:
What follows next is quite hilarious. Initially, the trio struggle to find the right foundation to match Ganji Chudail's complexion, pointing out the beauty industry's lack of inclusivity. But after some trial, they finally settle on a green foundation that works perfectly. The trio then dive into the makeover process and give Ganji Chudail a hair spa, a smoky eye look and a blingy outfit.
The climatic is nothing short of spectacular as Ganji Chudail transforms into a stunning, edgy GenZ diva.
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The clip was shared on YouTube India's Instagram page just a day back. Since then, the clip has accumulated more than 61,000 views and over 1.3 million views. Several users, including celebrities and influencers, commented on the post.
"Im Dead," wrote Neena Gupta's daughter Masaba, while actor and influencer Dolly Singh commented, "Whoever thought Neena ji would make a good Ganji chudail deserves promotion. This is iconic."
Blogger Debasree Banerjee commented, "Chalo ganji chudail ko bhi mascara lagana sikha Diya."
Sakshi Sidwani wrote, "Petition to change her name to bebde chudail". ShivShakti Sachdev also commented, "I Literally manifested Ganji Chudail in my lifetime! Thank you YouTube India for this opootunity!!"
"I love this! Next video is how to make Ganji Chudail how to dance," said Nicole Concessao.
"From Manju Devi to Ganji Churail, Neena Gupta devoured 2024 with her impeccable versatility!!!" said one Instagram user.