Social media is exploding with footage showcasing the mayhem of overcrowded Indian Railways. These viral videos paint a concerning picture, from ticketless passengers storming trains to conflicts with valid ticket holders. The latest addition is a clip of a daring commuter, dubbed "Spider-Man," skillfully navigating above packed seats to reach the restroom. While some find humour in this situation, it underscores the significant challenges daily passengers face during peak hours.
The video, captured by Instagram user Abhinav Parihar, exposes the need for solutions to overcrowding on Indian Railways. The caption of the video reads, "Just a normal day in general & sleeper class."
See the video here:
The video caught the attention of internet users and drew various reactions from the netizens. Internet users said that the man reminded them of "Spider Man".
A user wrote, "Spider man no way toilet."
Another user commented, "75% won't even have tickets, it's guarantee."
"India is not for beginners," the third user wrote.
Earlier, a similar video surfaced on the internet which showed an overwhelming crowd at the Ujjain Junction railway station.
The clip was shared on X by user Cow Momma with the caption, "Windows are just small doors anyway." In the unverified clip, passengers are seen attempting to enter the coaches through windows, highlighting the urgency and distress amongst the travellers.
Meanwhile, there have been numerous grievances regarding overcrowding on trains. One particular complaint highlighted a passenger's ordeal on an Indian Railways journey, where he had to stand throughout the entire trip despite having a confirmed ticket.