Apple unveiled its iPhone 12 series at a virtual event on Tuesday. As expected, the much-anticipated launch created a huge buzz on social media. Starting at Rs 69,000, the iPhone 12 mini comes as the most affordable phone in the new series. The series also features iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, and the iPhone 12 Pro Max along with iPhone 12 mini, which is also the smallest. All four models in the 2020 iPhone lineup come with 5G support for the first time.
After the iPhone 12 phones were unveiled, Twitter was instantly flooded with posts from Apple fans, tech reviewers and potential customers debating the best and the worst of the new lineup.
Paytm Founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma noticed an interesting detail on Apple's online store which was recently launched in India. "Only Indian names, in iMessage on #iPhone 12 page," he wrote, sharing a pic from the Apple India website where the phone display has names like "Sameer Shetty" and "Shivani Gautam".
Only Indian names, in iMessage on #iPhone 12 page.
— Vijay Shekhar Sharma (@vijayshekhar) October 13, 2020
In the comments section, many informed Mr Sharma that the names visible on Apple's website were customised according to country.
It's based on the country site. This is what I see. Apple has customized it for the market.
— abhishek (@abhishek_tri) October 13, 2020
The new iPhone 12 phones reminded many of iPhone 5, which was launched in 2012. A good chunk of the tweets were dedicated to the resemblance between the two series.
How it started. How it's going. #appleevent
— TwittaNerd™ ???????????? (@LindoMyeni) October 13, 2020
why does the iphone 12 look like an iphone 5 with the iphone 11 camera
— celia ♡ ???? (@greenterracotta) October 13, 2020
The dual-SIM iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, and the iPhone 12 Pro Max come with Super Retina XDR OLED displays - featuring a Ceramic Shield glass cover on top. Social media users were impressed with the upgrade, which is said to be tougher than glass.
Ceramic Shield Glass on the iPhone 12! "The toughest glass on any smartphone!" ???? #AppleEvent
— Safwan AhmedMia (@SuperSaf) October 13, 2020
Gorillas glass on iPhone 12 is Ceramic Shield Glass. Magic!#AppleEvent
— Jason Lim (@jas0nsg) October 13, 2020
The 5.4-inch size of iPhone 12 mini also created a debate.
I'm torn I want the iPhone 12 Mini cause I honestly miss having a small phone but I also want the Max for the cameras.... I dunno what to do.
— Matti Haapoja (@MattiHaapoja) October 13, 2020
If there is actually going to be an iPhone 12 Mini, I need it. My wrists need it. I cannot handle the Pro Max anymore. Actually, I would probably prefer the regular size cos the Mini will likely be too small for my eyeballs but it would be so cute!
— Rikki Poynter ????????♀️???? (@rikkipoynter) October 11, 2020
Click here to learn more about the iPhone 12 series.
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