This Article is From Feb 07, 2017

Why A R Rahman And Several Others Are Sharing This Viral Video

Offbeat Written by

The speech has collected over 1.4 million views on Facebook so far.


  • A speech by civil rights lawyer Valarie Kaur is making waves online
  • Oscar-winning composer A R Rahman is among those who have shared it
  • The speech has collected over 1.4 million views on Facebook so far
A poignant and thought-provoking speech by civil rights lawyer and Sikh activist Valarie Kaur is making waves online. At a time when many are protesting US President Donald Trump's immigration ban, this speech will give people some hope. Originally from an event held on December 31, days before Trump's inauguration, the speech has gone viral. Oscar-winning composer A R Rahman is among those who have recently shared it on Facebook. Since January 5, the speech has collected over 1.4 million views and more than 16,000 shares on Facebook.

Ms Kaur begins the speech by talking about her grandfather who moved to America. "On Christmas eve 103 years ago my grandfather waited in the dark, dank cell," she says. He sailed by steamship across the Pacific Ocean from India to America. "When he landed on American shores, the immigration officials saw his dark skin, his tall turban worn as a part of his Sikh faith and saw him not a brother but as foreign, as suspect, and threw him behind bars where he languished for months," she says. He stayed in jail until a lawyer, 'a white man,' helped him.

She shares how in the aftermath of 9/11, she decided to became a lawyer like the man who helped her grandfather. She hoped that she could help make the world a better place. But the world she is leaving for her son, she says, is far worse than the one she inherited, because of hate crimes.

Despite that, she believes there is still a chance to make the country better. "What if this darkness is not the darkness of the tomb but the darkness of the womb? What if our America is not dead? But a country that is waiting to be born. What if the story of America is one long labor?" she says to loud applause.

Watch the speech below:

"Rahmanji, superb I can relate to myself with her easily as mother of brown American citizen boy bullied in school and told to Go Back to India," says one comment on AR Rahman's post. "Darkness of the mother's womb... incredible. Thank you sir. Everyone should feel this revolutionary love and courage," says another.