This Article is From Jun 24, 2016

Why This Chinese Man Walked Around With 40 Kg Block Of Cement On His Head

Why This Chinese Man Walked Around With 40 Kg Block Of Cement On His Head

Chinese man Cong Yan walking with a cement block on his head


  • Chinese man Cong Yan walks everyday with a block on his head.
  • He carries a 40 kg cement walk for 1,500 mtrs everyday.
  • He lost 30 kg weight in a year using this method.
So dedicated is this 54-year-old Chinese man to staying fit that he walked around with a 40 kg block of cement balanced on his head for years. Impressed? Read on.

For Cong Yan, this unconventional way of losing weight started four years ago when he weighed about 115 kg, and he claims that he was able to lose 30 kg in a year with this method. According to reports, he walks around 1,500 meters everyday on the streets of the northeastern Chinese city of Jilin with the cement block on his head.

Cong Yan started this unusual method of weight-training when his extra weight became a health concern for him. He started with cement slabs weighing 15 kgs and gradually moved up to 40 kgs.

His story was published on the official Facebook page of CCTVNews on June 21 and has been viewed over 7,000 times.

Could you do what Cong Yan did?