On Friday morning, a Twitter user shared a picture of a signboard that has won hearts of Twitter and quickly gone viral on the microblogging platform. The picture shows a signboard that many have labelled "amazing" and "lovely". Spotted in Ludhiana, the sign outside a medical shop in the city of Punjab proudly proclaims that the business is in association with "Gupta and Daughters" - a departure from the common practice opening businesses in the names of sons.
Dr Aman Kashyap, who shared the photograph on the microblogging platform, applauded the signboard and the owner of the shop in his post for defying gender stereotypes.
"Unlike all the shops opened in the name of sons, a medicine shop in association with 'Gupta & Daughters' spotted in Ludhiana," wrote Dr Kashyap while sharing the pic. "Be the change you want to see in this world," he added.
Take a look at his post below:
Gupta nd daughters .... ???????????????? Unlike all the shops opened in the name of Sons, a medicine shop in association with “Gupta & Daughters” spotted in Ludhiana.
— Dr Aman kashyap (@DrAmankashyap) May 22, 2020
Be the change you want to see in this world ♥️ pic.twitter.com/rRE2JiYHpK
The signboard has earned praise on Twitter, collecting over 2,300 'likes' and more than 500 'retweets' since being shared this morning. It has also made its way to other social media platforms like Facebook. On Twitter, several hailed the signboard as a step in the right direction of women empowerment:
Love it
— Kiran Manral (@KiranManral) May 22, 2020
Starting of a new era #womenempowerment https://t.co/bhiuRvvXyH
— Jagannath D (@Jagannath2002D) May 22, 2020
Others expressed happiness at seeing a business name with a difference.
I was also telling my father to do this before, he denied. But still happy to see this and will show this to my father too ????????
— Gupta Shagun (@GuptaShagun2) May 22, 2020
Lovely ???????????? so much happy to see different name????
— kamal (@kamals1004) May 22, 2020
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