This Article is From May 31, 2017

Woman Trips While Taking Bride's Photos. Acts Like Nothing Happened

Undeterred, she immediately went back to filming the bride after regaining balance


The guest was busy taking photos when she tumbled on the aisle

What can possibly go wrong at a wedding? A lot of things! But at this wedding, a guest was the source of all the worry.

As the bride entered the church, guests took out their mobile phones to record the special moment. But one guest in particular was so focused on recording the bride's entrance, she knocked over a makeshift fence that lined the aisle in the church. She tumbled on the aisle briefly taking the attention away from the bride. Not cool.

A man came to her rescue to pick her up and two other people quickly cleaned up the mess she created.

And if you thought the goof-up would have embarrassed the woman, you're wrong. She immediately went back to clicking photos acting like nothing ever happened.

Surprisingly, the bride just smiled through it all.
The video has nearly 80,000 views on Instagram and the comments were as amusing as the video.

"Hope the bride has forgiven her," wondered user 'vivkvik61'.

"Omg how embarrassing," wrote 'mariiam.hamze'.

"Why was she leaning so far over in the first place. Now I would have been mad lol," said 'prieka24'.