This Article is From Apr 14, 2020

Woman Tweets About Missing Lawns During Lockdown. Her Mom Does This...

"People with lawns right now really don't know good they have it," tweeted Josie.


A woman's tweet about missing lawns led to a sweet surprise (Representative Image)

With millions of people stuck indoors during the coronavirus pandemic, one thing that is being thoroughly missed by many is the great outdoors. People with no access to balconies, gardens or rooftops understandably have it worse - and many have taken to social media to vent about it. So when Brooklyn resident Josie Brechner tweeted about missing lawns during the coronavirus lockdown that has been imposed in New York, she probably did not think anything would come of it - until her mother surprised her with a sweet gift. 

"People with lawns right now really don't know good they have it," tweeted Josie about a week ago, on April 5. "I would go out and lie face-down in some grass so hard." 

This morning, the composed posted an update on the tweet which has gone viral on social media and delighted many. She revealed that her mother sent her a patch of grass in the mail after reading the tweet so she could enjoy a mini garden indoors. 

"I tweeted ONCE about wanting to lie face first in grass during all this and my mom SENT ME A PATCH OF GRASS IN THE MAIL," wrote Josie, sharing photos that show a box, about the size of a shoebox, with grass growing in it. 

Josie's tweet has gone viral with over 22,000 'likes' and more than 4,000 'retweets', along with a ton of responses from people who loved her mother's gift and praised her thoughtfulness. 

Some also loved the idea and wished they could order boxes full of grass themselves during the lockdown.

What do you think? Let us know using the comments section. 
