International Women's Day 2021 is being observed today. Celebrated annually on March 8, Women's Day is considered to be a focal point in the women's rights movement. The theme of this year's Women's Day is #ChooseToChallenge. The theme encourages people to call out gender bias and inequality. It emphasises that 'a challenged world is an alert world'. On Women's Day, several brands and companies have released thought-provoking ads and campaigns that question age-old gender stereotypes and deliver a message of women empowerment.
Here is a look at five powerful Women's Day advertisements that are winning hearts on social media:
#SheIsCompleteInHerself by Prega News
An ad film by pregnancy test kit brand Prega News encourages people to look beyond reproduction while viewing women. The ad stars actress Mona Singh and has gone viral with over 11 million views on YouTube.
#TakeThePressureOff by
This short and sweet ad from stars real-life mother-daughter duo Supriya and Shriya Supriya Pilgaonkar. In India, the ad claims, 76 per cent of women feel the pressure to say yes to marriage, even when they don't want to.
#ChallengeChampionChange by Amazon India
Amazon India's Women's Day ad film salutes the women entrepreneurs have fought against all odds to chase their dreams and kickstart their startups. The ad has received almost 2 million views on YouTube.
The Divide by Paytm
On the occasion of Women's Day, Paytm conducted a social experiment that will make you pause and think. "On the path to gender equality, financial independence and literacy has been an often overlooked step," says Paytm - and their campaign illustrates why that is true even in this day and age.
#StopTheBeautyTest by Dove
With over 9 million views, personal care brand Dove's ad calls out unfair beauty standards for women and encourages people to "look for the beauty, not the flaws!"
Image by Riya Kulkarni
Filmmaker Riya Kulkarni's ad "Image" again highlights the ideas of body image and beauty standards. "Being Thin, Ageless and Beautiful are values we are groomed with since very early in our lives," she writes.
All Our Moves by Bumble
Dating app Bumble is celebrating not just the trailblazers but every woman. "When there's all kinds of moves that women make everyday. The kind that might never make headlines but will make history," writes Bumble.