This Article is From Jun 12, 2017

WWII Plane Crashes During Take-Off At Air Show, Metres From Spectators

The pilot survived the mishap but was taken to hospital

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The incident happened at the Longuyon-Villette air show in North France

Hundreds gathered at the Longuyon-Villette Air Show in North France to watch pilots performing tricky maneuvers and aircraft showing off their capabilities. But on Sunday, spectators were witness to more than just that cool planes.

A WWII aircraft crashed just metres away from the audience shortly after it took off. Video of the incident, uploaded on YouTube, shows the vintage Spitfire plane's propeller bending forward and ploughing into the ground creating a cloud of dirt. The plane overturned after hitting the ground.


The pilot survived the crash as several onlookers rushed to pull him out of the upside down plane.

He was taken to the hospital and sustained injuries.