This Article is From May 06, 2014

Your Attention Please: The Transgender 'Seatbelt Crew' Has a Message for You

Your Attention Please: The Transgender 'Seatbelt Crew' Has a Message for You

A still taken from YouTube video 'The Seatbelt Crew'

Warning: The next time you board a flight and the cabin crew attendant starts to demonstrate the aircraft safety procedures, you might fall off your seat laughing (no, not dozing) thinking about this video. 'The Seatbelt Crew' takes away the cabin crew's thunder.

Enjoyable, amusing, entertaining and most importantly, a reminder to the simple yet life-saving act of buckling the seatbelt - this video is an Internet hit.

Transgenders or Hijras, as they are known in India, dressed in neatly pleated saris, have the attention of commuters at a traffic signal, like always, but this time they are trading their blessings for seatbelts, and not money.

They sing (with their signature clapping of course) and request a  "naughty girl"  and a "chikna mard" to this...
