As is protocol, the Prime Minister of India replied to the Motion of Thanks in both Houses of Parliament; however, his speech did not seem like that of the PM of India but more as a party's political leader who is concerned about the outcome of the upcoming assembly elections. The Prime Minister did not just reduce the occasion to a political speech but missed an opportunity to share with the country his vision to make the forthcoming years truly "Amrut Kaal", considering this period of uncertainty, growing joblessness and rising prices seems more like a "Rahu Kaal".
This year, 99 amendments were moved to the President's address, highlighting core issues like grave unemployment, spying and breach of fundamental rights, communal disharmony, etc. which did not feature in his speech. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister failed to address those amendments and the concerns of fellow parliamentarians and citizens of the country. The Prime Minister spoke more about the misfortunes of Opposition parties and India's first Prime Minister more than the people of this country. He forgets apparently that it was Indians who chose Pandit Nehru to lead the country for 16+ years in times of uncertainty and showed faith in him to lead a newly independent nation to restore India's lost glory. His words aren't a reflection of what Pandit Nehru was, but more of what Shri Modi has reduced himself to.
Since our Prime Minister quoted Pandit Nehru more than other relevant issues during his speech, I would like to quote a part of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's speech on November 15, 1950 that said "The President's address, if I may say so, is not modelled after the address of the President of the United States of America. It is supposed to be a brief statement indicating the general relations of India with the world, and the work we have to do. It is generally speaking, not a controversial document, except for the fact that government policy may be controversial. It is a brief document, certainly not a comprehensive document."
If we compare this to the present address, we will realise how the competence and intellect of discussions have deteriorated and how the government has been using the President's address to further their propaganda. There was a time when debate and discussion were dignified. There was mutual respect and understanding. However, the present level of engagement does not represent the constitutional values and institution of parliament.
Parliamentary addresses are being used as a tool to attack the Opposition for electoral gains, while issues and problems of common people are being side-lined continually. Big promises are being made but there is zero accountability and responsibility on the part of the government. The Prime Minister of course is free to say what he wants, but people will definitely ask for how long will he use the 'pichle 70 saal kya hua' to deflect from current challenges.
The Prime Minister said "During the first wave of Covid-19, migrants were provoked to travel when experts were asking everybody to stay where they were. When people were following lockdowns, guidelines were suggesting that people stay where they are, the state government was giving free tickets to migrant workers to leave Mumbai. As a result, Covid-19 spread rapidly in Punjab, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh." How unreal can the Prime Minister be and how far removed from the reality of his own country? The hate for Maharashtra and its people was so palpable that it was shocking! That his words were far from the truth is well-known.
The country has not forgotten how this government gave a notice of only four hours before the national lockdown. Trains stopped, interstate travel stopped, and life almost came to a halt. Migrants, mainly daily wage labourers, were left stranded during difficult times. The Maharashtra government looked after them and provided them food and shelter. When Shramik Trains started, migrant workers and labourers who were left with no income were being charged for tickets. The state government stepped in to pay their fare. These trains were taken in directions other than their destination, passengers did not have meals or water. The nation cannot and must not forget the heart-wrenching image of a mother lying dead, her two young kids unaware of the tragedy. How can the nation forget the sheer arrogance of the then Railways Minister to politicise the request of state governments for citizens of the country? As the Prime Minister, he must have some sensitivity and some humility about the sufferings faced by his very own people before making these comments. If the PM would have watched closely, he would have seen how these migrant labourers on reaching their homes were first sprayed with sanitisers in abject humiliation. Was raising one's voice against the sufferings a mistake? If the answer is yes as per the Prime Minister, let me tell him that we the people of Maharashtra, will commit all the above 'mistakes' a hundred times over, because that's what is expected from the land of Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj. It won't bow down to the whims and fancies of the Delhi Sultanate.
The Prime Minister very callously shrugged off all his responsibilities and misdoings on state governments. But the nation cannot forget that the second wave was mismanaged because the central government was busy seeking votes at large rallies, disregarding preparations for scaling up beds, oxygen and medicine even when experts across the world were warning the authorities. The Prime Minister must have some honesty in discourse.
Our Prime Minister boasted of women and girl child empowerment. May I remind him how their government utilised the majority of the funds of Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao for advertising and campaigning, how the government has been sitting on the Bill for reservation for women since they came to power in 2014, how women are subjected to sexual harassment in digital spaces by the goons of a certain party?
In another speech, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ji said, "An hon. Member told me that I had lost my place in history because of the attraction of some tinsel, something or other. It is a matter of little consequence, what happens to me in history. It is a matter of little consequence ultimately what happens to any individual present here in history. But it is a matter of very large consequence what happens to India and her millions of people. Therefore, forgetting the personal aspect, I would like to direct your attention to certain basic facts of the situation."
It is indeed true, leaders will come and go, parties will rise and fall, but India shall remain, and it is the responsibility of government in power that the nation continues to flourish. India and the people must come first, always.
(Priyanka Chaturvedi is Member of Rajya Sabha and Deputy Leader Shiv Sena.)
Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author.