A three-year-old child in Madhya Pradesh approached the police with a complain against his mother that she doesn't let him eat candies, and urged the officials to arrest her.
Miffed with his mother, the child, Hamza, asked his father to take him to the police station because his mother "stole" his candies and slapped him.
The video of the incident, which is in wide circulation now, shows Hamza narrating his ordeal to the sub-inspector in Burhanpur's Dedtalai. "Ammi stole my candies, put her in jail," he tells sub-inspector Priyanka Nayak.
Ms Nayak, struggling to control her laughter over the child's innocence, asks him some questions and jots down his concerns, pretending to have registered his complaint.
The child is seen signing that piece of paper. Ms Nayak then assures him that his mother would be arrested soon.
Hamza's father told the police that his mother petted on his cheek gently when he asked for candies.
"That miffed Hamza, and he asked me to take him to the cops," he said.
After the video clip went viral, state Home Minister Narottam Mishra spoke to the child over a video call and promised him that he will send him chocolates and a cycle on Diwali.