Police on Friday arrested a 23-year-old choreographer from Delhi for allegedly raping a student inside her school's toilet in Jodhpur four years ago.
The suspect, identified as Sanam Gill who is a native of Nepal, had settled in Delhi where he was working as choreographer and gym trainer, police said, adding that his family is living in Jodhpur.
According to police, the incident took place in February 2018 when Gill had been engaged to train the children for a cultural performance for the annual function of the school. The survivor was then just five years old, police said.
Police said the incident came to the notice of the survivor's mother three days ago when she was teaching her about good touch and bad touch at home. It was then that the girl told her mother about the ordeal she suffered four years ago at her school.
The shocked mother took the daughter to a doctor, where she was subjected to a sonography test, report of which confirmed rape, police said, adding that the mother then filed a complaint against the choreographer.
Assistant commissioner of police Nishant Bhardwaj, who is investigating the case, said that the suspect had settled in Delhi about a month ago after his work had been affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Describing the incident, ACP Bhardwaj said, "On February 26, 2018, during a training session, he followed the victim to the toilet and raped her there. He threatened her not to tell about the incident to anyone.''
The scared victim did not tell anyone about the incident until a few days ago when her mother sat to educate her about good touch and bad touch, the ACP said.
ACP Bhardwaj said that after the complaint by the girl's mother, police began the investigation and traced the suspect to Delhi from where he was arrested.