Owls are elusive creatures of the night, and it's not that common for most people to see one, but they are also deeply spiritual animals, and if you do catch sight of one during the hours of darkness, it can be hard to shake the feeling that you've experienced something supernatural.
In this kind of situation, if your intuition tells you that something spiritual has just happened, it's almost certainly the case, and to help you understand what you saw, in this post, we discuss 11 spiritual meanings of seeing an owl at night.
Spiritual Meanings of Seeing an Owl at Night
1. Trust your intuition and inner wisdom
Owls represent many things to various cultures around the world, but they are almost universally seen as a symbol of wisdom.
As a result, one of the most obvious ways to interpret a nighttime encounter with an owl is that it is a sign telling you to trust your own inner wisdom and intuition when dealing with something you are facing in your life.
When an owl appears to you like this, it is telling you to trust your instincts and not to be swayed by the opinions of others because in the end, deep down, you are sure that you know best.
2. Be decisive
An owl may also sometimes appear to you to tell you to be decisive and not to waver when faced with an important choice.
You may have a significant decision to make, and you are not sure which way to go. For example, you may have been offered a new job, but you can't decide whether to accept it - or perhaps you are thinking about moving to a new area and don't know if it's the right choice.
At such a time, the message the owl brings to you is to look within yourself for insight into which decision to make - but then when you've made your choice, to stick with it and not doubt or double-guess yourself because the decision you've made will turn out to be correct.
3. Don't make hasty decisions
At the same time, while the owl encourages you to follow your instincts, he also reminds you to spend time considering your options before making your choice.
There's a big difference between making a rash or spontaneous decision and following your gut after spending time considering things deeply and from all angles.
This is an important message an owl can bring to you, so don't rush into things but rather, spend plenty of time thinking things over - and then allow your intuition to guide you when the time comes to make the final decision.
4. Devote more time to your spiritual development
If you are out walking at night and you come across an owl, it can feel like a deeply spiritual and even magical meeting, and this is no coincidence.
As creatures of the night, owls are more closely connected to the world of the spirits than we or many other animals are, and an encounter with an owl and the feelings such an encounter may engender serve as a reminder of the presence of the spirit realm.
The deeply spiritual experience of meeting an owl on a dark night may cause you to reassess the role of spirituality in your life and the amount of time you dedicate to spiritual pursuits, which was exactly the message the owl was meant to bring. Also, if you want to learn more about the spiritual meaning of owls, SpiritualMeanings is a great free resource. it is a spiritual topics guide and spiritual jewelry store.
5. Seek deeper spiritual insight
As nocturnal animals that live, hunt and navigate in the hours of darkness, owls possess powerful senses that can seem almost supernatural to us.
For this reason, seeing an owl at night can also be a message telling us that we need to develop our psychic and spiritual abilities to allow us to come closer to the spirit world and become more receptive to other messages we may receive.
6. Look for a new way of thinking or a different perspective
If you are facing a difficult period in your life and can't see a way out but then an owl appears to you, the message it could be bringing you is that you need to look for a new way of thinking about things or you need to try to view things from a different perspective.
Owls like to perch up high where they can survey the world below them, looking for unsuspecting animals below that they can make into a meal.
This high vantage point gives them a broader perspective of the scene below them, and by emulating the owl and standing back to look at things from further away, you might find you can see things differently, and a new solution may present itself to you.
7. Somebody is about to pass away
One of the more negative associations we have with owls is that they are connected with death, and many people believe that when you see one at night, it presages the imminent death of somebody you know.
However, this is usually quite an uncommon interpretation of seeing an owl at night, so if you do catch sight of one during nighttime hours, you don't need to worry about it unduly.
8. Change or transformation is on the horizon
In spiritual terms, death is usually metaphorical or figurative, and if you see an owl at night, this is more likely to be the way to interpret the omen - and spiritually, with death always comes rebirth, so the message is more likely to be a positive one.
The death the owl is telling you about probably isn't the literal death of a person but rather the death of one part of your life - and with it, the rebirth of something new.
This could be related to something like the end of a relationship, and the relationship in question is most likely to be one you are better off without.
With the metaphorical "death" of the relationship comes your rebirth as a new person who is freed of this toxic relationship, or perhaps it presages the start of a new relationship that wouldn't have been possible before.
Another possibility is that the "death" in question is related to the end of one phase of your life and the start of something new. Perhaps you are about to leave behind a job that you hate and start a new one, with all the exciting possibilities that entails.
Alternatively, the message could be one telling you that you shouldn't be afraid to end something that's holding you back and start something new - since stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself is the only way you will be able to grow.
9. The spirit of a deceased loved one is making contact with you
If you have recently lost someone or you have been missing someone who has passed away, an owl may appear to you at night as a message from your loved one telling you that all is ok and that they are still with you in spirit.
You will probably be able to feel a distinct presence when you meet the owl, and you may even feel a cold shiver or the hair on the back of your neck standing up. These are all signs that the owl is a messenger from the other side and that you are having a supernatural experience.
10. Remain stoical and strong in adversity
Another way owls show their wisdom is in their stoical and seemingly indifferent demeanor, and this is something else the owl may appear to you to remind you to emulate.
Sometimes, when faced with challenging times, it can be all too easy to simply lose your head and panic, but the owl may appear to help you find the courage to remain strong in adversity.
Rather than becoming emotional or acting irrationally, the best course of action may be to keep your cool and think things over calmly and rationally.
In certain situations, it can also help others if you simply manage to keep a calm and steadfast outward appearance - even if inside you don't feel so sure of yourself - and at certain times, this is something you have to force yourself to do.
It could even be that you're out for an evening walk to try to clear your head and find some answers to your problems when you see an owl.
At such a time, it can then be quite obvious what the message is telling you and what you need to do, so keep your head and behave rationally to find a way to resolve the situation satisfactorily.
11. Good luck is on its way
Finally, sometimes you don't need to look for a deep or obscure meaning when you see an owl at night because the omen is simple - it just means that good luck is coming your way.
Many people believe that owls are lucky birds that foretell good fortune, and if your intuition tells you there is no other way to interpret what you saw, you can look forward to something propitious happening in the near future.
A spiritual experience that you should take the time to interpret
If you see an owl at night, the chances are that the encounter wasn't a coincidence, and the experience probably carried a deeper meaning.
To interpret what you saw, you should think about the various challenges and difficulties you are currently facing, and then, by following your intuition and instinct, you will be able to understand the meaning of what you saw.