4 Best At Home Drug Tests Of 2023 - What They Are and How They Work

At-home drug tests are used to detect the drugs present in the system, but it cannot specifically tell the level of those drugs in the users system.

Read Time: 32 mins

Drugs, whether in the form of medicine or as a means of addiction, have become familiar in modern life. This has necessitated the use of an at-home drug test kit. Many of the banned or illegal drugs are nowadays used as medicine in specific doses for certain ailments. The boundary line between such drugs used as medicine or as a means of addiction is quite vague. That means when the use of a certain drug is for medicinal purposes and when it becomes an addiction needs thorough drug testing.



Blood, urine, saliva, hair follicles, and breath can be used as samples in drug testing, depending upon the time gap between the administration of drug and time of testing, type of drugs administered, frequency of use, etc. With the help of at-home drug tests, it can be detected.

Almost for all employers, drug tests for employees have become a common practice. Though certain drugs are legal in some countries, still a positive drug test result may cancel the candidature for certain employment, admission in colleges, etc.


Generally, drug tests should be done in pathological laboratories, but at-home drug test kits are also becoming popular nowadays.

ITG labs : How reliable are at home drug tests ?

ITG lab, located in Redmond, WA, is a renowned testing, analysis, and research lab situated on the East side of Lake Washington. Several top world organizations, including the National Cancer Institute, the World Health Organization, the U.S Army Medical Research and Development Command, and many other agricultural, biotechnological, and pharmaceutical companies trust and depend on the expert teams of this lab. They are specialized in almost all the fields where a pathological diagnosis is required, such as Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Chemical and Occupational Oncology, Environmental Toxicology, Forensic Toxicology, Medical Toxicology, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Pathology, Epidemiology, Hydrogeology, and Pharmacology.


ITG lab extends their function and touches individual life by manufacturing various at-home test kits named Testclear. Their at-home drug test kits are specifically designed for testing specific drugs administered, such as the marijuana test kit, cocaine test kit, and even a steroid test kit. These home drug test kits for urine, saliva, and hair follicle tests offer convenient solutions for individuals seeking reliable drug testing options.


At-home drug test kits are meticulously engineered to deliver results that meet the efficacy standards of the ITG lab. However, it is always advisable to get a registered pathologist's certificate to confirm the results of the at-home drug test.


4 Best At - Home Drug Tests Of 2023

  1. Easy@Home 5 Panel Instant Drug Test Kit
  2. myLab Box Inc. 12 Panel Drug Test
  3. Exploro Highly Sensitive THC Test
  4. Identify Diagnostics 12 Panel Drug Test Cup



Why is the ITG Labs Test Clear?

Besides all the test kits mentioned above, Testclear is a company that tops the popularity list. It offers a variety of products from urine simulation from powdered urine kits to different test kits. Those test kits are easy to use with reliable results. With 25+ years experience and strong market survey results, Testclear becomes synonymous with drug test kits. Unlike many other companies, it has solutions to

At - home tests can be considered as pre-supervised drug tests or preparation to pass scheduled or random drug tests. Depending on the drug test type, frequency of use, intensity of use and the time of last administration of drugs, Testclear provides different solutions to be sure to pass a supervised drug test. It offers solutions for daily users, new or occasional users and moderate users. Urine, saliva, hair follicle and  blood stream,the products of Testclear can remove traces of drugs from all of them and gives the users a clean and safe system.                                 

Testclear also has solutions for 10 days, 7 days, 5 days or 3 days complete body detox.

Among the number of products, Testclear has a separate kit for specific drugs. It has different kits for marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepine, oxycodone, steroids, K2 and nicotine. They all offer different drug tests thus allowing the customers to choose the test kit as per the drugs they have administered. This is the feature of Testclear that makes it peerless in the market.

Different at-home test kits that are offered by Testclear, are discussed below:

Testclear Kits for Home Hair Follicle Test

Traces of different drugs can be found in the hair follicle for the longest periods of time, that is 90 days. Nowadays the hair follicle test is considered as more trusted and accurate than urine or saliva tests. Hair follicle test provides 90 days drug use history.

Each test kit contains a collection kit, instruction sheet, prepaid shipping envelope and label for personal information, and return envelope.

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Visit the Official Website to buy hair confirm

Procedure of Hair Follicle tests:

A hair sample should be collected quickly and mail it to the laboratory. Testclear is the product of ITG labs, the most trusted labs in the field of pathology and drug screening.

List of Drugs Detected by the Hair Test

  • Amphetamine
  • Cocaine
  • Ecstasy
  • Marijuana
  • Methamphetamine
  • Opiates
  • Phencyclidine

FAQ on Hair Drug Screening

Q:1. How long do drugs stay in the hair?

All the drugs do not have the same life span, but all types of drugs stay in the hair follicle for more or less 90 days and for some, more than that. How long the drugs will stay in the hair depends on the type of drug used, frequency, amount of the drug used and tolerance of drugs.

Q:2. How does the test work?

A hair sample of 90 to 120 hair should be collected as per the instruction provided with the HairConfirm test kit. Then the sample should be mailed to the laboratory with the pre-addressed envelope provided with the kit. After mailing the sample, the user should register his/her test with the HairConfirm Specimen ID number, passcode and email address. After that the user can go to the Result section to obtain the result.

Q:3. How soon will drugs be detectable in hair?

It takes time for the traces of drugs to be accumulated in hair. No traces of toxin can be found within 3 to 7 days of drug administrations. So the hair test will show negative results. Long term and frequent users of drugs can be screened using hair follicle tests. For short term drug users urine tests will be idle.

Q:4. How accurate is hair testing?

Among all the drug tests, hair testing is considered most effective and accurate. A radioimmunoassay screen is used to test all the samples. A second confirmatory test is also performed using gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry which can be called the yardstick of any drug test. If both the tests show positive results then only a positive drug test is reported.

Q: 5. How long will it take to receive the result?

HairConfirm hair testing kit of Testclear provides fastest delivery of results. The shipping label included in the kit ensures the laboratory will receive the sample on the next business day. And results will be available within two business days from receiving the sample by the laboratory.   

Q: 6. What cut-off levels are used by the HairConfirm Hair testing kit?

The cut-off levels are different for different types of drugs.

For marijuana - carboxy- THC 1 pg/mg (for screening) and 0.3 pg/mg (confirmation)

For cocaine and benzoylecgonine 500 pg/mg (screening and confirmation)

Opiates - codeine, morphine and 6-MAM (heroin metabolites) 300 pg/mg (screening and confirmation)

PCP - 300 pg/mg

Amphetamine, methamphetamine and ecstasy - 500 pg/mg (screening and confirmation)

pg/mg = picogram per milligram of hair.

Cleansing Shampoo For AT Home Drug Test

Testclear has two different types of shampoo and conditioner that removes all the impurities and chemical buildup.

  • Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner Internal hair Purifying Treatment
  • Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner

The shampoo is capable of removing residue of medication, chemical impurities and other drug related build up from the hair shafts. The added advantage of using the shampoo and conditioner is that it keeps the hair tangle free and voluminous. One thing should be kept in mind that clean and fresh items should be used to avoid accidental contamination of toxins from the used one.

Click here to Buy Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo

This shampoo was previously known to eliminate hair contaminants. But then it becomes popular to remove drug toxins.it should be used everyday before the day of the drug test. With the removal of the toxins it is also helpful in gently removing the environmental pollutants, residual buildup, hard-water minerals, chlorine and impurities that cause dullness to the hair.

Click here to Buy Old Style Aloe Toxin rid Shampoo

Testclear Kit for Passing a Saliva Test

Number one product in the market for saliva tests is also from Testclear. Its name is SalivaConfirm 5 panel Oral Fluid Screening kit. It is a sealed plastic pouch that contains the saliva testing panel. The pouch prevents the panel from contamination and is easy to carry. A reflective material in the pouch shields the testing panel. In that pouch a small plastic box is there that contains test strips on one side and testing swabs on the other. The swab should be used to collect the saliva. While attaching the swab to the test, the hands should be clean or the user should wear gloves. Results come out within 10 minutes from the test. Its accuracy is 99%. It can test a wide variety of drugs like THC, methamphetamine, cocaine, opiates and amphetamines.

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Visit the Official Website to buy Oral Fluid Drug Test Cube

Benefits of SalivaConfirm 5- Panel Oral Fluid Screening Kit

  • It uses latest drug testing technology
  • Convenient and user friendly
  • Pocket friendly
  • Simple interpretation of results
  • Negative results if lines appear
  • Positive results if lines on the test panel do not appear
  • Detects five drug abuse within 10 minutes
  • Detects:
  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Opiates
  • Amphetamines

Frequently Asked Questions on saliva test

What are the other factors that affect the saliva test?

Food, beverages, medicines either prescribed or over-the -counter and mouthwash affects the at-home saliva tests.

Can mouth swabs detect alcohol?

Yes, the saliva alcohol test is conducted using the chemical assay test strip. The chemical assay strip is saturated with the mouth swab collected. Saliva tests can detect blood alcohol in the range of 0.02% to 0.3%.

What should I eat before a saliva test?

Before swab collection for saliva test fasting is not required, rather eating 20 minutes before the swab collection helps in providing accurate results.

Can mouthwash help in alcohol tests?

No, most mouthwashes and other breath fresheners contain ethyl alcohol. Using mouthwash before swab testing for alcohol exaggerates the alcohol content in the swab and results will be positive.

How accurate is a mouth swab drug test?

An oral mouth swab drug test is 97-98% accurate compared to the laboratory GCMS saliva drug test. The same drug and same sample is taken into consideration.

What is a direct saliva drug test?

Direct saliva drug tests are easier, in which swabs need not be collected. The saliva produced directly in the kit. It has a saliva indicator that confirms absorption of enough saliva by the mouth swab. With the direct saliva drug test kit currently only seven drug groups can be detected.

Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash

If the at-home saliva test fails, the user can opt for Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash to pass the test. This mouthwash can remove the detectable toxins from the mouth. It should be used just before the drug test occurs. It contains only one one-ounce liquid.

Instruction to use Toxin Rid Rescue Mouthwash

One third of the mouthwash should be used for just a few minutes, should be put to the mouth and should be held for three minutes and then should be spat out.

This step should be repeated two more times. After rinsing for three times, a mint can be taken for better results.

Testclear At-Home Urine Test Kit

Testclear is the range of products manufactured by ITG to self test drugs in the system and detox the system by a variety of detox plans. Some of them areAmphetamine Home Drug Test Kit, Barbiturate Drug Testing Kit, Benzodiazepine Test Kit, cocaine Drug Test Kit, oxycodone Drug Test Kit, Steroid Drug Testing Kit. Steroid Drug Testing Kit contains all required to collect the urine sample.

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Visit the Official Website to  Buy Powdered Urine Test Kit

Testclear has a number of at home urine test kits and the best thing of it is there are separate urine test kits for different types of drugs. The user can choose from kits to test marijuana, opiates, cocaine, amphetamine, barbiturate, benzodiazepine,ecstasy,methamphetamine, nicotine, oxycodone, steroid drug testing kits.

Each kit comes with a pouch, a test panel and instruction to interpret the results.

Procedures of Urine Test

  1. The pouch should be at room temperature before opening. Test panel should be removed from the sealed pouch as soon as possible.
  2. The cap outside of the test end should be taken off. An arrow is on the panel to show which side to be immersed in the urine sample. The panel should be immersed vertically and not more than 10 - 15 seconds. The panel should not be immersed more than the marked line.
  3. After 10 - 15 seconds the test panel should be placed on a non-absorbent flat surface, and the user should wait for the color lines to appear. The result should be interpreted in 5 minutes. After 10 minutes the result will be inappropriate.

Interpretation of the Results

NEGATIVE: If two lines appear, one in the control region and the other faded line in the test region, that means concentration of drugs in the urine is below the detectable level. The color of the line in the test region can vary, but a vague line also means negative.

POSITIVE: If only one line appears in the control region but no line in the test region of the test panel, it indicates that the drug level is at or above the detectable level.

INVALID: If no lines appear, then the test is invalid. It may happens due to insufficient sample

Testclear Kit for passing Urine Test

As stated before, Testclear has a variety of detox programmes, like 10 days detox programme, 5 days detox programme, 3 days detox programme, 1 days detox programme.

Over the last 25+ years Testclear offers several at-home urine test kits to pass the urine test. In case of an unsupervised urine test, Urine Simulation with a Powdered Urine Kit is best to pass the test.

Frequently Asked Question on Urine test:

Are there any factors that could affect the drug test result?

Yes, results of a urine test for drugs can be affected by several other factors. Whether the user of the test kit is under any prescribed medication or administered over the counter medicine, may change the drug test results. Accurate results can be obtained from fresh human urine samples, old urine or diluted urine can not provide accurate test results. Home drug tests will provide accurate results if urine is collected in the cup provided in the kit directly. The cup is clean and not contaminated

Does a faint line also mean a negative test result?

Yes, a faint line also means a negative test result. If a line in the control panel of the test strip appears, after that any line in the test panel means negative results, passing the test, no matter how faint the line is.

Does drinking large amounts of water affect urine tests?

Drinking large amounts of water is not always helpful. Drinking water prior to urine tests for drugs dilutes the urine. If the drugs are administered long back e.g 20 days, water can wash out the toxins with urine for the days prior to day of test. But for regular marijuana users, water will not make any difference.

Can steroids be traced from urine tests?

Testclear manufactures an at-home steroid test kit known as STEROIDCONFIRM that screens the urine sample and detects presence of any type of steroids in the urine much below the cut-off level.

How long does a steroid stay in the system(body)?

Depending upon the compound of steroids, it remains in the body for different time periods. Deca-durabolin, Norandren, Dynabolan, Anabolicum, Turanabol, Depot, Durabolin, Anabolin, Fenobolin and Turinabolcan remain in the system for 12 to 18 months. Anadrol, Anapolin, Hemogenin, Stenox, Halotesten and Winstrol remain for 2 to 4 months, Nilevar and Parabolan stay 2 to 6 weeks and Clenbuterol, Testosterone, Undecanoate wash out within a day.

Urine Simulation with a Powdered Urine Kit

For random, surprised drug tests, when there is no time to detox, Testclear comes with multiple solutions of masking the original urine sample with a fake one. Urine Simulator with a Powdered Urine Kit and Urinator are two such products that come to the rescue of the users.

This powdered urine kit is far better than other liquid synthetic urine. This simulation powder contains all chemical components of natural urine and especially uric acid.

Instruction to use the Urine Simulation Kit

First the powder should be mixed with water at room temperature. The heater should be attached to the vial opposite to temperature strips an hour before the collection of samples for testing. The color, odor and texture is the same as the original sample. Obviously it will be toxin-free and clean. It surely has passed the experiments. The kit has an extra heater and one can opt for a digital thermometer. The beginners should opt for the digital thermometer as it covers a broader range of temperature reading.

Powdered urine kit makes a vast difference in results compared to the fake liquid urine kit. Unlike fake liquid urine, powdered urine kits pass the test even if tested on bedding, diapers and other objects that commonly come in contact with urine..

Urinator by Testclear

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Visit the Official Website to Buy Urinator

Urinator is the urine testing device from Testclear. It is electronic and capable of maintaining the testing temperature for at least 4 hours. The temperature of urine to be tested should be 37 degrees. The urinator device contains:

  • Two free powdered urine vials
  • A stainless steel sensor rod for maintaining accurate temperature
  • A computerized digital controller to maintain the correct temperature.
  • Two nine volt batteries
  • A thermal insulating mini blankets and an IV  bag
  • A 100 ml dual-port vinyl bag

How does the Urinator Work

Donors urine is stored in the IV bag  and it can be concealed under the clothes. A flexible tube that is stretched out from the IV bag. If the clamp of the bag is released, the liquid of the IV bag will flow due to the gravity.

Besides hair follicles, saliva and urine tests that can be conducted at home, at-home breathalyzers are also available to test the alcohol in blood. It is a small device that takes the air exhaled from the lungs and indicates the amount of alcohol in the blood known as blood alcohol content or BAC.


ITG LABS offers a range of drug identification kits, each priced at $9.95, to help individuals test for specific substances. Here's a list of the available kits:

  • MDMA - Ecstasy Identification Test : Designed to identify MDMA (Ecstasy).
  • Crack Cocaine Identification Kit : Specifically for detecting crack cocaine.
  • Cocaine Identification Kit : For the identification of cocaine.
  • Marijuana Identification Test : Used to test for the presence of marijuana.
  • Cocaine Water Identification Kit : Designed to identify cocaine in water or alcohol.
  • LSD Identification Kit : Used for the identification of LSD.
  • PCP Identification Test : Specifically for detecting PCP (Phencyclidine).
  • Cocaine Swab Identification Kit : For identifying cocaine residues.
  • Heroin / Oxycontin Identification Test Kit : Designed to identify heroin or OxyContin.
  • Methamphetamine Residue Swab : Used for the identification of methamphetamine residues.
  • Methamphetamine Identification Kit : Specifically for detecting methamphetamine.
  • GHB Identification Test : Designed to identify GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate).
  • Methadone Identification Test : Used for the identification of methadone.
  • Amphetamine Identification Test : Specifically for detecting amphetamines.
  • Heroin Identification Test : Designed to identify heroin residues.

These test kits allow individuals to conduct drug tests at home for various substances, providing a convenient and discreet way to check for the presence of specific drugs or their residues. It's essential to follow the provided instructions carefully for accurate results.

Click here to Buy at home drug kit for identification of drugs

Benefits of At-Home Drug Test

At-home drug tests cover a wide range of drugs to be tested and the testing procedures are also different. Actually, at-home tests are conducted to keep  oneself ready for random employers drug tests or driving license related issues.

Any Time Test: At- home drug tests can be done at any time. No prior appointment is required, time saving for the owner.

Privacy: At- home drug tests maintain the test takers privacy. Besides the persons who are taking the test, no one else knows about the test and results.

Convenient: At-home drug tests are easy and user friendly. The kits are small enough to carry it anywhere and perform the test

Affordability: The drug testing kits are comparatively much cheaper than the laboratory test.

Accurate and quick results: results of such kits can be obtained as long as after 5 minutes of the test. The instructions should be read carefully.

Restrain children from taking drugs: As the children are aware of such tests, they will give drugs a second thought. Parents can easily detect the drug abuse if their teenagers ever encounter drugs.

No Technician is required

No lab or trained technician is required for the drug tests using at-home drug tests.

Disadvantages of at-home drug tests

Selected drugs can be detected:

The at-home test kits are not suitable for testing all the drugs. As it is a complex process and it is not possible to cover all the drugs by some single formula to analyze all of them. The available at-home drug testing kits can detect some of the well known and common drugs. New and less common drugs can't be detected by the kits available.

Needs Confirmation Testing:

The results of the at-home drug test are not approved by many governing bodies. If the result is positive, the user definitely opts for a second opinion with lab tests, and negative results can not be produced as the proof of a drug free system, as authorities never trust those results. No at-home drug test kits provide any certificate of negative drug test result.

Can Not Test the Minors:

Experts do not recommend the at-home drug test for minors. In situations where a minor is subjected for such a test, lab testing will be idle. The test itself can't reduce drug addiction. And drug testing is not always for consuming illegal drugs, but to cure certain diseases or to check about allergic reactions of any medicine to the minor, the tests are recommended.                   

Who should use an at-home drug test?

At-home drug tests are used by a number of persons as enlisted below:

Employment: to maintain a drug free work environment, employees are often asked to go through a pre-employment drug test or should go through routine or random drug tests. When the employers are ready to accept at-home drug tests, employees can prove themselves as drug free.

Legal: In some situations, legal bodies do not accept at home drug tests as the proof of being drug free. In such cases prior approval of the legal bodies is necessary.

Clinical: Sometimes a drug free certificate should be produced as a proof of taking responsibilities or to get the claim of insurance coverages.

Personal: Parents can perform at-home drug tests to check whether their children are free of drugs. And sometimes individuals who are about to face a drug test can opt for an at-home drug test just to be sure of being drug free.

The at-home drug tests have many positive outcomes. Certain things should be kept in mind. Consumption of poppy seeds, use of mouth washes and other various outside factors can lead to positive results in at-home saliva drug tests. In such cases the result of at-home drug tests should be confirmed with a second opinion and that is from a lab test report.

Urine drug tests are based on a strong scientific base and advanced technology. Cost of urine test kits is also less than any other type of test, results can be known within 10 minutes. These drug test kits are easy to store, carry and have a longer shelf life. Most home drug test kits are FDA approved.

Frequently asked questions about At-Home Drug Test:

How accurate are at-home drug tests?

At-home drug tests are used to  detect the drugs present in the system, but it cannot specifically tell the level  of those drugs in the users' system.

Some synthetic, lab made drugs which are complex in nature may not be detected by the at-home test kit. The formulation of those drugs are changing continuously.

Accuracy of the test kits are never 100%. False positive or false negative results may come out.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

How long will drugs show in a urine test?

Depending on the type of drugs, it can be detected from the urine.  Marijuana can be  detected within 1 to 3 hrs of administering and as long as 7 days after that.

THC, a component of marijuana can be detected for several weeks from the systems.

How do false positive results occur in at-home drug tests?

False positive results occur when the drug that is consumed and the kit that is designed to test a drug is different.

Following are the causes of false positive results:

  • If poppy seeds are consumed before testing for opioids drug, results will be positive, even though opioids are not administered.
  • Antidepressants and other medications can result in positive results of at-home drug tests for opioids or amphetamines type of drugs..
  • In marijuana testing, eating food that contains hemp or taking over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can show positive results, even though no marijuana is consumed.
  • In case of testing for PCP, false positive test results may occur due to medication of cold medicines.

How do false positive results occur in at-home drug tests?

At home drug tests result in false negative indications due to various reasons. When a drug test is negative even though the drug test kit that is designed to detect the same, the result is said to be negative.

The causes of false negative results are as follows:

  • False sample collection
  • Administered drug is not in the test ‘s detection window
  • New or modified version of drug is used
  • Tampering of the container in which the sample is collected
  • Sample is adulterated
  • Drug test kit of a particular class of drug is sometimes unable to detect certain drugs of that class. e.g. - test kit for amphetamine drugs are unable to detect MDMA, MDA or methamphetamine

List of the drugs not commonly covered by At Home drug test kits

  • Meperidine and fentanyl
  • Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
  • lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)


Due to the imposing situation created by the strict approaches of multinational corporations and other institutions, at-home drug tests and drug test kits are now a necessity for employees and candidates seeking to evade the stringent drug testing requirements. There are a number of ways to dodge a drug test, even for those who have taken drugs. However, it's crucial to note that authorities, employers, and legal bodies will only consider negative drug test results as acceptable. While a negative drug test result is essential, it's not the only factor to consider. The physical, social, and monetary toll that a drug abuser faces is enormous, and no kit can magically transform such situations into positivity. It is always better to stay away from drugs. However, for situations involving unknowing administration or accidental use, Testclear is there to provide assurance in passing the at-home drug test.

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