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This Article is From Apr 25, 2023

5 Best SARMs For Bulking 2023 - Bulk Up And Pack On Lean Muscle

With the best SARMs for bulking, anyone can boost testosterone naturally, improve muscle strength and build lean muscle mass quickly.

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It doesn't matter who you are, anyone can bulk up and gain muscle as long as they follow an effective workout program and make sure they eat enough calories and protein. However, these gains can be slow, especially after the first month or two of training. Because of this, many people are turning to supplements to help them pack on lean muscle mass, whether this is to improve their sporting performance or just to get bigger and stronger.

Unfortunately, many trainees fall victim to supplements that promise a lot and deliver little in terms of muscle gain, or which come with bad side effects that easily outweigh their benefits. Some even turn to illegal and seriously dangerous methods such as anabolic steroids to help them pack on the pounds faster. Thankfully, we've evaluated all of the options and picked out the best SARMs for bulking so that you can experience some seriously rapid muscle growth without the side effects.

The 5 Best SARMs for Bulking

  • SARMs Bulking Stack: Best Overall Bulking and Performance Option
  • TESTOL 140: Best for Lean Gains and Fat Burning
  • IBUTA 677: Boosts Growth Hormone and Enhances Recovery
  • LIGAN 4033: Best for Hard and Heavy Training
  • OSTABULK: Best for Maintaining Balanced Vitamin, Mineral, and Hormone Levels

#1- Crazybulk's SARMs Bulking Stack: Best Overall Bulking and Performance Option

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

This incredible bulking stack includes four powerful SARMs supplements that work together to take your muscle gains to the next level. With OSTA 2866, LIGAN 4033, TESTOL 140, and IBUTA 677 all included, you can be sure that you're reaping all of the benefits that these SARM supplements have to offer.

The effects of this stack don't just include an incredible increase in the rate at which you can gain muscle, but also big increases in strength, endurance, and recovery. This means that you can train harder, longer, and more often, further compounding your muscle gains.

In order to truly appreciate just how much this stack can accelerate your progress and boost your results, we need to take a quick look at the benefits each individual supplement has to offer.

  • OSTA 2866: As well as increasing muscle gains, this supplement boosts ATP production, allowing you to squeeze out more reps, meaning more gains. It can also help you cut excess body fat.
  • LIGAN 4033: This supplement raises your natural testosterone levels, providing the ideal hormonal conditions for you to increase your lean muscle mass whilst gaining strength and keeping excess fat off. Increased testosterone levels can also lift your mood and provide you with a feeling of well-being that will benefit you both in and out of the gym.
  • TESTOL 140: The natural ingredients in this supplement boost testosterone and increase blood flow to your muscles, meaning faster recovery, better pumps, and increased muscle growth and vascularity.
  • IBUTA 677: Delivering natural increases in levels of human growth hormone and boosting focus, this supplement contributes to muscle growth in a way that rounds this stack out nicely. The growth hormone directly raises your muscle-building ability, and the increased focus allows you to stay in the zone during your workouts in order to get the best results. It also improves rates of recovery in the muscles and throughout the body.

As you can see, this stack consists of some of the best SARMs for bulking. Each has its own unique formulation and provides unique benefits, meaning that this stack delivers on all counts. When you take this SARMs supplement stack, you know you have the peak natural levels of both testosterone and growth hormone for recovery, muscle growth, and general well-being.

Since these muscle-building supplements are so powerful, it can be reassuring to know that you're combining them in a way that is recommended by experts and that allows you to leverage the relative strengths of each one. This way you know you can truly push your lean muscle gains to the maximum without side effects or unnatural chemicals and pack on mass even if you're naturally skinny and have struggled to gain weight in the past.

You'll also be happy to know that buying this stack means getting a discount over buying the included supplements individually, making it a cost-effective option for accelerating your gains.

Key Benefits

  • Combines the best SARMs for bulking to push your muscle gains to the maximum
  • Offers substantial boosts in both testosterone and growth hormone levels
  • Improves strength and muscular endurance as well as mood and general health
  • Better value and more reliable than attempting to make your own stack

Find out more and experience the benefits of this SARMs bulking stack for yourself here.

#2- TESTOL 140: Best for Lean Gains

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

TESTOL 140 offers a safe and natural alternative to RAD-140, also known as Testostelone, considered to be one of the most powerful SARMs. TESTOL 140 provides a perfect substitute as one of the most powerful alternatives whilst avoiding the nasty side effects that RAD-140 can bring.

By using a combination of the most powerful natural ingredients, this mass-building supplement skyrockets your natural testosterone levels, putting you in a hormonal situation that's ideal for massive gains in lean muscle, whilst enhancing your ability to burn body fat and build new muscle. All of this contributes to that cut and jacked look that many men are looking for. Simply looking at some of the ingredients in this product will easily show you just how serious it is.

Magnesium: This mineral plays a key role in muscle contraction and relaxation as well as creating the ATP energy used when you lift weights, meaning that it will allow you to lift harder and recover faster between sets for greater gains in the gym. It's also scientifically proven to boost your natural testosterone levels.

Zinc Citrate: Zinc plays an essential role in protein synthesis, the process by which your body builds lean muscle tissue, and is required to maintain testosterone levels in your body. The citrate form is more easily absorbed and utilized than other forms such as zinc oxide, meaning you can make the most of its muscle-building benefits.

Vitamins D3 and B6: Both of these vitamins have been shown to have natural performance-enhancing effects and a positive influence on your ability to build lean muscle mass, with D3 also further raising free and total testosterone levels.

Fenugreek and KSM-66 Ashwagandha: These two herbal extracts are known for boosting levels of testosterone and other beneficial hormones naturally, raising your muscle-building potential and raising your performance in the gym and out of it.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Also known as CLA, this fatty acid is a powerful fat burner, allowing you to get shredded whilst freeing up more energy for muscle building.

With ingredients like this, you can be sure that TESTOL 140 will push your natural testosterone levels to the max, whilst getting you ripped by simultaneously helping you pack on the muscle and lose body fat. The improvements to your hormone balance can also manifest in improvements in mood and energy levels as well.

Key Benefits

  • Raises your free and total testosterone levels
  • Enhances strength and allows for more powerful muscle contractions
  • Directly impacts muscle cells and protein synthesis for increased growth potential
  • Powerful fat-burning effects allow you to lose fat whilst still gaining muscle

Find out more and experience the benefits of TESTOL 140 for yourself here.

#3- IBUTA 677: Boosts Growth Hormone and Improves Recovery 

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Much like the popular but controversial SARM MK-677, also known as ibutamoren, IBUTA 677 has a unique benefit in that it increases the release of growth hormone in the body, which enhances muscle growth and recovery in a different way to the other SARMs in our list.

Growth hormone itself acts within cells throughout your body, including in your muscles, to stimulate various metabolic processes. With our focus on bulking up and building serious mass, it's good to know that these processes include building new muscle mass and repairing any damage sustained by the muscle during exercise. It can also help your body to heal faster from other injuries, meaning that you can be back to making gains more quickly.

Elevated human growth hormone levels aren't the only improvement you'll notice from IBUTA 677 though. You can also expect to enjoy increased levels of focus that will keep you in the zone whether you're working out, playing sports, working, or studying.

Taking a look at the ingredients in this highly effective SARM alternative makes it clear how effective it is at accomplishing its goals.

Zinc Citrate: As well as being necessary to maintain healthy testosterone levels and playing a role in the synthesis of new lean muscle tissue, zinc interacts with growth hormone on the cellular level, allowing it to function properly within your muscle cells. Its inclusion here ensures that you're making the most of the enhanced release stimulated by the other ingredients. Once again, the zinc in this supplement is of the more easily processed and utilized citrate form for maximum results.

Vitamin B5: Also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 is used in the production of hormones such as testosterone, and red blood cells which are essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. Further to this, it improves your ability to release energy from food, helping you to bulk up even if you have trouble gaining weight, and is believed to speed up healing, complimenting the other recovery benefits offered by this supplement.

Amino Acids: IBUTA 677 includes a blend of amino acids composed of L-arginine, L-lysine, L-ornithine, L-tyrosine, glycine, and glutamine. Each of these six amino acids is scientifically recognized for their ability to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce and release more growth hormone, so you can be confident that this combined blend will absolutely flood your body with it, naturally improving growth and recovery. They are also used in the building of muscle and have a range of individual benefits with, for example, glycine improving sleep quality and L-tyrosine improving cognitive function for increased focus. These benefits combine to provide you with an additional advantage when it comes to building muscle.

Key Benefits

  • Stimulates the production and release of growth hormone
  • Improves muscle gain and recovery throughout the body
  • Allows you to utilize nutrients from food more efficiently
  • Increases focus and improves sleep quality

Find out more and experience the benefits of IBUTA 677 for yourself here.

#4- LIGAN 4033: Best for Hard and Heavy Training

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Ligandrol, or LGD-4033, has long been regarded as one of the best SARMs for bulking and absolute weight gain, and now with LIGAN 4033 you can enjoy significant bulking benefits and increases in powerful hormones like testosterone without the risks and side effects while also increasing energy and endurance. This means direct performance improvements which you can easily translate into major gains in lean muscle mass.

On top of this, it also contains compounds that can protect you from joint pain and, minimize inflammation, and reduce the damage taken by your muscles when you exercise, meaning you can train harder and more often, providing even more muscle growth.

Examining the ingredients in this supplement shows just how potent and well-rounded the benefits are.

Vitamin D: This vitamin is included in its most effective D3 form, and has been shown to raise testosterone levels as well as directly acting in the muscle cells to boost strength, performance, and growth.

VitaCholine: VitaCholine is the peak form of the B vitamin choline. This essential vitamin has a lot of uses in the body but is often in short supply. It's utilized in the processing of fat for energy but is particularly noteworthy for its mental benefits, increasing memory and cognitive performance, which means better workouts and improvements across all areas of your life. It's also directly involved in controlling muscle movement and even your heartbeat, which could help you get the most out of whatever exercise you choose to do.

Methyl Sulfonyl Methane: Often referred to as MSM, this compound has powerful anti-inflammatory effects, reduces the damage taken by your muscles for faster recovery between workouts, and protects your joints, something you'll definitely appreciate if you're training hard and heavy.

Caffeine Anhydrous: This is a form of dehydrated caffeine which is easily absorbed and delivers serious increases in muscle strength and endurance almost immediately after it's taken, as well as delivering rapid increases in motivation and focus whilst staving off fatigue. By directing these psychological impacts into your training, you can effectively fuel some major muscle growth.

Beetroot Extract: This common plant packs a surprise in the form of high levels of dietary nitrates. These nitrates, along with the mineral boron which is also found in the plant, can lead to significant increases in testosterone levels as well as nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates your blood vessels, allowing more nutrients to flow into your muscles for increased growth.

Schisandra chinensis: This plant is known to also have a positive impact on testosterone, but its most major impact is its proven ability to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol during and after strenuous exercise. This is great news for anyone looking to bulk up as higher cortisol levels mean increased fat storage and inhibited muscle growth.

Key Benefits

  • Provides direct performance improvements in terms of strength and endurance
  • Combines physical benefits with an increase in mental performance
  • Allows for more frequent training by reducing muscle damage and inflammation
  • Protects the joints which is important when lifting heavy

Find out more and experience the benefits of LIGAN 4033 for yourself here.

#5- OSTABULK: Best for Maintaining Balanced Vitamin, Mineral, and Hormone Levels

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

OSTABULK provides the benefits of previously popular SARM Ostarine, also known as MK2866 and enobosarm, but in an all-natural product that is completely legal and free from side effects. It contains a well-rounded set of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that work together to truly optimize the production of testosterone and several other hormones which either directly or indirectly help you gain lean muscle mass.

The impressive range of ingredients also confers a number of other health benefits which help you absorb and utilize nutrients, keep your brain, muscle, and nervous system functioning well, and support general health. These benefits are of course worthwhile in their own right, but they also mean better recovery for better training, which allows you to build more muscle mass.

With nearly a dozen proven muscle-building ingredients included in this SARM alternative supplement, it's worth getting some perspective on just how they work to allow you to rapidly gain muscle mass while also stepping up your strength and recovery.

Zinc and Magnesium: These two minerals are both shown to naturally increase testosterone levels, as well as enabling the chemical reactions which are required to gain muscle mass. Notably, both of them are included in the more available citrate form so you can take full advantage of them.

Vitamins B6 and D3: These vitamins give you a hefty performance boost, allowing you to work hard and build more muscle. Vitamin D3 also works with the other ingredients in OSTABULK to increase testosterone levels while B6 lifts your mood and increases energy levels.

Vitamin K1: This is one of two common forms of vitamin K and is effective for increasing the levels of this vitamin stored in your body. This is important as high levels of vitamin K are correlated with greater levels of strength and muscle mass and higher physical performance.

D-Aspartic Acid: This amino acid is used in the production of testosterone and also triggers the release of luteinizing hormone, which in turn triggers even more testosterone production, pushing your body further into the ideal state to gain lean muscle mass.

Nettle Leaf Extract: Whilst it doesn't directly increase testosterone production, this plant extract does increase the amount of testosterone that is available to stimulate muscle growth. Not only does it free testosterone from other proteins which can bind to it and stop it from acting on your muscles, but it can also inhibit aromatization. Aromatization is the process by which testosterone is converted to estrogen, so decreasing it leads to a better hormonal balance which encourages muscle growth and decreases fat storage.

Fenugreek and Ginseng: Unlike the nettle leaf extract, these herbal ingredients do directly increase total testosterone. With the nettle leaf extract preventing all this additional testosterone from converting into estrogen or being rendered inactive by other proteins, you can be sure that you'll notice the effects in terms of increased muscle growth.

Boron Citrate: Boron is another essential mineral that is necessary to maintain good health but also comes with some major bonuses for anyone looking to bulk up and gain lean mass. Not only does it accelerate healing and assist with the absorption of the magnesium also found in OSTABULK, but it improves how well you're able to utilize testosterone and vitamin D, meaning that they'll be able to trigger even more lean muscle growth.

Bioperine Black Pepper Extract: This specialized black pepper extract enhances the absorption of all of the vitamins, minerals, and herbal ingredients found in this supplement, allowing them to really take your gains to the next level.

Key Benefits

  • Not only boosts testosterone but ensures it stays available for your muscles to use
  • Prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen
  • Provides a range of mental and physical performance boosts that work well together
  • Keeps your vitamin and mineral levels in optimal muscle-building range

How Did We Make This List?

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

There are a lot of SARM alternatives on the market and you may rightfully wonder just how we determined these five to be the absolute best when it comes to bulking up and increasing muscle mass. Here are some of the major factors which we took into account when ranking these supplements.

Muscle Building Potential

To stand a chance of being in our top picks, a supplement has to be formulated with ingredients that are proven to be effective at building lean muscle mass, and they must be included at a high enough dose for you to reap their full muscle-building benefits.

Additional Benefits

Whilst muscle gain always remained the top priority, we also considered any additional advantages that these supplements offered. This includes significant benefits that can indirectly support muscle growth and enhance athletic performance, such as increases in strength and endurance and decreases in body fat, as well as those which simply help you to maintain good health and well-being.


All of the supplements recommended here are formulated using natural ingredients at safe but effective dosages meaning minimal risks of side effects in both the short and long term. Further to this, we've ensured that their ingredients don't include any substances which are legally restricted or which are disallowed by sporting authorities.

Customer Reviews

Analyzing customer reviews is one of the best ways to know that any product really delivers on its promises, and supplements are no exception. They also make it easy to spot any unexpected issues or side effects. Every one of these top SARM alternatives has glowing reviews, proving that they're the real deal when it comes to building muscle mass.

Brand Reputation and Reliability

We would never recommend any supplement unless we trusted the manufacturer completely, meaning that when you choose one of these supplements, you're getting exactly what you expect. They're produced to the highest standards of quality control and consist of exactly what they say on the label, nothing more, nothing less.

Value for Money

Supplements aren't always cheap and so it's natural to want to know you're getting the most bang for your buck. These supplements all provide proven results at a fair and reasonable price point, meaning you'll truly be getting your money's worth.

How Do I Use These SARM Supplements?

These SARM supplements come in pill form and are taken with water, typically either a short while before your first meal or before breakfast. The timing and number of pills required to give you the optimum muscle-building effect varies from one to the next, so be sure to read and follow the manufacturer's directions as printed on the bottle and listed on their website.

In order to get the full impact of these potent muscle builders, you'll need to combine them with an effective exercise routine focused on building lean muscle mass and a diet conducive to your weight gain goals, though we have no doubt that seeing your muscle strength and size gains will provide all of the motivation you need.

What are the Best Ingredients for SARM Supplements?

To be considered one of the best, any ingredient will need to be natural, safe, and healthy whilst also providing a noticeable contribution to muscle growth. Fortunately, every one of the supplements on this list is packed with ingredients like this. The below are just some of the more common ones you'll want to look out for.


Zinc is an essential mineral with many uses in the human body and is required for over 100 different enzymes to carry out their chemical reactions. As well as contributing to general health through maintaining strong bones, an effective immune system, and normal cognitive function, it also plays a key role in building proteins. This last point is of interest as building additional protein is one of the key elements of muscle growth and recovery. What's more, if you're not getting enough zinc, you'll have lower testosterone levels, meaning decreased muscle gains.

There are multiple different forms of zinc available in supplements and some are more effective than others. The supplements on our list that include zinc all use zinc citrate, which contains a high level of elemental zinc and is better absorbed than other forms such as zinc oxide. That means you'll be gaining more of the benefits that this mineral has to offer.


Magnesium is another essential mineral that fills multiple roles in the body. In fact, its use is even more broad than zinc's, being involved in over 300 different enzyme reactions, regulating everything from blood pressure levels to muscle and nerve function. This includes providing the energy to contract your muscles and then allowing them to relax afterward, meaning that with magnesium you'll be able to lift harder and then recover better.

Studies have also shown that supplements containing magnesium raise both free and total testosterone levels in both sedentary people and athletes, meaning better results in terms of strength and muscle gains.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D, which some scientists believe to be more accurately classified as a hormone than a vitamin, can have a huge impact on your muscle-building potential. Supplements containing vitamin D have been shown to directly increase levels of free, total, and bioactive testosterone. In addition to this, it has a direct impact on muscle cells including whether they are in a state of growth.

Vitamin D comes in two forms, D2 and D3, with the latter being notably more effective at increasing vitamin D levels in the body, making it the preferred variant for use in supplements that aim to increase muscle mass.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is part of the vitamin B complex and, like the other B vitamins, serves a host of functions in the body. As well as increasing energy levels and helping you to stay in a positive mood, it influences your muscle and metabolism in ways that directly push you towards your fitness and physique goals.

Multiple studies have suggested that it has performance-enhancing benefits and it is believed to have favorable effects on muscle tissue. In terms of metabolism, it helps you absorb and utilize amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle, as well as improving fat metabolism. That means that vitamin B6 makes your body more efficient at both building muscle and burning fat, helping you to bulk up whilst staying lean.


Fenugreek is a type of herb that is native to parts of Europe and Asia and is similar to clover. This herb has some serious muscle-building potential though, having been shown to boost free and total testosterone levels and allow men and women to maintain muscle and strength even while shedding body fat and without any side effects.

D-Aspartic Acid

This amino acid is becoming a staple in bodybuilding supplements aimed at increasing testosterone levels and for good reason, raising your natural production in multiple ways. It directly increases the production of testosterone while also triggering the release of growth hormone and luteinizing hormone, which in turn triggers the production of even more testosterone, leading to a cascade of muscle-building hormones.


Caffeine is mostly known for its ability to stave off feelings of tiredness, but it has also been shown to improve muscular strength and endurance. This alone would make it worthy of inclusion, but being able to train longer and with heavier weights will certainly help you to burn fat and bulk up faster.


Known as the “king of all herbs” for its many health benefits, ginseng has long been used to promote general health and well-being, but research has now confirmed that it increases levels of testosterone along with related hormones such as DHT and luteinizing hormone, which can help you bulk up and pack on the muscle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get better results by taking higher dosages?

The recommended dosages as suggested by the manufacturers of our top muscle-building supplements have been carefully determined to give the best results and maximum muscle growth. Taking more is not recommended as it is very unlikely to give better results but may increase your risk of side effects.

Is it safe to combine these supplements?

Many athletes and bodybuilders choose to combine or ‘stack' SARMs or other supplements by taking several at the same time. This is generally safe, especially when you're talking about supplements like the ones on this list which are made from natural ingredients and have little to no side effects, but that doesn't mean you're getting the most benefit. That's why products such as the SARMs bulking stack featured here exist. These premade stacks ensure that you're getting a combination of supplements that complement each other and work well together to deliver the best results in terms of strength and muscle gains. On top of this, they can also offer you a fairly substantial saving when compared to attempting to put your own stack together.

How long will it take for me to see results?

Even when you're eating right, training correctly, and taking the best supplements, gaining size and strength takes time. You're likely to feel improvements in your energy and mood soon after starting to take these supplements regularly, in some cases potentially even after the first dose, but you shouldn't be surprised if it takes somewhere between a few weeks and a few months for significant gains in lean mass to become fully apparent.

Do I need to gain fat to bulk up?

Although many bodybuilders and some athletes choose to split their training into bulking and cutting cycles where they focus on gaining muscle at the expense of also gaining excess fat and then on struggling to lose this fat after, it isn't necessary. With these supplements and some smart training and dieting, you can build lean muscle mass and burn fat at the same time, allowing for an impressive overall change in your physique.

Are SARMs legal?

Whilst sales of the original SARMs, also known as selective androgen receptor modulators, for human consumption are restricted by the FDA, all of the muscle-building supplements on this page are 100% legal. What's more, the ingredients included in them aren't prohibited by anti-doping agencies either, making them a perfect choice for athletes looking to pack on muscle and strength to step up their performance.

Do these SARMs have any side effects?

Although any supplement can have side effects, the SARM alternatives on this page are made with all-natural ingredients and aim to improve your mood and general health along with your ability to gain size. This means that side effects are unlikely and if you do experience them, they're likely to be minor and short-lived. This is very different from the original SARMs, which were made in a lab from artificial chemicals, but means that you can enjoy the muscle-building benefits without risking your health.

Do I need to cycle these supplements?

It's not uncommon to hear about cycling on and off supplements, but this isn't necessary when you're using these natural SARM alternatives. Cycling is usually performed to avoid the build-up of nasty side effects and to allow your natural testosterone production to recover. They don't contain any harsh chemicals that would put a strain on your organs and work to naturally support your testosterone production and general health, meaning there's no need to take a break.

Is it necessary to perform any post-cycle therapy?

Post-cycle therapy is the process of taking supplements or medication to assist your body's recovery once you stop taking a muscle-enhancing chemical or supplement. This is most common with anabolic steroids but, unlike anabolic steroids, our top supplements don't suppress your natural hormone production, strain your liver, or have other chronic side effects. This means that, if you do decide to stop taking them for any reason, the only thing you need to worry about is not gaining muscle as fast as you did when you were taking them.


Building muscle isn't quick or easy, but by choosing one of the best bulking SARMs you can really amplify your progress, meaning noticeable results in less time. They don't just increase your muscle gains though as they also provide serious boosts to your strength and endurance whilst increasing your focus and drive. It doesn't matter whether you're an athlete, a bodybuilder, or simply want to be a little bigger and stronger, these safe, natural, and effective supplements can help you reach your goals.

Even though everything in the fitness world takes time, you may be surprised at just how fast a little hard work manifests as noticeable results when you have one of the most effective supplements on the market supporting you. Our top pick is definitely Crazybulk's SARMs bulking stack, which combines all the best SARMs for bulking, but any product in our top five will give you some serious results.

All that's left for you to do now is to decide which of our top five options is right for you and get to work. In just a few weeks you could be smashing PRs in the gym with your newfound strength and turning heads in the street with your serious gains in lean muscle, all while looking leaner and feeling better than ever.

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.

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