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This Article is From Jan 11, 2024

Best Selling Bulking Steroids for Muscle Growth |Top Stacks and Suppliers in 2024

Steroids belong to a large group of lipids including many molecules (known as "isoprenoids"). All these compounds include in their molecule one or more units with 5 carbon atoms and form the isoprene group.

Best Selling Bulking Steroids for Muscle Growth |Top Stacks and Suppliers in 2024

Anabolic steroids are designed to resemble testosterone

This article presents and discusses the best 5 (and 100% safe) non-chemical options for ultimate bulking.

The best 5 natural steroids that have become a "must" in bodybuilding.

Steroids – Introductory note

Steroids are an extremely popular choice in sports, and especially in bodybuilding culture.

Steroids are a family of organic molecules existing in nature and found with a particular distribution of 4 cycloalkyl rings joined together.

They come from sterane and have great biochemical and certainly also medical interest.

Examples of steroid substances are (as unlikely as it sounds) cholesterol, as well as many hormones (such as testosterone, estrogen and cortisol).

The steroidal carbon skeleton consists - as mentioned before - of 4 rings joined together.

Each of these 4 rings has 2 atoms in common with another.

The 3 rings consist of 6 carbon atoms, while the 4 only consist of 5.

Steroids belong to a large group of lipids including many molecules (known as "isoprenoids").

All these compounds include in their molecule one or more units with 5 carbon atoms and form the isoprene group.

They have become hugely popular as they help men achieve their full potential (in the gym, but also in bed).

In fact, they belong to a large group of fat-soluble organic compounds being in huge global demand in medical, and in non-medical cases.

In men as well as in women.

For ambitious athletes to improve their performance, but also for men wishing to achieve an extra improvement in their sexual performance.

The most widely known steroids are anabolic steroids.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances imitating the action of testosterone and helping in rapid muscle growth and stimulation of male sexual characteristics.

This article provides more valuable information about the action of anabolic steroids, while it takes a detailed look at the best 5 best-selling natural steroids.

  • D-Bal Max | Best selection for maximum muscle gains without effort (People's number one (1) choice)

  • TestoPrime | Best anabolic benefits, energy and strength

  • D-Bal | Best alternative suggestion of the well-known steroid Dianabol (the so-called “grandfather of steroids”)

  • Trenorol | best selection for bulking, vascular and line

However, prior to going any further - it's worth at this point - to highlight the many serious side effects of using (and abusing) anabolic steroids.

It is no coincidence that anabolic steroids are available strictly for medical purposes only (and only with a medical prescription)/

Nevertheless, and despite the fact that there is a huge awareness of their destructive consequences, anabolic steroids are still very common in sports (and especially in the bodybuilding industry).

Their side effects are considered by many athletes simply as "collateral damage" of minor importance.

In any case, this has NOTHING to do with reality and with the really huge damages caused by their use, as there are now other (much healthier) ways to gain the unique action of anabolic steroids, without the risks.

They are legally called natural steroids and they are the new trend in bodybuilding.

Legal Bulking Steroids – What they are and why I should prefer them

While anabolic steroids are powerful synthetic compounds with massive side effects, legal steroids are a new top trend of non-synthetic products imitating the action of anabolics without any side effects.

Anabolic steroids are designed to resemble testosterone (a male hormone produced naturally in the organism, regulating - among other things - the muscle building process).

They were first manufactured in the 1930s, with the aim of helping men produce a sufficient number of hormones.

Along the way they were (predictably) introduced into medicine as a treatment for a multitude of diseases (such as HIV infection, muscle atrophy and cachexia).

Synthetic anabolic steroids - because of their many and extremely adverse health consequences - were made illegal at the state and federal level in 1990.

All steroids prescribed by a doctor are intended solely for the treatment of a medical problem and are not acceptable for personal use (athletic or sexual stimulation).

Taking any form of steroid (without medical consent and prescription) is completely illegal and prosecuted.

Anabolics are the most common "illegal steroids”.

Legal steroids, on the other hand, are a new generation of naturally occurring products intended to help the user improve their performance (to a workout, or even for sex).

As it is well known, the use of steroids (illegal or legal) improves training performance, accelerates muscle growth, enhances physical endurance and promotes lipolysis.

Exactly what every athlete wants (and not only).

The huge difference between legal steroids and their illegal counterparts is that they ONLY use natural substances and have NO side effects.

Surely, this does not mean that the use of legal steroids can be done recklessly.

It is critical to emphasize that just because a steroid is legal does not mean it cannot cause adverse effects (especially if used incorrectly).

Best steroids for muscle building (bulking) | What they are and why they are needed

You will rarely find athletes (and especially bodybuilders) who have not taken or even considered taking steroids.

The fact that bodybuilding is a very "tough", demanding and competitive sport requiring painstaking training, discipline, strict dieting and enormous physical exertion makes the need for "external help" even greater and imperative.

Therefore, it does not surprise or shock us that most athletes turn to these types of substances (legal or illegal) to enhance their physical endurance/energy/performance.

In the 30s they were created and in the 50s they made their first big appearance in the sports arena.

Since then, anabolic steroids have changed the sport as it was until that day.

The training landscape changed dramatically, and anabolic steroids entered sports at a rapid pace.

Arriving in the 70s, anabolic steroids have already conquered the field of bodybuilding, with more and more bodybuilders declaring themselves fanatical users.

Despite the many and extremely adverse health effects of steroids and the many (and serious) side effects they cause, to this day - most bodybuilders, but also other athletes - still use them to improve their performance, ignoring the fact that their use is illegal, traceable and prosecuted under applicable law.

The legal option became available much later.

Legal steroids were created by the dietary supplement industry to provide the same effect as classic steroids but using ONLY natural, top quality, scientifically backed ingredients, with non-toxic ingredients.

They do not harm the body.

They are not addictive.

These natural muscle building supplements do not cause hormonal disruption, liver damage, gynecomastia or nervousness/aggression like anabolic steroids and SARMs.

Legal steroids are a new and safe option for improving athletic performance WITHOUT side effects.

They are undetectable in doping controls and are just as effective as their synthetic versions.

The best 5 legal bulking steroids for 2024 | Top Selling

#1. D-Bal Max | Best selection for maximum muscle gains without effort (People's number 1 selection)

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D-Bal Max – What it is

D-Bal Max is the top selection of the consumers and for many (and very convincing) reasons.

However, let's get to know it a little better.

D-Bal Max - now with a new and much more enhanced ingredient formula and with ONLY the highest quality and scientifically backed natural ingredients - is loaded with a whey protein concentrate, 20-hydroxy ecdysterone, as well as branched chain amino acids (BCAA).

These ingredients enhance protein synthesis in the organism and ensure maximum muscle gains with minimum effort.

After researching its composition, it is now clear (and based on hundreds of user reviews) that D-Bal Max is the number 1 legal muscle building steroid on the legal market today.

D-Bal Max is a supplement created to cover even the biggest needs of athletes (such as the needs of a "tough" and demanding sport such as bodybuilding).

It is marketed as an alternative to the leading anabolic steroid Dianabol (also known as Methandrostenolone or the "grandfather of all anabolics").

The supplement is manufactured by a reputable company (BAUER Group DMCC) and aims to help fitness enthusiasts achieve maximum muscle mass, physical strength and athletic performance.

Why should I select it?

Dianabol is the anabolic with the longest "history" in the sports field, but also with the most side effects.

It is therefore important at this point to note that while D-Bal Max provides almost identical benefits to Dianabol, it is not a steroid, it is not a chemical product, it does not cause side effects and it does not affect the hormonal balance of the user's body.

D-Bal Max contains - as we've highlighted before - natural ingredients (such as whey protein concentrate and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)) enhancing the organism's natural protein synthesis, increasing nitrogen retention and promoting lean muscle growth.

D-Bal Max - Ingredients

D-Bal Max in its new and enhanced version containing some of the most beneficial ingredients for bulking, as

Vitamin C, zinc, copper, L-arginine and magnesium.

Rich in minerals and vitamins, this natural legal steroid promotes optimal muscle nutrition and recovery and boosts the creation of lean muscle mass in anyone's body.

D-Bal Max: How it works

  • Magnesium 80 mg 21.33 % of NRV (Nutrient Reference Value)
  • Vitamin C 80 mg (as Ascorbic Acid) 80 mg 100 % of NRV
  • Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 10 mg 100 % of NRV
  • Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCl) 14 mg 100 % of NRV
  • Copper (as Copper Sulphate) 1 mg 100 % of NRV
  • Vitamin B9 (as Folic Acid) 100 µg 100 % of NRV
  • KSM-66 ® Ashwagandha Extract (Withania Somnifera L.) 750 mg
  • L-Arginine 500 mg
  • L-Lysine 500 mg
  • Caffeine (as Caffeine Anhydrous) 200 mg
  • SENACTIV ® (Panax Notoginseng root & Rosa Roxburghii fruit extracts) 50 mg

D-Bal Max was created (as seen in detail above) from a series of scientifically supported natural ingredients with the sole purpose of "imitating" the unique action of the popular anabolic steroid Dianabol.

All its ingredients are specially selected by experts, of high quality and high bioavailability.

The supplement formula is easily absorbed by the organism and does not cause addiction or side effects.

The action of D-Bal Max is based on the retention of nitrogen by the muscles, leading the organism to increased protein synthesis and rapid muscle gains.

Essentially, this amazing formula of natural ingredients ensures the massive muscle gains of an androgenic anabolic steroid (AAS) in a completely natural & safe way.

This is what has made D-Bal Max the number 1 selection especially in the very demanding field of bodybuilding and weightlifting.

The special ingredients of the supplement - in addition to spectacular muscle bulking - also offer a valuable boost of energy.

They effectively fight physical strain and muscle exhaustion, and ensure efficient training (from the first to the last minute).

D-Bal Max increases the synthesis of muscle glycogen, leading to increased water retention in the muscles and ultimately achieving the desired muscle bulking.

In addition, however, D-Bal Max also targets the repair of muscle tissue after hard/strenuous workouts and reduces recovery time (allowing for more frequent workouts).

D-Bal Max - Unique Benefits from its use

-  Enhances protein production

-  Promotes muscle growth

-  Repairs muscle injuries

-  Regulates serotonin levels

-  Strengthens energy reserves and fights fatigue

-  Increases ATP

-  Promotes a fast metabolism

-  Enhances motivation

-  Promotes a healthy and fit body

#2. CrazyBulk Bulking Stack | Best Steroid Stack For bulking from the best legal steroid company in the World

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CrazyBulk Bulking Stack – What it is

It's the ultimate bulking stack, with 4 products together for extreme muscle gains and real bulking.

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack is an option aimed at the most "demanding" athletes.

It is a powerful combination of 4 different bodybuilding supplements, which (each with a different composition and different way) all target muscle growth without the use of anabolics.

The 4 supplements in the CrazyBulk line of bodybuilding supplements (D-Bal, Testo-Max, Decaduro and Trenorol) work perfectly together to provide the user with the maximum benefits of pure muscle mass.

CrazyBulk legal steroids - combined with a balanced diet and a properly structured training program - can help anyone achieve the body of their dreams.

A perfectly muscular, strong and toned body.

A body overflowing with health, strength & eroticism.

The CrazyBulk company (which for several years has been a top selection of many well-known bodybuilding athletes) has today optimized the formula of some of its products (such as D-Bal) to meet even more of the demands of its users.

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack – Products contained

  • D-Bal (legal alternative to Dianabol)
  • Trenorol (legal alternative to Trenbolone or Tren)
  • Testo-Max (legal alternative to Sustanon)
  • Decaduro (legal alternative to Deca Durabolin)

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack - Composition


  • Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 7.5 mcg 14% of RDD (Recommended Daily Dosage))
  • Magnesium (from Magnesium Oxide) 60 mg 38% of RDD
  • MSM 800 mg
  • L-Isoleucine 300 mg
  • Suma Root Concentrated Extract 2:1 (Pfaffia paniculata) 200 mg
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 200 mg
  • Tribulus Terrestris (fruit) 75 mg
  • Sodium Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic Acid) 30 mg


  • Beta Sitosterol 6200 mg
  • Samento Inner Bark (Uncaria Tomentosa) 300 mg
  • Nettle Leaf Extract 300 mg
  • Pepsin 75 mg


  • Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 52 mcg 260 % of RDD (Recommended Daily Dosage)
  • Vitamin K1 (from Phytonadione) 20 mcg 17 % of RDD
  • Vitamin B6 (from Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 20 mg 1176 % of RDD
  • Magnesium (from Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Citrate) 200 mg 48 % of RDD
  • Zinc (from Zinc Citrate Dihydrate) 10 mg 91 % of RDD
  • D-Aspartic Acid (D-AA) 2352 mg
  • Nettle Leaf Extract 4:1 (Urtica Dioica) 40 mg
  • Ginseng Red Powder (Panax Ginseng)(Root) 40 mg
  • Fenugreek Extract 4:1 (Trigonella Foenumgraecum)(Seeds) 40 mg
  • Boron (from Boron Citrate) 8 mg
  • Bioperine 95% Piperine 5 mg


  • Wild Yam (Dioscorea Opposite Thunb)(Root) 750 mg
  • Ginseng (20 % Ginsenosides)(Panax Ginseng)(Whole Herb) 375 mg
  • L-Arginine alpha-Ketoglutarate 150 mg
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine 75 mg
  • L-Citrulline 75 mg
  • Tribulus Terrestris (Tribulus Terrestris L.)(Fruit) 37.5 mg

Why should I select it?

The CrazyBulk Bulking Stack is a unique combination of 4 powerful muscle bulking supplements (which even individually each provide truly extreme physical benefits).

It is the top selection of many of the most famous professional bodybuilders, as well as other athletes or amateurs who love fitness.

It fulfils really high demands and ensures real (100% visible) results.

These 4 premium supplements have been created by experts specifically for bodybuilding needs.

I mean, extreme muscle gains. Maximum energy boost. Fast lipolysis. Maximum muscle nutrition. Minimal muscle recovery time.

It is the best-selling legal steroid stack, with no side effects, no addiction, and no recovery cycle (PCT) required.

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack – How it works

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack - as already mentioned above - is a very powerful combination of four (4) different natural (non-synthetic) bulking steroids.

Each of these 4 very powerful legal steroids can be used alone, ensuring truly spectacular bulking results.

What happens when all 4 are combined together?

The dream of a perfectly muscular dry body is coming true.

Each of the 4 legal steroids in the stack created by leading bodybuilding supplement company CrazyBulk plays a different role in the muscle bulking process.

[And you can get it all together at an amazing price only through the official website of CrazyBulk].

Nevertheless, let's see how they work individually.


D-Bal is the company's flagship product created to give you truly extreme muscle gains.

With its specially formulated formula of ingredients (now with a new, even more enhanced formula), D-Bal imitates almost 100% the action of the steroid Dianabol, the "grandfather of all anabolics".

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack is a natural yet powerful legal steroid aimed at maximum athletic performance, and above all maximum muscle building (without any effort)!

It works by naturally enhancing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the user's organism.


DecaDuro is the second product in the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack and its “role” is completely different from that of the aforementioned D-Bal.

It is designed to imitate the action of the steroid Deca Durabolin and provide stimulation and support to every athlete.

We would say that this particular product is an amplifier with a "slower" action.

This means practically that the particular slow bulking legal steroid aims to provide the user with slow and steady gains.

DecaDuro is the "aid" that will provide you with permanent support, boost your energy and fight physical exhaustion, and quietly support the muscle rebuilding in your body in the background.

Although many consider the slow action of this product a "waste of time", it is anything but.

DecaDuro is the systematic support that your "tired" organism needs to continuously perform at its maximum potential.

It's the legal steroid that will give you long term, but guaranteed impressive muscle gains.


Trenorol - third product in bulking giant CrazyBulk's stack - is a legal alternative to the top steroid Tren (Trenbolone).

It is a 100% natural supplement that is clearly aimed at achieving muscle mass and cutting.

Trenorol is a legal steroid that offers multiple effects and ensures both muscle bulking, but also extreme fat loss and metabolic stimulation.

As an addition to the stack, Trenorol will help you build muscle (hard and perfectly toned), as well as lose every extra gram of fat.

In other words, it works both as a bulking steroid and as a cutting steroid.

With its successful formula of ingredients (all with scientifically supported action) it achieves nitrogen retention and targeted fat loss (even in the most stubborn areas of the body).

This then promotes protein synthesis in the body and ensures increased athletic benefits.


Finally, the next and last product of the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack, is Testo-Max, a product that imitates the action of the steroid Sustanon.

With natural ingredients (all one-to-one selected to ensure safe and immediate action) it is committed to providing you with a stable anabolic environment to achieve top training and new personal records.

CrazyBulk's Testo-Max is a powerful testosterone booster that acts as an "ally" in your workouts, providing you with energy, muscle, and psychological support.

In addition, it promotes the immediate growth of muscles and helps to reduce their recovery time after training.

#3.  TestoPrime | Best Anabolic Benefits, Energy and Strength

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TestoPrime – What it is

Next top legal bulking steroid selected for you is TestoPrime.

As you know, testosterone is a very basic hormone, and in fact extremely necessary for the healthy development of various physiological processes taking place in the human organism (men and women).

Nevertheless, especially in men (and more so in male athletes) as its levels naturally decrease with age, it has a negative effect on many of their functions (such as physical endurance and muscle volume).

Therefore, at this point, TestoPrime can make a difference.

With specially selected ingredients of the highest quality, TestoPrime, is a testosterone booster specially designed for those who want to stay always young, always active, always healthy & strong!

For those who want to boost (naturally and without anabolics) their testosterone levels.

TestoPrime is a natural method of supporting the organism's testosterone, and thus enhancing a man's athletic and sexual performance.

It increases physical as well as mental energy, and boosts self-confidence and motivation.

It also supports protein synthesis and is a completely natural (and safe) legal muscle bulking option, without the use of anabolics.

TestoPrime offers all the desired benefits of an anabolic steroid...without the side effects.

It's the new hot trend in gyms!!!

Why should I choose it?

TestoPrime is a top-quality legal steroid.

A new generation natural supplement for men who want to have a quality life at any age!

A testosterone support product designed for men experiencing symptoms of low testosterone (due to age or other factors).

TestoPrime is a gym supplement aimed at every man who is interested in a healthy & muscular appearance and a strong body.

Fights muscle fatigue and reduced performance (sports or sexual) with natural ingredients.

Since testosterone levels decrease with each passing year (by about 1-2%), you can easily see the need for a testosterone booster to keep you young, thriving and healthy forever.

TestoPrime is tailored to support all the needs of a man …. as he grows older.

After 30, 40, 50, TestoPrime effectively boosts men's endurance in various aspects of their lives and helps them regain their lost self-confidence.

TestoPrime - with active ingredients that are absolutely safe and highly bioavailable - naturally boosts testosterone levels and breathes life into your tired body.

The composition of TestoPrime, free from soy and cereals, is suitable even for people with food intolerances.

TestoPrime - Ingredients

  • D-AA (D-Aspartic Acid) (2,000 mg)
  • Fenugreek Extract (200 mg)
  • Green Tea Extract 70% Catechins (200 mg)
  • Panax Ginseng (50 mg)
  • KSM 66 ® Ashwagandha Extract (55.68 mg)
  • Garlic Extract (16 mg)
  • Pomegranate Extract 40% Ellagic Acid (8 mg)
  • Black Pepper Extract 95% Piperine (6.68 mg)
  • Zinc (40 mg)
  • Vitamin D3 (26.68 mcg)
  • Vitamin B5 (8 mg)
  • Vitamin B6 (5.6 mg)

According to the company, the product is manufactured in an FDA-registered facility and has GMP certification.

TestoPrime: How it works

TestoPrime is a 100% natural legal steroid designed to stimulate endogenous testosterone production (without taking hormones and anabolics) and ensure EVERY user:

- Muscle bulking

-  Enhanced fat burning

-  Improved physical strength levels

-  Enhanced energy

-  Absolute anabolic environment

-  Incentives

#4. D-Bal | Best alternative suggestion of the well-known steroid Dianabol (the so-called “grandfather of steroids”)

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D-Bal – What it is

AS shown above, D-Bal is the flagship product of the CrazyBulk company and the main product of its stack promoted by the company for bulking (CrazyBulk Bulking Stack).

The D-Bal supplement is the number 1 natural product available on the legal market today as an alternative to the "grandfather of anabolics", Dianabol.

Although we have seen all the useful information about this unique legal steroid, let's answer here some more questions you may have about its action.

D-Bal - How long does it take to work

As expected, results vary from person to person, both in terms of magnitude and time required.

Most users of D-Bal, however, report visible results within a few weeks of systematic use of the supplement according to the company's instructions.

D-Bal - Possible side effects

CrazyBulk D-Bal is a 100% safe natural supplement that is (generally) not dangerous and does not cause side effects.

However - and due to the use of natural ingredients for its formula - it may cause mild & transient side effects (such as nausea, digestive disorders, headache and bloating) in some people.

D-Bal - Ideal time of day for administration

D-Bal is a non-synthetic steroid that promotes (when taken correctly) the safe natural stimulation of testosterone and enhances athletic gains.

The company recommends taking 3 capsules each day.

The best time to take D-Bal is about 45 minutes after your workout.

Whether it is morning, or evening.

Unlike other testosterone boosters, D-Bal does not limit you to a specific time of day to take it.

#5. Trenorol | Best selection for Bulking, Vascular and Line

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Trenorol – What it is

Last product selected for our list of best steroids for muscle bulking is also a product we have seen before (CrazyBulk Bulking Stack).

Trenorol is a natural and powerful pre-workout choice, especially for bodybuilders, athletes, fitness enthusiasts and those looking for an extra energy boost and bodybuilding.

A product of the leading legal steroid company CrazyBulk, Trenorol offers results equivalent to an illegal anabolic steroid (specifically Trenbolone or Tren).

The effects on the body and organism? Spectacular.

  • Fast and targeted fat burning
  • Reduced feeling of fatigue and enhanced energy charge
  • Increased physical strength
  • Enhanced muscle mass
  • Better physical condition
  • Rapid muscle recovery

Trenorol - unlike Trenbolone - is not a dangerous and banned chemical and does not cause the side effects of anabolic steroids.

It is a 100% safe natural proposal that stimulates increased testosterone production and at the same time prevents the conversion of free testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Trenorol – Does it really work?

Trenorol is an effective sports supplement suitable for weight training and fitness training.

With specially selected scientifically supported ingredients (only 4 in number) it improves nitrogen balance and naturally enhances protein synthesis.

However, don't expect muscle mass without regular training.

Trenorol can't work miracles, or bulk up your muscles without sweat.

Combined with physical exercise and proper nutrition, Trenorol is one of the most effective natural methods to build a muscular and toned body.

Trenorol - Why should I select it?

Related studies prove that these 4 components of Trenorol work perfectly as an "ally" in your training.

They help improve athletic performance, build muscle and target extreme fat loss.

Systematic (always according to the manufacturer's instructions) taking Trenorol works as a booster for people with fitness, cutting & muscle bulking goals.

Its users confirm an advantage in training and competitive performance with the use of Trenorol.

Although Trenorol is not a steroid, it offers the benefits of an anabolic steroid (specifically Tren).

Therefore, the answer to whether Trenorol is worth a try, is definitely (without a doubt) YES.

Summary: Why should one select the Best Legal Bulking Steroids?

The answer is simple and clear, since the specific 5 products selected for our list are the most advanced currently on the global legal market for sports enhancement and performance enhancement.

The legal steroids we saw above are the hottest selection over classic anabolic steroids and they provide the same benefits (without the risks).

They are effective (a fact certified by thousands of users around the world).

They are safe.

They are legal.

They are affordable in price.

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.