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This Article is From May 10, 2023

Best THC Weed Detox Kit - THC Cleanser

There are a number of ways in which drug tests can be passed. But it takes time.THC detox products and kits help flush out any traces of THC or any of its metabolites from the body.

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A Cannabis plant is a group of only three plants, cannabis sativa, cannabis Indica, and cannabis ruderalis that have psychoactive properties. Cannabis is synonymous with the most widely used illicit drug in the whole world.

A psychoactive or psychotropic substance is a compound that when ingested, smelled or swallowed affects the brain functioning and causes changes in mood, awareness, thought and behavior, feelings, and other psychological aspects of human beings. It gives a high to the user. Alcohol, heroin, caffeine, and marijuana are examples of psychoactive substances.

Basically, these psychoactive substances of cannabis plants can be used in many medical issues like - pain relievers, some mental health problems, and alleviating cancer-related problems. But marijuana or weed or cannabis is the common name for THC or illicit drugs.

THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is a psychoactive substance among more than 113 other such substances found in the stems, leaves, and flowers of the cannabis plant.

THC is used both for medical purposes as well as for relaxation. Whatever may be the reason for using THC, if anyone is found using, or carrying THC, he or she will be charged with illegal drug dealing and will face legal consequences and even can lose their job.

Marijuana detox products as well as marijuana detox kitsare there to help you pass the drug test.

Legal bodies will not consider even if THC is used for any medicinal issues and prescribed or not. That's why weed detox products are in demand nowadays. THC detox products are available in various forms. Whole weed detox kits, THC detox pills, THC detox drinks, THC detox shampoo, and many more. A number of renowned companies are there to support the drug test you go through.

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Checkout Best Weed Detox Kit By Toxin Rid - 10 Day Detox Program

Drug tests can be of various types.

  • Urine test - whenever any drugs enters our body, our liver synthesizes it and the toxins are filtered by the kidney and drained through the urine. Unlike many other drugs marijuana or weeds can be traced in urine for up to 30 days or more than once consumed.  
  • Blood test - the marijuana or weed, once consumed will remain in the blood for up to 12 hours. The detection timeline however depends on the frequency of consumption, the amount of weed or marijuana, and the potency of the marijuana consumed. Checkout for more details on how to pass a weed test.
  • Saliva test - traces of weed or cannabis can be found in the saliva from 24 hours to 72 hours. Swabs collected from under the tongue have more chances of positive results than those collected from the upper part of the mouth. 
  • Hair follicle test - the hair follicle has traces of marijuana for maximum timeline. Still, it is not considered as the most reliable test method. The reason behind this is the person who consumed the weed as well as passive smokers also test positive in hair follicle tests which can not be possible in blood or urine tests. Even a person who comes in contact with marijuana consumers can have traces of marijuana in his hair follicles.

Best THC Weed Detox Kits - Best THC Cleansers

  1. Complete drug detox Kit- it contains substances that will wash out the THC from the whole body as well as it provides a complimentary meal plan.
  2. Permanent detox plan with two varieties - heavy and light users.
  3. 5 - day detox plan
  4. Shampoo to pass the hair follicle test - 3 to 10 days detox plan

Though taking marijuana has some medical issues, in most cases it is taken for relaxation and addiction.

Taking weed or marijuana which leaves THC traces in the body, regularly or frequently has many risk factors. 

Brain Health - It affects the brains of younger people more and the IQ level declines by 8 points.

Mental Health - THC of cannabis can cause anxiety, suicidal tendency, and depression.

Daily life - The regular use of cannabis drugs hampers daily life. Younger adults get addicted quickly. This addiction results in poor academic performance, lower career achievement, relationship issues, and less or no satisfaction in life.

What Is The Compound That Results Positive In Test

The main characteristics of any psychoactive or psychotropic substance are addiction. The user gets addicted easily to such substances which proves fatal in some cases. As using such substances has detrimental factors, its use is restricted and a drug test becomes inevitable in many cases. when cannabis is ingested in the body it gives an immediate high. The metabolites, cannabinoids of that cannabis remain in the body for a longer period of time. Among the cannabinoids, THC(Tetrahydrocannabinol) is searched during a drug test. It can be found in blood, saliva, fingernails, and hair follicles. THC is stored in body fat as THC-COOH which can be easily found in drug tests.

There are a number of ways in which drug tests can be passed. But it takes time. The first-time users even can not pass the drug test if the test is scheduled on the same day of administering it. 

The sample of blood, saliva, urine, fat cells, and hair follicles can be taken for testing. And depending on the sample, detox substances are available to pass out the tests. Urine is the most commonly taken sample to test as it is easier to collect and the most reliable results can be found.

The delta 1-THC metabolite can be detected in the urine even after four weeks of administering the drug into your body.

In fat cells, it is stored in the form of THC-COOH and slowly released into the blood. Exercise makes the release faster.

THC can be found in the blood of regular users for a longer period of time compared to someone who administers it infrequently or from first-time users.

Factors That Exaggerate The Chances Of Positive Test Results  

Regular use of the drug increases the chance of detection of the drugs.

Positive test result depends on the type of samples as well as the time frame within which the sample has been collected.

Consuming a more potent form of the drug increases the chance of detection as potency is different in different forms of marijuana.

People with higher metabolism rates have lesser chances of detecting the drugs in their bodies.

The THC of weed accumulates in fat tissues of the body. That is why leaner people have more chances of dodging the test than fat persons. As females have more fat content than males, the metabolism of THC is lower in them than the males.

Exercising or any kind of physical activity temporarily raises the THC concentration in the body. Exercise burns fat and in this process, fat cells release the THC they have accumulated. And that increases the THC concentration in the blood.

Functions of THC Detox Products And Kits    

20% of the cannabis taken, flushes out with urine, 15% remains in the body and the remaining THC gets out of the body with the feces.

The effects of THC on the mind and brain do not last long but the traces of THC in the body can, up to 30 days, sometimes 3 months, quite a long period. To flush out the THC certain detoxes are available in the market. These are called marijuana detox kits or weed detox kits which include pills, drinks, mouthwash to ditch the saliva test, and even shampoo to pass the hair follicle test.

The basic function of all such products is to flush out any traces of THC or any of its metabolites from the body. The drinks and pills have diuretic properties that cause the kidneys to make more urine to help the body get rid of extra fluids and salt and the metabolites of THC  as well. That is why it is advised to take as much as water while going through such programs. But there are certain things that should be considered before choosing the right weed detox kit to pass the drug test.

THC cleansers or teas for detoxification purposes make the individuals urinate more frequently which washes out the kidneys, this leads to a lower density of urine, and a lower density eventually proved to be contaminated and urine samples may not be considered viable.

These detox products can alter the normal creatinine level in the urine and abnormal creatinine levels also indicate contamination of THC. In both the above cases the sample will be discounted and a retest will be scheduled.

How Do Drug Detox Kits Work

There are various mechanisms that can tamper with a drug test. Sometimes a detox substance is ingested which results in a change in the chemical composition of urine. So the urine test results were negative for THC. This method is called In vivo adulteration. In vitro, adulteration chemicals are added to urine substances to interact with drug toxins. The chemicals are mixed and produce certain compounds that are undetectable by urine tests.

The main benefit of the detox kits is they do not have any withdrawal effects.

Detox Drinks

Detox drinks are available in many brands and all work in more or less the same way. It works more effectively on infrequent users than on regular users. It is better to stop taking marijuana or any type of cannabis product at least two days before the test. Two days of marijuana-free days detox the body naturally.

Then the instructions given in the drinks should be followed carefully. Weed detox kits provide strips for home tests of urine. At least 45 minutes after consuming the first detox drink, a home urine test can be done. If the result is positive, then go for a second detox drink. Even a negative result before appearing for the test never ensures a negative result in the test taken by the governing body.

Basically, the detox drinks are full of vitamins and minerals that improve the immunity system and boost metabolism which in turn results in better intoxication. These drinks help to remove the THC from the digestive system, circulatory system, and urine. 

How To Use The Detox Drinks

The detox drinks should be taken just 2 - 3 hours before the drug test.

About 15 minutes after drinking the detox drinks,

Then the bottle should be refilled with water and the entire amount of water should be drunk. 

Next hours the urine will be frequent and THC will be flushed out of the body.

The person should not take any other goods or drinks for that 2 - 3 hours. It is recommended that on the test day or two or three days before the test, the individual should not take any other psychoactive substances like alcohol, Cocaine or smoke cigarettes. That is harder than passing the drug test.

While taking detoxification, water should be taken every hour. Meals should be light but nutritious.

3-Day Detox Plan

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Visit 3 day Detox program - Toxin Rid

When there are only 3 days left for the drug test, this plan comes to the rescue. But the point is hard smokers or regular smokers of marijuana or cannabis won't get benefits from this drug. Only beginners or very infrequent users can detox THC using this plan. The market is flooded with such detox kits and choosing the right one itself is passing the drug test. The functions of the kit are more or less the same.

Step 1

The first day of the plan will start with taking a number of capsules as instructed in different kits. The capsules should be taken thrice a day at the time intervals mentioned in each kit. One thing is to be remembered –plenty of water should be taken while going through the plan.

Step 2

The same dose should be followed for the next two days. The capsules should be taken at the same time every day for effective detoxification. In three days more or less 15 capsules will be consumed. But the number can vary for different brands.

Step 3

Next, the detox drink should be taken two hours after the last dose of the capsules. The detox drink can be taken either at once or twice in equal halves after mixing with the amount of water specified in each kit. After taking the detox drink, no foods or drinks should be taken for another two hours.

Step 4

In this detox plan, step 4 is as important as the previous steps, though in many kits it is mentioned as optional. It is the dietary fiber to be consumed by mixing with a certain amount of water. It should be consumed as soon as it is prepared, otherwise, the solution becomes hard.

Benefits of 3 Day Detox Plan

  • It is the best-detox plan when lesser time is there before the test
  • Ideal for beginners or occasional marijuana smokers
  • Comparatively less complicated
  • No traces of THC can be found in urine and blood

Limitations Of 3 Day Detox Plan

  • It can be considered a mild detox plan, that is effective for mild marijuana users
  • People with other medical issues should seek a doctor's advice before going through the plan
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not opt for the plan, actually, they should not smoke marijuana or any type of cannabis drugs.

5 Days Detox Plan

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Visit 5 days Detox program - Toxin Rid

Many popular brands have their 5 days detoxification kits. Generally 5 days detox kit contains–

  • Detox pills
  • Detox drink
  • Fiber supplement
  • At-home test strips

The pills contain several vitamins and minerals like iron, boron, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sodium, potassium, etc. Some brands add natural ingredients like kelp or alfalfa extract also.

The pills help to regain the balance of the body that was hampered by the administration of marijuana. It also increases the metabolism thus releasing THC from fat cells and getting rid of it through urine.

Detox drinks are there in the kit to urinate frequently to flush out any traces of THC through urine. The drinks contain vitamin A, vitamin D, thiamin, riboflavin, Niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, potassium, sodium, Chromium, manganese, etc. All such minerals do nothing but clear the bladder frequently to flush out the THC.

Fiber supplement provides dietary fiber and psyllium husk powder. Most of the THC, more than 50% comes out of the body with feces. That is why fiber is added to drug detox kits to speed up bowel movement and clean the THC.

  • The kit also provides at-home test strips to DIY the urine test before going to the  authority. The instruction booklet is also provided with it to test the urine at home. Actually, urine is tested in general as the collection and test are easier than any other samples like blood, saliva, or hair follicle. And it can be done at home easily. But the problem is that after showing a negative result it again can give positive results. That sometimes confuses the users.

Steps To Use The 5 Days Detox Kit

There are a number of companies providing 5 days detox kits. All with their specific dose, maximum number of pills per day, etc. But as it is already mentioned that it takes only 5 days before the test, the duration and dose will be more or less the same.

Step 1

First, the number of pills as specified in the drug detox kit, should be taken in the gap of hours specified in the kit. The pills should be taken daily for four days. Plenty of water should be taken in those four days.

Step 2

For the detox drink, it should be taken after the last dose of pills. There should be a specific time gap that is instructed in different kits. Some marijuana detox kits instruct the user to have a full bottle of liquid at a time and an equal quantity of water after a few minutes as specified in the individual kit. Whereas for some other brands, the liquid can be taken in 2 equal parts with water. The gap between two drinks and the amount of water is strictly mentioned in each kit and the instructions should be followed strictly. Between two halves of the detox drinks or after taking the full bottle of the detox drink nothing should be eaten or drunk for certain hours.

Step 3

Dietary fiber should not be underestimated. For THC removal and passing the drug test, dietary fiber takes an important role. It can be taken after completing the courses in pills and liquid. It should be taken before the hours as per directed in the kit.

Dos and Don't s in the Program

  • The users should not take any psychoactive or psychotropic substances during this 5-day plan.
  • Even consuming alcohol or smoking cigarettes can lessen the chances of getting negative on the test.
  • A healthy and well nutritious meal should be taken during the plan.
  • Should drink as much water as possible.
  • Individuals going through this plan should restrain from a heavy workout regime. As burning of fat can release the THC stored in fat cells or adipose tissues into the blood which can be easily detected. Cardio, Zumba, and weight training should be avoided.

The best part of this 5-day detox plan is it hardly has any withdrawal symptoms. Rather 5 days of discontinuation can sometimes cure the addiction to THC for beginners or infrequent users.

Benefits Of The Program

  • The products are purely natural and do not contain any chemicals.
  • It is effective for all types of users. The regular THC users or the beginners or the infrequent ones. Everyone can ditch the drug test by going through the 5 days detox program. 
  • Equally effective for those who take heavy doses of marijuana or THC.
  • This five-day detox program is not just to pass the test, but it is designed for those who are willing to get out of the addiction to THC.
  • It starts working from the very first hour of using it.
  • Long-term effect, that is THC can not be deducted for a longer period.


  • This is mainly for urine or blood tests for THC.
  • It works more effectively for people with a body weight of less than 200 lb.
  • For the deep cleansing process, this five-day program sometimes is not enough for heavy, regular users of THC.

10 - Days Detox Program

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Visit 10 days Detox program - Toxin Rid

If the users have more than a week in their hands before appearing for a drug test, this kit will be idle for them. Many brands have their own 10-day marijuana detox kit. For those who have exposure to heavy doses or are regular users of marijuana, the THC level is high in their body and it takes time to completely detox before appearing for the test. We know that unlike other drugs, marijuana or THC stores in the fat cells of the body and makes it hard to flush out from the body. That is why people with more than 200 lb of body weight should go for a 10-day detox program rather than opt for a 3, 5, or 7 days detox program. More days will flush out more marijuana from their body.

Almost all leading THC detox brands have their 10 - days detox plan.

Contents Of 10 - Day Detox Kit

  • Detox tablets
  • Detox liquid
  • Dietary fiber
  • DIY test strips to be used at home (In some kits)

The composition of the detox pills, detox drinks, and dietary fiber is the same as mentioned in the 5-day detox plan. The basic functions are also the same. Though the instructions to follow the plan are specified by each brand, the steps are more or less the same.

Steps to 10 - Day Detox Program

Step 1

From the first day specified numbers of capsules are to be taken with 8 to 10 ounces of water for 5 times a day. For better results, the capsules should be taken at the same time of the day.

Step 2

From the very first day, the capsules start natural detoxification in the body. The process of natural detoxification can be catalyzed by certain factors on the user's part. Such as—

  • From the very first day of the plan, the users should stop taking marijuana
  • Not only marijuana, any type of psychoactive or psychotropic substances like alcohol, caffeine, cigarette,s, etc
  • Abstain from any possible medication
  • Takes as many fluids as possible
  • Increase urination by taking diuretics
  • Take fiber-rich, low-fat food to clear the bowel system
  • Meals should be taken at frequent intervals and protein-rich food should be taken
  • Proper sleep and exercise is the key to detoxing the body naturally

The capsules should be taken for the next 5 days as well. Following the instructions as mentioned, all the traces of THC and its metabolites will be flushed out from the body. The users can be sure of negative results by doing at-home urine tests using the strips provided with the kit or by using DIY urine test strips available in the market.

Step 3

On the 10th day, the detox liquid can be consumed to ensure flushing out of any residue of THC or any other drugs. The detox liquid should be mixed with the specified amount of water or juice and should be taken in two halves at intervals of 2 hours. No other drink, even water or any kind of food can be taken in these two hours. After 2 hours the remaining half of the drinks should be taken. For the next few hours, frequent urination will ensure flushing out of THC from the body.

Step 4

Most of the metabolites of cannabis or weed get rid of the body with feces. That is why dietary fiber is provided with every weed detox kit of almost every brand. This dietary fiber is nothing but psyllium husks that ensure a clear bowel system. The dietary fiber should be mixed with water or juice and consumed immediately. After 10 minutes of taking the dietary fiber,  water should be taken. The more water it absorbs the more it increases in volume. The user should avoid taking any other food items for the next 2 hours.

Benefits Of 10 Day Detox Plan

  • This detox program is for regular users or for those who use high doses of THC.
  • It clears metabolites of THC from all parts of the body.
  • Other than cannabis, other drugs are also removed from the body. 
  • The components of capsules, liquid, and fiber all are natural ingredients.
  • It does not use any chemical components to counteract the THC metabolites, rather it boosts natural detoxification of the body.
  • 100% safe to use as it contains all-natural ingredients.

Limitations of 10 Day Detox Plan 

  • The program is lengthy and complicated. Especially consuming the capsules for the first five days of the program.
  • Instructions are not easy to follow.
  • It is expensive.
  • Those having kidney issues cannot comply with the water intakes as instructed in the plan.
  • Some people can experience loose motion due to the dietary fiber provided in this program.
  • Pregnant and nursing women can not go for this program.
  • People under medication should consult their doctors before choosing the plan. 

Detox Plan For Oral Drug Test

In oral drug tests, the saliva is collected and tested. For regular and hard marijuana or cannabis users, THC can be found in saliva for up to 8 days. But for first-time users or infrequent users, THC can be found in saliva for 72 hours. But in both cases, the amount of THC in saliva can fluctuate. The timeline of detection is up to 24 hours.

There are certain gums and mouthwashes available that can remove the traces of marijuana from saliva.

Methods to Pass The  Saliva Drug Test

  • Some over-the-counter detoxifying agents can be used, like mouthwashes, gums, etc. but alcohol-based mouthwash should be avoided.
  • Eating citrus fruits or candies as citric acid makes the alkaline saliva more acidic and sugary thus making it hard to detect the drug test.
  • Rinsing the mouth with hydrogen peroxide
  • Eating fatty foods. Fat contents in the food will metabolize the THC in the saliva and while swallowed go inside the body.  

But all the above-mentioned methods can be ineffective. So the best method to pass a drug test is to restrain from taking these kinds of substances.

Detox Plan for Hair Follicle Drug Test

Marijuana or cannabis stays longer in the body, unlike other drugs. They can be found in the bloodstream, urine, saliva, fat cells in the body, fingernails, and hair follicles. Traces of THC can be found in the hair follicle for up to 90 days. As the timeline is the longest, this test can give more accurate results for administering the drugs.

People engaged in important and highly sensitive fields are often required to go through the hair follicle drug test. Military personnel, employees of police departments, firefighters, the aviation industry, and medical fields. Professional sports personnel are also liable for hair follicle drug tests to comply with their agreement. Employees working in hazardous fields or work in the field of heavy machinery should go for this test.

The majority of the authority relies on hair follicle drug tests for the longest, almost three months timeline and it's a less invasive process than urine or saliva tests. The procedure may be easy but passing the test is not that easy.

Collection of Samples In Hair Follicle Test

In this test hair follicle is collected from the scalp. 100 - 120 hair shafts are collected from the workplace but the test is conducted in labs or hospitals. In the case of bald people or those whose hair is not that long, body hair from the chest, arms, legs, or even underarms can be collected.

How To Detox Hair Follicle

Hair strands are made up of three layers:

  • Cuticle
  • Cortex
  • Medulla or innermost layer

The shampoo we use normally can wash only the cuticle layer of the hair. Hair follicle detox shampoo can penetrate the hair shaft and can reach to medulla as well. It can remove THC traces from the cortex and medulla as well. Propylene Glycol which has strong detox capabilities is the major component of such THC detox shampoo.

This hair follicle detox kit contains generally three components–

  • Shampoo
  • Purifier - a cleansing agent that deep cleans the cortex and medulla of hair.
  • Conditioner - keep the hair tangle free

The hair follicle detox kit is essential for moderate to heavy users.

Points to be remembered

  • While going through the detoxification of hair, the user should abstain from further taking marijuana.
  • Detox pills or drinks can be taken if there is a chance of finding THC in the system.
  •  As it gives the 90 days or sometimes 1 years history of marijuana administration, the user should continue using the hair follicle detox kit even after getting negative results from urine and blood tests.

Benefits of Hair Follicle Detox Kit

  • This kit can detox the toughest traces of marijuana
  • It can wipe out the months or year-long history of taking cannabis drugs
  • It is for external use only, so pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers can also use it.
  • People under other medications can also use them freely.

Limitations of Hair Follicle Detox Kit

  • Should continue using for a longer period of time.
  • Only detoxing the hair follicle, can not remove the traces from the body or saliva.
  • Should restrain from consumption of any cannabis substances.

Same Day Detox plan Or 24 Hours Detox Program

Detoxification within 24 hours is not possible if the user has taken weeds or cannabis or marijuana. The high or effect of the drugs may be gone but the traces of its metabolites remain in different body parts for different periods. Even weeks of discontinuation of the drugs also can not guarantee negative results in the drug test. But there are ways to pass the test either by cheating or trying to cover the toxins. Those methods are discussed below.

  1. Synthetic Urine

The most common marijuana test is a urine test and in maximum cases the urine test is unsupervised. So using fake urine can only pass the 24 hrs drug test. There are several brands of fake urine available in the market with powdered urine composition of and specific volume of water and a thermal kit to raise the temperature of the fake urine.

  1. Detox Pills to Accelerate Natural Detox

Detox pills will take several days or weeks to detox the system. But there is no harm in trying and starting detoxification as soon as possible. The function of the pills is to flush out toxins naturally from the body. It will actually be half the time of natural detoxification.  The steps are

    1. Immediately stop taking any kind of psychoactive or psychotropic substances
    2. Eat the small and lean meal
    3. Drink plenty of water
    4. Exercise daily
    5. Rest and sleep for a minimum of 8 hours
    6. Take detox pills as specified by the manufacturer

  1. Detox Drinks

Detox drinks can not detoxify the body. All it does is flush out traces of THC that are at that time present in the bladder. It also provides the body with compositions that are natural in urine, so that the urine appears natural  It works as a masking agent. It can make fresh urine free of THC for four to five hours. After that, the kidney again starts filtering the blood and deposits fresh THC from the blood into the urine.


Any form of drug is dangerous for the users. They have their own detrimental effects on the body, but at the same time, the addiction is so severe that it can ruin someone's social life, economic conditions, and personal reputation. The worst part is that teenagers or early youths are mostly victims of such addiction. Though many of them start to take marijuana or other types of cannabis just for fun or curiosity or out of peer pressure.

To pass the drug test, the best way is to abstain from the drug or in some unavoidable conditions try not to get addicted to it.  Actually, the cannabis plant has more than 500 psychoactive compounds that can be used in medical sciences as well. That is the reason, the governing body lifts the ban on cannabis in some cases and places. When a positive drug test result does not consider whether it is used for any medicinal issues or not, ditching the test is required. The high the cannabis drugs give can be substituted with a lesser addictive drug.

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