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This Article is From Dec 19, 2023

Clenbuterol For Sale In AU: Guide To Buying Quality Clen Pills Online In Australia

This article is tailored to enlighten you on the vital aspects of buying Clenbuterol in Australia, giving you a great lowdown and offering protection from potential pitfalls and some discount codes from reputable AU Clen sellers.

Clenbuterol For Sale In AU: Guide To Buying Quality Clen Pills Online In Australia

Clenbuterol's recent surge in popularity as a weight loss aid has brought both ripper opportunities but sticky challenges. This reality calls for understanding the substance before investing your health and money into it.

Like any popular product, Clenbuterol draws genuine and dishonest suppliers offering bad imitations. Fake fitness supplements aren't just upsetting; they could be harmful. We've noticed an escalating number of these fake products, particularly down under in Australia, and we've taken it upon ourselves to help you make safer choices - fair dinkum right.

Through this guide, we'll clarify the legal nittie grittie aspects and guide you on identifying the real Clenbuterol, ensuring you get value for your money and shield your health. Reading this right through is crucial; it will set you up to deal with the booming Clen AU market effectively and safely.


Key Benefits of Our Clenbuterol AU Buying Guide

Everyone's on the hunt for top-notch quality, especially when it's something that can impact our health or performance. If you're onto the power of Clenbuterol but you're a bit clueless about where to score a fair dinkum brand or supplier, our guide can lend you a hand, mate. We've rustled up some key tips and guidelines to steer you true-blue when you're on the hunt for the best Clen in the market.

    Reliable brands and suppliers: Find top-quality Clenbuterol from trustworthy sources.
●    Avoid fake alternatives: Learn how to identify and dodge counterfeit Clen products.
●    Stay away from dishonest sellers: Get tips to protect yourself from fraudulent vendors.
●    Break through your plateau: Revive your training with the help of genuine Clenbuterol.
●    Exclusive discounts: Grab a 10% off deal on Clen pills from a reliable supplier we found.

Remember, every cent counts, so don't risk it when buying Clen . Rest assured, our guide provides real, trustworthy insights to support your path to buying genuine Clenbuterol.

The Importance of Research Prior to Looking for Clenbuterol for Sale in Australia

Clenbuterol is gaining popularity as an effective weight loss pill, especially here down under among Australians. The interest in purchasing Clen online has been on the rise. If you're one of those looking into it, we understand your curiosity.

However, it's a bonza move to take a step back and do some research before diving in. The potential benefits of Clen can be enticing, but it's essential not to rush into it without proper knowledge. It's crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of how Clen works, its potential side effects, and who should avoid it.

You might have had a crack and tried searching for this information online, only to find it scarce or confusing. While it's easy to search for "buy Clenbuterol" online, the real challenge often lies in the decision-making process if you're clued up enough with the information. That's why we recommend getting well-informed before making any decisions.

We're here to lend ya a hand and make your search easier plus enhance your knowledge - winner winner chicken dinner!! We'll guide you through the basics of Clenbuterol, ensuring you have essential information before making a purchase.

Understanding Clenbuterol's Growing Popularity in AU

The escalating buzz in Clenbuterol, noticeable in rising online searches and chit-chat on social media discussions, raises questions about the factors driving this supplements' fame. The appeal of Clen isn't just an Aussie affair either, it's becoming a global trend. So, what's pushing this growth?

Fitness trainers teamed up with influencers are spilling the beans that many of them rely on weight loss pills like Clenbuterol, even if they don't publicly admit it or shouting it from the rooftops. They're keeping it hush-hush partly because they want to keep up the front of achieving all their fitness goals just through their training and diets, you know?

Moreover, some influencers are making a pretty penny from roping in their followers with false promises of these super effective, supposedly naturally derived, highly effective alternatives. In reality, their remarkable fitness results are mainly attributable to Clen, not these herbal options. Their reluctance to advocate for a pill that lacks FDA approval adds to the intrigue surrounding Clenbuterol.

However, here's the kicker - it is important to note that Clenbuterol has received approval in other countries, which is fueling its popularity worldwide. Its effectiveness and widespread popularity can make many overlook or question the concerns driving the AU's cautionary stance - just keep your guard up!!

Exploring Clenbuterol's Role in Conventional Medicine

Interestingly, Clenbuterol didn't start off as a weight loss go-to. Its roots lie in traditional medicine, where it's used to sort out certain health dramas.

Its main gig in the medical world is helping folks dealing with breathing dramas like asthma and COPD. These conditions mess with the airways, making it hard for folks to breathe. Clenbuterol steps in, opening up those airways like a champ, making it easier for people to take a breath and not feel like they're running a marathon just by walking to the fridge.

On top of that, it's used to tackle cardiomyopathy, a heart condition that messes with the ol' ticker's pumping power. By revvin' up the heart rate and blood flow, this stuff gives the heart muscle a boost, making the whole blood-pumping business work better.

Now, to tackle issues greenlit by the World Health Organization, traditional medicine turns to medicines like Clen. But here's the twist, mate - despite its main medical mojo, a heap of folks these days are more interested in Clenbuterol's side hustle.

These side gigs, taken advantage of by bodybuilders, fitness models, celebs, and sports stars, involve shedding weight and sculpting bodies. That's why Clenbuterol's weight loss chops and body-shaping potential have caught the eye of those keen on looking good and staying fit.

Clenbuterol in the Hollywood Spotlight

Hollywood's always showing off those perfectly ripped bodies, and it's no shocker that actors might be dabbling in weight loss tricks like buying Clenbuterol to get ready for their roles. So, the big question is: Do the stars down under get their hands on Clen to get those drool-worthy physiques?

Clenbuterol has become a bit of a secret weapon for celebs chasin' rapid weight loss. The likes of Victoria Beckham and Britney Spears started the hype years back. This stuff kicks hunger to the curb and cranks up your body heat, making fat melt away faster than an ice cream in the sun. Big names in the biz prove that when you use Clen and its mates the right way, it can be a safe and effective road to looking smoking, and you can spot the proof in heaps of online chats.


But here's the kicker, the main difference between A-listers and the average Joe or Jill using Clenbuterol is the support they get. Celebs have the best personal trainers and experts at their fingertips, dishing out top-notch advice on how to use Clen and similar weight loss pills to get results without running into strife. On the flip side, regular folks often struggle to find useful info and tips on how to use this stuff the right way.

Considering the influential role Clenbuterol plays in Hollywood's fitness routines, it's essential for potential folks to learn from stars' experiences and seek expert advice when venturing into using Clen or other weight loss pills. The emphasis on safety and proper utilization is vital for achieving desired results and maintaining healthy habits.

Efficient Usage of Clenbuterol

To gain maximum benefits from Clen, it's crucial to use it correctly. Developing an efficient regime revolves around three core considerations - when to take it, duration of usage, and the right dosage. These factors will depend on your gender, body fat percentage, and how often you work out.

Timing Your Dosage:

Clenbuterol shows the best results when taken pre-workout. Hence, only use it on days when you are planning a workout. Taking it on rest days could dull down its effectiveness, making your results less impressive over time - nobody wants that mate.

Duration of Use:

To keep your body in tune with Clenbuterol, stick to the routine for no more than three weeks, mate. After that stretch, give it a rest for at least three weeks. This "3-weeks on, 3-weeks off" method helps your body reset and makes sure Clenbuterol keeps on doing its job. But here's the deal, if you keep at it for ages without a break, the Clen's magic might start to wear thin, so watch out for that.

Dosage Recommendations:

Nailing down the perfect dose of Clenbuterol is as unique as a kangaroo in a city, mate. Kick things off with the smallest recommended dose and slowly ramp it up each week while keeping a close eye on how it affects you. That's the safest way to suss out what dose suits you down to the ground.

For blokes, the daily dose usually falls between 40-120 mcg, and for sheilas, it's around 40-100 mcg. But here's the thing, these doses are mainly for folks using Clen to shed a few kilos. Your dose also dances to the beat of your workout routine, tucker, and snooze schedule, so keep that in the back of your mind.


On top of that, Clenbuterol can team up nicely with stuff like AnavarWinstrol, Masteron, and other injectable and oral steroids to jack up those muscle gains while you're knocking off the weight. So, there you have it, mate, a bit of inside info to help you navigate the Clenbuterol scene!

Things to Consider Before Purchasing Clenbuterol in Australia: Advice and Warnings

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Whenever starting a new weight loss regimen, it's essential to make sure it's safe for you. This is particularly crucial for powerful gear like Clen. Before guiding you on how to buy Clenbuterol in AU, let's make sure you fit into some critical categories.

●    You should only consider buying Clenbuterol if you are 21 or older. This is the age at which your body is typically mature enough to handle such potent supplements.

●    Next, it's crucial to be in good cardiac health. It is not suitable for individuals with heart conditions, as it could potentially exacerbate these issues.

●    Also, ensure you are not on any medications that might interact negatively with Clenbuterol. Its chemical interactions with other drugs can sometimes lead to adverse effects.

●    Further, a commitment to pay close attention to your body's reactions during your cycle is necessary. Clen obviously will increase heart rate and body temp, but that's the whole point when using it for weight loss, it may also cause shaky hands in high doses. So just being prepared to recognize and address any potential side effects can help keep your weight loss journey safer.

So long as all these conditions apply, we are ready to assist you with your Clenbuterol purchase for weight loss.

How to Distinguish Real Clenbuterol from "Legal Alternatives"

The tricks of fake Clenbuterol sellers are crafty. They aim to earn hefty profits by selling products appearing as the real Clen due to similar naming. However, the product that you receive differs from what you intend to buy.

These inventors use exciting words to draw your attention. For them, it doesn't matter if you're looking for organic, safe, or legal products because they'll claim their products are just that. Noticeably, they rarely mention possible side effects tied to their product. It boggles the mind that some people believe them, even if their goods lack FDA approval.

These so-called "Clenbuterol replacements" contain a mix of different elements. Each component may induce its own side effects. Some fake Clen products we've come across contain a mix of Niacinamide, Garcinia, Guarana, and Bitter orange. It's crucial to examine the consequences of consuming every ingredient:

●    Niacinamide, mate? Be a bit careful, yeah? You might find yourself with a bit of a dicky tummy, some ripper bad wind, feeling a bit dizzy, getting a throbbing headache, or even sporting a rash!
●    Garcinia? Crikey! This one could give your liver a hard time, make you feel crook in the stomach, or give you a ripper headache, watch out!
●    Guarana, mate (that's caffeine for you)? Heads up! This one could have you staring at the ceiling all night, feeling a bit edgy, playing havoc with your gut, or even chucking your guts up, no joke!
●    Now, if you're talking big doses of bitter orange, better be on your toes! Pair that with caffeine or any of them caffeine-loaded herbs, and you might find your blood pressure going through the roof, pass out, or even face a heart attack or a stroke!

(Have a look for yourself in the references later)

Despite all these warnings, there are dodgy products out there online that chuck ALL these ingredients together. That's because these companies haven't got a clue about what mixes and what doesn't, and that can really stir the pot. So, keep your peepers peeled, alright?

Be cautious of those attractive/glowing reviews or body transformation snaps on these websites selling counterfeit Clenbuterol. For honest fair dinkum opinions, you can search "Reddit Clenbuterol" and find many unhappy users who either gained no benefits or experienced bad side effects. Our advice to you? Stay away from these fake versions of Clen. They're not worth your money, time, or, most importantly, your health.

Finding Real Clenbuterol for Sale

If you're on a kangaroo hunt to find real Clenbuterol, here are some options that you might consider:

Your first option could be to grab a prescription from a doctor. However, in Auss, obtaining Clen this way is highly unlikely.

Perhaps your gym coach might help ya. They may have a reliable supplier or know gym goers who do. Keep in mind, though, that they might not give this information unless they know and trust you well.

You could also opt for a trip abroad. In several countries around the globe such as Thailand, Iran, Turkey, and the Philippines, you can get Clenbuterol without a prescription. However, the added costs of travel, lodging, and other inconveniences could make this option quite pricey mate.

Ordering bulk raw powder from China could also be an alternative. But tread with caution as this route may cause you to be mistaken as a narcotics dealer, so try steer clear of that.

As you can suss out, none of these methods are quick as a kangaroo, cheap as chips, or entirely on the up and up. So, your top choice might be to nab Clen online, especially if you're in AU. Happy hunting!

Understanding the Risks of Buying Clenbuterol Pills Online

Although buying anything online is easy, it's important to be aware of any risks involved so you don't get bitten mate.

Quality Concerns

There could be several quality issues linked to buying Clen online:

●    Be cautious of expired products, which may not be safe to consume.
●    Some products might have lower than advertised doses, resulting in reduced effectiveness.
●    Counterfeit or placebo products could also be an issue.
●    Unhygienic products made in underground labs or unsuitable environments, such as basements or garages. These are often identifiable by poor packaging and labeling.
●    Illicit versions of reputable brands can also be an issue. Verify the products using codes on the official manufacturers' websites.

If any of these problems are evident, it's best not to use Clenbuterol in such circumstances.

Delivery Issues

When it comes to snagging Clenbuterol pills online, there are a few delivery-related hiccups you might face, mate:

●    You might receive only a partial order after making a non-refundable payment through platforms like Western Union, MoneyGram, or cryptocurrencies.
●    Clen pills could arrive damaged due to inadequate packaging. Water damage, for instance, looking like they have been through a cyclone can negatively impact the product's effectiveness.

So, if you're in Australia and hankering for Clen, you gotta be smart about it. Keep your peepers peeled for legit sellers, ones who'll give you the real McCoy and deliver the results you're after. Safety first!

Delivery Issues

Some delivery-related risks could arise when purchasing Clenbuterol pills online:

●    You might receive only a partial order after making a non-refundable payment through platforms like Western Union, MoneyGram, or cryptocurrencies.
●    Clen pills could arrive damaged due to inadequate packaging. Water damage, for instance, can negatively impact the product's effectiveness.

It's essential to be cautious when buying Clen online, particularly for customers in Australia. Customers must ensure they're dealing with reputable sellers, acquiring genuine products that offer desired results.

Discovering a Trustworthy Clenbuterol Supplier

To make sure you score top-notch Clenbuterol for sale and don't get ripped off, it's bloody crucial to know how to suss out a fair dinkum supplier. Here are some ripper tips to steer you right on this journey:

Support and Payment

●    Determine if they offer pre- and post-sale support. Some suppliers even provide free chinwags for personalizing cycles according to your gender, age, goals, and experience. Contact the website's support crew, shoot them a message for tailored advice to gauge how helpful they are.
●    It's smart to choose sellers who accept credit card payments, as this option would allow you to receive a refund if the seller fails to meet their promises.

Verification and Stock

●    Start by checking if the supplier's the real McCoy. Make sure to punch in those codes stamped on their gear on the brand's official website.
●    Demand some proof of stock, too. You want to be dead certain those items they're spruiking are actually up for grabs. Dodgy suppliers might nick photos from legit sellers, so if you're not convinced, ask them to shoot a video of the goods being unpacked. Better safe than sorry, right?

Delivery Aspects

●    It's crucial to clock the supplier's delivery times. Those middleman suppliers might not stash anything in their shed, reckon they'll just grab your stuff from online shops after they've pocketed your dosh. That means your gear might take yonks to get to you, and it might even cost ya more.
●    A trustworthy supplier should provide a tracking code so you can monitor your parcel throughout its journey to your doorstep in AU.

Reputable Suppliers

●    Examine the guarantees they offer to resolve any issues you may face while ordering Clenbuterol. Suppliers who prioritize customer satisfaction will ensure you have peace of mind.
●    Investigate their reputation by searching for reviews on Google or Reddit, and thoroughly read what fellas have to say. Be cautious of fake reviews.

Remember these pointers, and you'll be sorted for a ripper time finding a Clenbuterol supplier, especially if you're in Australia. Stay sharp, and you'll be chuffed with the results!

Key Aspects of a Credible Clenbuterol Supplier

For customers seeking a Clen supplier they can trust, considering specific key aspects is crucial. Below is a checklist to guide you:

Secure Credit Card Payments and Round-the-Clock Availability

●    Opt for suppliers who offer safe and secure credit card payments as a precaution.
●    Choose vendors who are available all day, every day. This assures you they are there when you need them most.

Exclusive Access and Offers

●    A trustworthy supplier can grant you access to uncommon or hard-to-find products.
●    They can also provide special discounts and bonus offers on select items, ensuring you get the best deals.

Complimentary Services and Support

●    Suppliers who genuinely care about customer satisfaction will offer free consultations on customized regimens from experts.
●    Round-the-clock customer support is another crucial aspect.

Delivery and Guarantees

●    Pick suppliers who chuck in traceable delivery services, mate. That way, you can keep tabs on your parcel's wandering.
●    Look for suppliers who provide a money-back guarantee or dispatch resending guarantee for mishandled items, adding to your peace of mind.
●    Check for discreet global delivery services that ensure your order will not be confiscated, so you can receive your Clenbuterol without worry, no matter where you are.
Follow our checklist, and you'll be well on your way to finding a fair dinkum Clenbuterol supplier, especially if you're down under in Australia. Stay savvy, and you'll be as happy as a kangaroo in a tucker bag!

Assessing Prices of Leading Clenbuterol Brands

Grasping the price range of Clen is crucial when choosing a product that suits your budget and quality requirements. The price of Clenbuterol for sale can vary depending on the brand. Often, the cost isn't just for the product quality but also the reputation of the manufacturer - it's the name of the game.

It's noteworthy that while you might pay a higher price, top notch brands often guarantee genuine Clen (the real deal) This confidence comes from the fact that many other customers have already tested and affirmed the product quality for you - they got a name to protect after all. The cool thing is heaps of other folks have tried it and given it the thumbs up so these reviewed and trusted products add to your assurance about the product you're investing in.

Buying something you'll be consuming is not an average purchase. If it requires tossing an extra 10-20 dollars for a product endorsed by hundreds of thousands of people with years of usage, it's always a reasonable choice - it's a no brainer!! This small extra cost ensures you're getting a product that's trusted, of high quality, and safe to use.

To help ya make the right call, we've done the hard yards and compared the prices of the best Clenbuterol brands out there right now. We're not just talking numbers; we're checking out bang for your buck, mate. It's important to weigh up all these bits and pieces when you're deciding if the price tag matches up with the quality you're after. Stay sharp, and you'll get bang for your buck, no worries!

Clen-40 by Magnum Pharmaceuticals: Quality and Value

Clen-40, cooked up by Magnum Pharmaceuticals, has quickly gained popularity in the weight loss supplement market. Striving with the goal of helping people achieve a toned and fit physique, it has become a top choice for many folks looking to shape up and get fit.

●    High-quality product: Clen-40 offers a reliable choice for people who want effective results.
●    40 mcg clenbuterol hydrochloride: Each pill contains the optimal amount of this essential active ingredient to assist you in your weight loss journey.
●    100-pill package: Clen-40 comes in a convenient package containing 100 pills, making it easy and accessible for users.
●    Affordable price: For those looking for a premium weight-loss pill, Clen-40, which is priced between A$40-50, is a cost-effective solution that offers outstanding value.

Magnum Pharmaceuticals' Clen-40 has made a ripper mark in the weight loss supplement scene, catering to those folks looking for a high-quality product that helps them reach their fitness goals, it's the bee's knees.

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Spotlight on Clen-Max by Maxtreme: An Excellent Choice for Weight Loss

Clen-Max by Maxtreme stands tall as one of the most fair dinkum weight loss supplements out there. Created to give folks a leg up in smashing their fitness goals, Clen-Max has become a top pick for anyone after a bod that's as sharp as a kangaroo in a knife fight. It's the go-to choice for a sleek and defined physique.

●    High Efficiency: Clen-Max's success mainly comes down to its effectiveness. It's a high-performing product many people rely on for their weight loss goals.
●    Rich in clenbuterol hydrochloride: Each pill in a Clen-Max pack contains 40 mcg of clenbuterol hydrochloride, an important ingredient for weight loss.
●    Packs of 100: Each packet of Clen-Max includes 100 pills, a handy quantity that will last a long duration.
●    Value for money: Selling at A$45-55, Clen-Max provides amazing value. It's a premium product offered at a reasonable price.

Maxtreme's Clen-Max has become a popular choice due to its quality, affordability, and effectiveness in assisting weight loss in folks. If you're looking to achieve a leaner figure without breaking the bank, Clen-Max should be your choice.

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Astralean by Alpha Pharma: A Personal Favorite for Weight Loss

Astralean by Alpha Pharma has positioned itself as a top contender in the health and fitness industry. It shines as an all-time favorite for many people, helping them achieve a leaner and more well-defined physique.

●    High-performance product: Astralean delivers excellent results, making the goal of a slim and toned body much more attainable.
●    40 mcg clenbuterol hydrochloride: Each pill contains the optimal dose of the essential ingredient clenbuterol hydrochloride, ensuring effectiveness and making sure it does the business.
●    50-pill package: Astralean is provided in a convenient package, containing 50 pills for ease of use - no fuss.
●    Unbeatable price: With a price range of A$15-25, Astralean offers exceptional value for a potent weight loss supplement.

Alpha Pharma's Astralean is a trusted leader in the world of fitness supplements. This high-quality product helps users reach their desired body by giving top notch results at an incredibly affordable cost.

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Ultima-Clen: The Ultimate Weight Loss Partner by Ultima Pharmaceuticals

Ultima-Clen, straight outta the Ultima Pharmaceuticals stable, is a real ripper. It's got the kind of top-notch quality and effectiveness that makes folks tip their hats. Its punchy impact has earned it some serious credentials among the fitness enthusiasts who are serious about their health goals. This one's a true blue choice for anyone serious about their fitness journey!

●    Quality and Efficiency: Ultima-Clen shines for its excellent quality and proven results. Fitness enthusiasts love it for the effectiveness it brings to their routines.
●    Packed with clenbuterol hydrochloride: Each pill of Ultima-Clen is packed with 40 mcg of clenbuterol hydrochloride, precisely the substance necessary for a reliable weight loss journey.
●    50-pill package: Ultima-Clen hands it to you in just the right quantity. It's available in a useful pack of 50 pills.
●    Budget-friendly: With prices falling between A$15-30, Ultima-Clen ticks the box of high cost-effectiveness.

Ultima Pharmaceuticals has crafted Ultima-Clen for those who value both quality and cost-effectiveness. The product's superior efficiency, coupled with a moderate price tag, makes it a powerful ally in any weight loss journey.

Clenbol by Phoenix Remedies: Achieve Wellness and Fitness Goals

Clenbol, a product of Phoenix Remedies, is rapidly gaining popularity in the wellness and fitness world. Due to its impressive results, this powerful supplement has become an ideal option for anyone eager to shed weight.

●    Impressive Results: Clenbol is recognized for its powerful efficiency and delivering impressive weight loss results.
●    Potent dosage: Each Clenbol pill brings the strength of 50 mcg of clenbuterol hydrochloride. This potency translates to evident effectiveness.
●    100-pill package: Clenbol comes in a handy pack of 100 pills, designed for convenience and ease of use.
●    Strong Value: With a price range of A$30-45, Clenbol offers considerable value for its standing in the market.

Clenbol by Phoenix Remedies leads the pack in providing powerful and efficient weight loss supplements. See impressive changes in your fitness journey with a product crafted to provide strong value and incredible results.

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Your Easy Guide to Buying Clenbuterol - A Quick Summary

Buying Clenbuterol online can be hard. But with this guide, you now know what to do to avoid scams and make the best choices.

After reading this, you now know a lot about Clen. This know-how guide helps you buy online safely.

Don't forget to save this guide so you can check it again when needed.

For a trusted place to buy, go to AuGear.Store. It's known for selling real, high-quality Clen products and steroids for sale. They also offer other items to improve performance and can ship anywhere in the US or worldwide.

As a bonus, we're offering a 10% discount. Use the code AUGEAR10 when grabbing any Clenbuterol brand on AuGear.Store to enjoy the savings - fair dinkum?

Looking for more trusted sellers? Simply type "roids club" in Google to find more or just visit Dianabol for sale guide page.

Keep in mind that knowledge keeps you safe and out of strife. It helps you make good choices when buying Clenbuterol online. So use what you know, stay safe, stay on the ball and start your journey to better fitness with peace of mind.



What is clenbuterol?:

Clenbuterol Human Effects:

Clenbuterol for Bodybuilding: Is it Safe?:

FACTBOX: How do slimming drugs work and what are the risks? | Reuters:

The size zero pill | Daily Mail Online:

Wednesday Edition: Getting Thin with "Clen" - Poynter:

Negative effects of Niacinamide:

Negative effects of Garcinia:

Negative effects of Guarana:

Negative effects of Bitter orange:

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.