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This Article is From Oct 12, 2023

Equipoise Steroid: Cycles, Benefits, Side effects, and How to Buy EQ Boldenone

Why do bodybuilders choose Equipoise? How to avoid Boldenone side effects and select the right dosage? Where and how can you safely buy the EQ steroid? Let's discuss.

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Creating a defined and muscular physique doesn't just have to come down to good genetics. With a well-structured training plan consistency and the use of the right supplements, anybody can achieve the body of their dreams. A potent anabolic steroid like Equipoise (Boldenone) can be the game changer you need to elevate your fitness journey. Boldenone is known for its unique ability to increase muscle mass, boost endurance and even increase the users appetite, making it a great choice for those who struggle to pack on the mass.

Finding the right information needed on your journey with anabolic steroids for sale can be overwhelming, that's where this guide on EQ Boldenone will prove to be invaluable. You will gain an insight into how to cycle EQ, the benefits it provides, and the potential side effects that come from using it. Read on to gain the knowledge needed to use Boldenone and take advantage of the benefits it offers.


What is Equipoise?

Equipoise, also known as Boldenone, is a popular anabolic-androgenic steroid. It is commonly used by those looking to put on high quality mass and improve their overall performance levels. Initially used for veterinary purposes, it wasn't long before the performance enhancing qualities of boldenone were discovered, leading to its widespread use within the fitness world.

Equipoise is considered to be a long-acting injectable steroid, with a half life of 14 days. It is a derivative of Testosterone, with a unique double bond between the C1 and C2 positions.

Equipoise Benefits

Like many other steroids, Equipoise comes with a range of fantastic performance enhancing benefits, from packing on muscle to drastically improving your physical performance.

Moderate Mass Gain

One of the main qualities provided by Equipoise is its ability to promote a steady increase in lean muscle mass. Unlike many other mass building steroids that lead to quick increases in overall body mass, including fluid retention, Equipoise promotes a slower approach that is perfect for a longer cycle. This slower increase will lead to great amounts of muscle mass, with very little risk of excess fluid retention.

Appetite Increase

One of the benefits that make Boldenone a popular choice among those looking to increase their body mass is its ability to stimulate the user's appetite. Many users will report a drastic increase in their appetite when using Boldenone at certain doses, making it easier to consume the calories needed for muscle growth and recovery.

Strength and Endurance

Like most steroids, Equipoise will provide a huge boost in strength, allowing the user to move more weight for more reps. However, Equipoise takes this performance enhancement one step further by also significantly boosting endurance levels, allowing for more intense training sessions and even more muscle gains.

Is Equipoise Legal?

The legality of steroids will vary depending on where you live, many countries will have different laws regarding these substances, so it is always advised to check your local laws.

In many countries, Equipoise is still used for veterinary purposes, so will be legal under certain circumstances, but you cannot rely solely on this when using it for performance enhancement.

As for the history of Equipoise, it was originally developed by CIBA, a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company, for veterinary use predominantly for horses, helping them recover from injuries and improve their physical health.

Learn more about steroid use in veterinary medicine via the link below:


However, the muscle-enhancing properties of this steroid made it appealing to bodybuilders. Over time, its use became widespread in the fitness community due to its benefits like moderate mass gain, increase in strength, and boosts to endurance levels. 

Equipoise in Hollywood – Do Celebrities Buy Equipoise?

Hollywood is full of those eye-catching, toned, and muscular physiques, but how do so many celebrities acquire these dream bodies?

The use of PEDs is not as uncommon as you may think, with many celebrities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Zac Efron admitting to using them to get in shape for Hollywood roles.

Find out which other celebs have admitted to using steroids via the article below:


The fact that so many celebrities admit to using these substances, but still lead healthy, active lifestyles, shows that if you follow the advice of an expert, they do not necessarily lead to negative health effects.

 Equipoise Results You Can Achieve

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

A solid steroid cycle can be the difference between average and incredible results and Equipoise is one that can turn an average bulk into the best muscle building phase you have ever done.

Results in Men

Equipoise has a long half life, so the results may take a little longer to show than other steroids, this is why it fits best into the longer mass building cycles. Noticeable growth will happen around the 4 to 6 week mark, with a harder and fuller physique beginning to develop.

A 16 week cycle will provide enough time to really feel the benefits of this steroid. Many users will report noticeable strength gains as well as solid lean muscle growth.

Results in Women

As with many injectable steroids, Equipoise is not a common compound for female users, however, it can provide great results when used by experienced users.

As with all steroids, female users will be more sensitive to the results of Equipoise, so lower doses and shorter cycles will be followed, but the results will be just as impressive.

A 6 week cycle will lead to great muscle and strength gains while also keeping the risk of side effects low. 

Equipoise Steroid Dosage

One of the most important factors to consider when planning any steroid cycle is the doses that will be used. Ensuring you use the correct dose will help to strike the perfect balance between results and side effects.

For Men

For beginners, great results can be achieved with a starting dose of 200-400mg per week. This will help provide a great boost in muscle mass and overall strength gains.

More experienced users may increase this dose to 600mg per week, however, it is important to remember that increasing the dose will also increase the risk of side effects.

For Women

For female users, a maximum dose of 50mg per week should be used. This will strike the perfect balance between all the amazing performance enhancing benefits of Equipoise, while also keeping the risk of side effects as low as possible.

 Equipoise Cycles

Finding the right Equipoise cycle can vastly enhance your physical development. This will predominantly depend on your bodybuilding experience, personal preferences, and the objectives set for your fitness journey. Let's break down the best cycles for beginners, those aiming to cut, and those focusing on bulking.

Best Beginner EQ Cycle

For beginners stepping into the realm of EQ Boldenone, a moderate dose of 200-300mg per week is recommended. This dosage promises visible muscle gain and strength improvements. The cycle length for beginners often spans 12 weeks, given Equipoise's relatively long half-life and slower onset of effects.

Equipoise Bulking Cycle

For individuals on a bulking cycle, EQ Boldenone can offer optimal results when administered at doses between 400-600mg per week. This higher dosage aims to deliver substantial muscle gains, strength improvements, and an increased appetite, all tailored to support a heavy and intensive workout regimen. A bulking cycle with Equipoise usually lasts between 12-16 weeks, capitalizing on the slow, steady muscle growth part of this steroid's hallmark offerings. 

Equipoise Stacks - Best Steroids to Stack with Boldenone

For those looking to further maximize their gains, stacking Equipoise with other steroids can provide even greater results. The compounds used in your stack depend on your specific fitness goals. Whether you're aiming to cut, bulk, or achieve an overall toned physique, different stacks with EQ Boldenone can offer targeted advantages. Let's delve into the specifics of a few popular combinations.

Primobolan and Equipoise Cycle

The Primobolan and Equipoise stack is most often preferred during a lean gain cycle, given the lean muscle preservation qualities that Primobolan presents. A typical dosage involves 400mg of Equipoise and 600mg of Primobolan per week, administered through a cycle of 8 weeks. This stack helps maintain muscle mass during a low calorie phase, while simultaneously boosting overall muscle definition and vascularity.

Sustanon and Equipoise Stack

For bodybuilders aiming for significant muscle growth, the combination of Sustanon and Equipoise serves as an effective bulking stack. Usually, a cycle involves administering 500mg of Sustanon and 400mg of Equipoise per week. Often, this 12-week cycle results in notable muscle growth, increased strength, and improved endurance.

Equipoise and Testosterone Enanthate Cycle

The stack involving Equipoise and Testosterone is highly favored when the goal is to build a solid foundation of lean muscle. Typically, a cycle length of 12 weeks with 500mg of Testosterone Cypionate and 400mg of Equipoise administered weekly is recommended. The key benefits here include extensive lean muscle gains, strength improvements, and significant performance enhancements.

Deca and Equipoise Stack

A combination of Deca Durabolin and Equipoise is often used to achieve maximum muscle growth and enhance recovery times. A typical bulking cycle lasts 12 to 16 weeks, with Deca administered at 400mg per week and Equipoise at 400mg per week. The blend of these two potent steroids promotes impressive muscle gains, superior strength increases, and faster recovery periods post-workout. 

For achieving the most effective and remarkable outcomes, Equipoise is frequently stacked with a variety of other steroid pills or injectable steroids, which can enhance muscle gains.

Equipoise Post Cycle Therapy: Is PCT that Important?

After completing a cycle of Equipoise, running a PCT is almost non-negotiable to help your body restore its natural hormone balance. Given the suppressive nature of most anabolic-androgenic steroids, including Equipoise, towards natural testosterone production, PCT becomes vital.

Its primary function is to stimulate natural testosterone production, maintain the gains from the steroid cycle, and minimize the potential side effects. Now, let's discuss specific PCT strategies for men and women.

For Men

For men, an ideal Equipoise post cycle therapy would involve using Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) such as Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) or Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate).

Typically, this involves taking 40mg of Nolvadex daily or 50mg of Clomid daily for the first two to three weeks post-cycle, then reducing the dosage to 20mg of Nolvadex or 25mg of Clomid for the next two weeks.

The aim is to restore natural testosterone production and retain the muscle gained during the prior steroid cycle.

For Women

For female bodybuilders, post cycle therapy after using Equipoise usually involves a period of natural downtime to allow the body to restore hormonal balance.

Comparatively, females don't require an intensive PCT regimen as men do since their normal testosterone levels are much lower. 

Are There Legal Alternatives to Equipoise Injections?

Despite numerous claims and a sea of products claiming to offer similar benefits as EQ Boldenone, the truth is that there are no legal alternatives that outperform authentic Equipoise injections. These injections consist of a time-tested compound that has been effectively used for decades in the bodybuilding community for its unique set of benefits.

One method these fake Equipoise producers use to attract their customers is by telling them they're “safe” versions while failing to list any potential side effects. Most of these supplements aren't even FDA approved, which you can see in the small print of their websites.

Like all anabolic steroids, Equipoise does come with some potential side effects, but when used correctly, this list is relatively small.

Some of these potential side effects include acne, mood changes, gyno, reduced testosterone production, increased libido, and virilization symptoms in females (the development of male characteristics.)

However, these side effects can be easily avoided with proper cycle planning.


These “Alternative Equipoise products,” on the other hand, contain a mixture of many different ingredients. Each comes with its own list of potential side effects that you need to watch out for.

For example, let's say they sell a product containing Tyrosine, Ginseng, Chromium, and Fenugreek. These ingredients could all have a separate list of side effects, for the sake of this article, we've researched these already and provided them below:

Tyrosine adverse effects may include fatigue, joint pain, headache, heartburn, and nausea.

Ginseng side effects may include insomnia, headache, agitation, upset stomach, menstrual problems such as unusual vaginal bleeding, breast pain, dizziness, and changes in blood pressure.

Chromium adverse effects may include low blood sugar, muscle wastage, inflammation, low iron levels, liver issues, and kidney failure.

Fenugreek side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, digestive tract issues, dizziness and headaches.

(Please find references below for this information)

As you can see, most of these ingredients can be found in a local grocery store, so their side effects are not life-threatening. But this also shows that these ingredients will have no impact on your physical performance.

The only ingredient within this alternative Equipoise product that could mimic the effects of testosterone is Tyrosine - an amino acid naturally found in the body.

However, a study in 2005 on the effectiveness of the amino acid supplement on a group of well-trained men showed that the use of tyrosine by healthy men does not improve endurance, muscle strength, or power.

(Please find reference to this study below)

This study clearly shows that this supplement DOES NOT improve performance, and any progress you do experience when using it is down to your training and nutrition.

Legal alternatives often come in the form of dietary supplements and are composed of natural ingredients. While these can certainly contribute to overall fitness, health, and minor gains, they aren't capable of replicating the powerful effects of Equipoise or any other anabolic steroid. Therefore, while some legal options might help support your fitness journey, it's important to be realistic about their capabilities and not to expect miraculous results equivalent to what genuine steroids can deliver.

The Best Brands of Equipoise: Real EQ Price Comparison

When it comes to incorporating Equipoise into your cycle, it is vital to ensure you're sourcing your product from reputable brands; not solely for efficacy, but most importantly for safety. Numerous brands produce this steroid, and the cost can vary significantly. Let's delve into four widely recognized Equipoise brands and compare their offerings in terms of dosage, prices, and benefits.

Boldebolin - Alpha Pharma

Boldebolin, produced by Alpha Pharma, is one of the premier choices among bodybuilders and athletes. Each 10ml pack is dosed at 250mg/ml, costing around $63, making this product great value for money. It's recognized for delivering consistent muscle gains and enhancing endurance, making Boldebolin one of the most popular choices in the market.

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft


Bold-Max - Maxtreme Pharma

On the higher end of the price range, you'll find Bold-Max by Maxtreme Pharma. It retails at about $80 for a 10ml vial, with each ml containing 300mg of Boldenone. This product is known for its potent performance in enhancing muscle mass and strength, as well as promoting a notable increase in appetite, an attribute much appreciated by hard gainers.

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft


Bold-300 by Magnum Pharmaceuticals

Bold 300, crafted by Magnum Pharmaceuticals, is another excellent choice for EQ Boldenone users. With each 10ml priced at approximately $68, this offers a solid 300mg/ml concentration. This product is known for its role in promoting lean muscle mass gains and its effectiveness in boosting red blood cell production, which leads to improved oxygen-carrying capacity and endurance.

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft


Boldescot by Scott-Edil Pharmacia Ltd

Finally, the most budget-friendly yet effective brand on our list is Boldescot by Scott-Edil Pharmacia Ltd. Retailing at approximately $53 for a 10ml pack dosed at 250mg/ml, it notably offers affordability without compromising the assumed benefits. Users report significant gains in muscle mass and improved recovery times, making it an appealing choice for those looking to get the most out of their steroid cycle.

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Real Equipoise Before and After Reviews

Individual experiences with Equipoise can vary significantly depending on factors like experience, nutrition, workout regimen, and more. Nevertheless, looking into real Equipoise before and after reviews can offer a glimpse of the potential results one can expect.

"I was hesitant about incorporating steroids into my routine, but after my first 12-week cycle of Boldebolin at 400mg per week, I noticed substantial gains in my lean muscle mass. My strength also improved, and I was able to pack on a solid 10lbs of muscle, which may not sound like a lot, but it definitely made a difference in how I feel and look. Consequently, I've grown more confident in my physical abilities." - Mike, 25

"As someone who already had a solid base of muscle, I decided to try Bold 300 to help me break through my plateau. I ran a 16-week cycle at 400mg per week in combination with Testosterone Enanthate and was amazed by the results. After 16 weeks, I not only increased my muscle mass, but my vascularity and overall muscle definition significantly improved." - Jack, 32

"Throughout my entire bodybuilding career, I've experimented with various steroids. When I started a 14-week cycle of Bold-Max at 600mg per week, I was already competing at a high level. The gains I experienced far exceeded my expectations. I managed to put on a remarkable 20lbs of muscle mass and saw substantial improvements in my recovery times, which allowed me to push even harder during my workouts." - Ray, 38

"I decided to give Boldescot a try during a cutting cycle. I took 50mg per week for a total of 6 weeks. My goal was to maintain my muscle mass while shedding body fat. Not only did I keep my muscle during the process, but I also gained about 2lbs of lean muscle. I'm thrilled with the results and would definitely consider using it again in another cycle." - Samantha, 28

"I stacked Boldebolin at 75mg per week with Oxandrolone for 6 weeks and was amazed by the results. I was looking to add lean muscle while improving my overall athletic performance. At the end of my cycle, I had put on 5lbs of muscle and noticed a considerable increase in my strength and endurance. I've never felt this good before and am extremely satisfied with the outcome of my cycle." - Danielle, 34

By breaking down the testimonials of both male and female users, we draw a more comprehensive picture of how these steroids aid beginners, intermediates, and professional bodybuilders alike.

How and Where to Buy Real Equipoise Without Risks?

Purchasing real, high-quality Equipoise without the risk of losing your money can be a daunting task, especially given the prevalence of counterfeit products. One of the most important factors to take into account is sourcing your steroids through certified and reliable online retailers.

Step 1: Equipoise Sources and Seller Research

The subsequent step involves finding out how to select a dependable distributor of Equipoise. Searching through all the online information can be daunting for novices, particularly when attempting to locate genuine, quality sources of a substance you plan on injecting into your body.

Rest assured; we are here to guide you toward securing the finest pharma-grade Equipoise, a product often trusted by sought-after Hollywood trainers, Olympic contenders, and even budding bodybuilders at your neighborhood fitness center!

How Can You Get Real Equipoise?

If you've decided that Equipoise is the right choice for you, there are a few methods that exist for acquiring this authentic steroid.

You might consider securing a prescription from a medical professional. However, this route is not typically feasible unless for medical purposes. We sincerely hope that you do not have any ailments that necessitate Equipoise as a treatment option.

You may also try interacting with trainers or other members at your gym about it. However, keep in mind that many hesitate to openly provide such information. Numerous appalling incidents reported online have made many people wary of discussing this topic, particularly with newer members they barely know.

Another strategy could involve traveling to a country where Equipoise is legally accessible over the counter. It's easy to locate such countries online. However, remember that this method will also necessitate budgeting for travel expenses, so it is not an option for most users.

Ordering raw ingredients from wholesalers in certain jurisdictions is another possibility, but be warned that this method incurs substantial risks. This approach needs careful consideration as it comes with potential legal and health risks. 

Step 2: Understand the Real Risks When Buying Equipoise Online

Purchasing Equipoise online is often seen as the only viable solution. Nonetheless, this option is not completely free of hazards. 

Potential for Poor Quality

Expired Equipoise: This risk involves your Equipoise being past its use-by date, hence rendering it hazardous for use.

Low-dose Equipoise: Sometimes the dosage of your Equipoise could be considerably lower than what's specified, leading to diminished efficacy.

Counterfeit Equipoise: The Equipoise you purchase could just be an imitation substance or merely a placebo, which is not beneficial.

Products from Underground Labs: Such products are typically fashioned by individuals who procure powder or injection compounds in small quantities and then create tablets or fill vials in makeshift labs. These products are often identifiable by substandard packaging and labels, and they don't come in factory-sealed blisters or vials.

Fake Replicas of Reputed Brands: These are individuals who falsely label their products using established brand names. These counterfeit products can be verified via unique codes on the brand's official website. The downside is, that by the time you realize your Equipoise is a counterfeit, you've already bought and paid for it. In such cases, it's safer to toss it out as you do not want to take the risk of injecting an unknown substance.

Ineffective "Legal Alternatives": You could be buying legal variations of Equipoise that proclaim to be identical, but in reality, the active ingredient differs. Manufacturers of such products attempt to exploit Equipoise's reputation to promote their replica steroids, although they don't live up to even a tiny fraction of the actual product's effectiveness.

Possible Delivery Issues

Incomplete delivery: You may only receive a portion or none of your order.

Item damage: Equipoise comes in a glass vial, meaning you could receive a broken product, this could mean the substance completely leaks out of the vial before it arrives.

Your power over the seller is non-existent once you've made non-refundable payments via Western Union, MoneyGram, or Bitcoin.

Step 3: Know How to Spot a Good Equipoise Supplier

When verifying the legitimacy of an Equipoise supplier, consider the following factors:

Payment Channels

Among all the elements, a supplier's chosen payment method can serve as a significant indicator of their sincerity. We advise selecting vendors who allow payments through credit cards. Offering you the opportunity to request that your bank execute a chargeback if the seller cannot deliver or replace a lost or damaged shipment adds an extra layer of security against subpar quality, non-delivery, or damaged items.

Supplier Authenticity

Always ensure that they are an authorized distributor and that their Equipoise supply carries a verification code that can be confirmed on the official brand's website.

Product Availability

Make sure that the Equipoise products they advertise are actually in their inventory. Beware of deceitful suppliers who merely duplicate images from reputable vendors. To further validate, you can ask for a product unboxing video.

Delivery Time Frames

Some vendors only have products available once a customer orders, and they source the product from known online retailers after payment is received. Consequently, delivery times can stretch to approximately 30 working days.

Delivery Modes

Your supplier should be able to provide you with a tracking number to keep track of your package's movement and progress.


Legitimate sellers strive for customer satisfaction by resolving all issues favorably for the customer. Vendors who provide satisfaction assurances and trusted payment platforms are more likely to be trustworthy.

Vendor Reviews

Check out website reviews by inputting the site's name into a search engine (for example, "Monstersteroids review") to gain insight into other customers' experiences. But be cautious, as the seller could fabricate some reviews. Therefore, take these reviews into account, along with other factors such as secure payment methods.

Customer Support and Consultation Services

Equipoise, similar to other steroids, is a unique product requiring prior extensive research and consultations with sports medicine professionals and trainers. Nowadays, some suppliers offer complimentary consultations to help with creating personalized usage cycles based on variables like gender, age, objectives, and prior experience. Direct contact with customer support for personal advice via platforms like WhatsApp or support tickets is also worth considering.

Checklist: 10 Characteristics of a Trustworthy Equipoise Supplier

1.  Safe Payment Options

2.  Discount and Bonus Offers

3.  Free Professional Consultations

4.  Customer Support Availability

5.  Trackable Deliveries

6.  Refund Guarantees

7.  Reshipping Assurances

8.  24/7 Accessibility

9.  Supply of Rare Products

10.  Confidential Worldwide Shipping 

Equipoise Steroid Guide - Summary

This guide aims to provide you with invaluable insights about purchasing Equipoise safely and efficiently online. By following these suggestions, you can navigate the intricate process of purchasing Equipoise with total confidence, ensuring top-grade quality for optimal results. It would be a smart move to save this Equipoise Buying Guide. To put it simply, your future self will thank you.

As a part of our commitment, we offer you a top-secret source for obtaining authentic, pharmaceutical-grade Equipoise - This platform allows you to secure your supply of not just Equipoise, but also a diverse array of other steroids. They serve not only the USA but also cater to an extensive range of international locations, ensuring safe and expedited shipping.

Ready to make your first purchase of Equipoise from Here's a little something to sweeten the deal - a 10% discount code applicable for any brand of authentic, pharma-grade Equipoise you desire: MONSTER10.

But wait, there's more! If you found this guide beneficial, we bet you'll enjoy our other guides as well. Want to explore? Easy - type "roids club" in your search bar to discover more detailed guides and informative articles about various steroids and a wealth of other relevant subjects. Broaden your knowledge, enhance your understanding, and safely reach your performance goals.

For detailed guides on other steroids, please click on these links: How to buy Dianaboland find real Trenbolone for sale.

These materials provide deep insights that you won't find anywhere else.

Equipoise Steroid FAQs

Q: Where is the best place to inject Equipoise?

A: The best place to inject Equipoise is into deep muscle tissue, such as the glutes, thigh, or deltoid muscles. Always rotate injection sites to minimize pain and potential complications.

Q: Can Equipoise be used alone?

A: Yes, Equipoise can be used alone, but it is generally more effective when stacked with other compounds, such as Testosterone, for an enhanced synergistic effect.

Q: How long does it take for EQ to kick in?

A: The time taken for EQ's effects to become noticeable may vary, but users generally report feeling its benefits between 4 to 6 weeks into the cycle.

Q: What if I stop injecting EQ?

A: If you stop using EQ, your body will gradually return to its normal hormonal balance. It's crucial to implement a proper PCT to aid in a smoother transition and maintain the gains made on the cycle.

Q: What is the best workout plan while on Equipoise injections? How often should I workout? How long?

A: Workout plans should be tailored to individual goals and fitness levels. Generally, you should train at least 4-6 days per week, with each session lasting between 60-90 minutes. The focus should be on a mixture of compound and isolation exercises targeting major muscle groups.

Q: Does EQ cause hair loss?

A: Hair loss may occur in individuals who are predisposed to male pattern baldness. However, EQ is considered to have a milder impact on hair loss compared to other anabolic steroids.

Q: Is EQ good for cutting?

A: Yes, EQ can be beneficial for cutting cycles due to its potential to maintain lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss and improved vascularity.

Q: Does Equipoise increase hunger? What is the best diet on EQ?

A: Equipoise is known to increase hunger in some individuals. While on an EQ cycle, focus on a balanced diet comprising lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates, adjusting your calorie intake based on whether you aim to bulk or cut.

Q: Does Equipoise make you retain water?

A: Water retention is a possible side effect of Equipoise, but it tends to be milder compared to other steroids. Ensure proper diet and supplementation to minimize this risk.


> Steroids can benefit athletes for a decade after use - BBC News:

> Medicinal Use of Testosterone and Related Steroids Revisited - PMC:

>From Mr Average ... to superman | Health & wellbeing | The Guardian:

 > Anabolic Steroids and Other Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs (APEDs) | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA):

 > More middle-aged men taking steroids to look younger | Men's health | The Guardian:

> Ginseng Side effects

> Chromium Side effects

> Fenugreek Side effects

> Tyrosine: effects on endurance, muscle strength, and anaerobic performance

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.

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