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This Article is From Apr 25, 2023

Modere Trim Reviews 2023 - Is It Worth The Price Tag?

Modere Trim reviews are pretty mixed. The product has some benefits, but may not be worth the rather high price. However, alternatives are available.

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Most people want to lose a little weight, some more so than others. Sometimes diet and exercise alone fail us. Weight loss supplements can be a great way to provide the body with that little bit of a boost that can help us shed pounds and turn what used to be fat into muscle. However, the supplement industry is full of snake oil salesmen trying to make a quick dollar off of cheap, ineffective ingredients that can be easily packed into a pill.

Recently, we noticed an uptick in Modere Trim Reviews. When a supplement gets popular, it catches our eye, as we like to explore the efficacy of these new, popular wonder cures that make a number of claims. Read any Modere Review and you'll find intense discussion of metabolizing fat, reducing fat storage, improving skin health, and so much more. There may be something to these claims that can be seen in a Modere Trim Review, but we'd like to delve a little deeper into this product to see if it is really what it is cracked up to be and if there are better weight loss supplements than Modere Trim.

Best Alternatives for Modere Trim

About Modere Trim

Modere Trim is a weight loss supplement brought to you by the Modere company. At first glance, Modere seems to be a really reputable company. They aren't just some random website that has popped up in the last couple of years to try and quickly make fast money before disappearing off the internet. Modere Trim is in it for the long haul, having brick-and-mortar stores as well as an online presence.

The claimed benefits of Modere Trim are impressive and lengthy. Modere Trim claims that it can help you in multiple ways such as:

  1. Reduce Fat Cells
  2. Provide More Toned Muscles
  3. Improve Skin Health
  4. Stop the Storage of Fat Cells
  5. Provide a Boost To Your Metabolism
  6. Support Connective Tissue Health

All of these benefits are heavily tied to promises of weight loss and anti-aging, promising to make you look and feel younger and healthier overall. If these claims are true, Modere Trim may be one of the best products out there. However, some of these miracle claims may be questionable when we take a closer look at the ingredients of Modere Trim.

What is in Modere Trim?

Modere Trim claims to accomplish all their goals using only two active ingredients. For something with such intense claims, two ingredients might raise some alarm bells, but more ingredients do not always equal more effects in the world of health supplements. Modere Trim tries to accomplish their goals by using:

  1. Liquid Biocell: This ingredient is sort of a three-in-one ingredient, containing a mix of chondroitin sulfate, hydrolyzed collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Most of the advertised benefits of Modere Trim pertaining to connective tissue health and improved skin health are going to be related to Liquid Biocell. Hydrolyzed collagen has been connected to increase cell proliferation and improved joint and bone health. Chondroitin sulfate also seems to be connected to joint health. Hyaluronic acid is commonly used for skincare, as it helps the skin stretch causing fewer wrinkles and signs of aging. 
  2. Conjugated Linoleic Acid: CLA is a type of fat that may reduce fat, as strange as that may sound. It has been linked with reduced Body Mass Index (BMI) and may even reduce feelings of hunger in individuals, leading to the reduction of excess eating. When it comes to fat reduction, though, CLA hasn't had a lot of research, and what research exists has not been generally promising. Some animal research has shown a reduction in fat cells, but these results are not commonly replicated with humans, or at the very least show no more benefits than simply going on a low-calorie diet.

So, the Modere Trim formula does show some promise, though the overall science does not seem to support the number of claims that Modere Trim makes.

What are people saying about Modere Trim?

Customer reviews are decidedly mixed when it comes to Modere Trim. The nice part about Modere Trim is that it comes in an assortment of flavors and methods of taking, which customers have praised for being efficient and tasty. Some customers do report that they have lost weight while using Modere Trim, but this is not a universal trend, as there are a number of 1 and 2-star reviews that claim the pill did nothing, with many claiming that they followed the directions to the letter and still did not lose a single pound.

So, as far as the efficacy when it comes to proven results among customers, the jury is out. This doesn't completely disqualify Modere Trim from being a product to consider, but it doesn't seem like the product is a hit with many customers and results seem incredibly inconsistent.

The Problems With Modere Trim

Modere Trim is not a bad product. There is evidence to show that it may provide some of the benefits it advertises and it is a safe product to use. However, there are some things users should take into consideration before purchasing this product.

Scientific Efficacy In Regards To Weight Loss

As a skincare product, Modere Trim has some science to back up its claims, especially in regard to their Liquid Biocell blend. However, the claims about weight loss that are largely in relation to CLA are mostly unfounded. There isn't a lot of research out there about how CLA affects weight loss, most of it is animal research which does not always show the same results in humans, and what human research exists may show a decrease in BMI compared to placebo, but not when compared to other, cheaper weight loss methods like low-calorie dieting or exercise.

CLA Has Some Side Effects

While CLA is generally considered safe to take, it has been found to have some adverse side effects in some users, like nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, upset stomach, and headaches. CLA has also been linked with increasing the likelihood of getting diabetes for those with metabolic syndromes and may worsen the effects of diabetes. There is also a connection between CLA and slowing blood clotting, making it a risky thing to take if you have recently had surgery or if you have any bleeding disorders like Hemophilia

Modere Trim Is Expensive

While there is a diverse array of products from Modere under the Trim line, these are not cheap products. On the lower end, you'll easily spend $100, with some packages and bundles costing over $200. While this would be fine if Modere Trim was the ultimate weight loss supplement, Modere Trim really only has proven efficacy in regards to skincare, and the price of this product for just skincare seems a little steep.

Not Vegan

While Modere Trim does claim to be free of animal testing and uses common vegan ingredients for binding like vegetable glycerin and sunflower seed oil, the Liquid Biocell is derived from chicken cartilage, so this product is not appropriate for anyone who is vegan or even vegetarian.

Best Alternatives to Modere Trim

Modere Trim may be a great product for skincare, but as a weight loss supplement its claims are dubious. When you factor in how expensive Modere Trim is, you can see why Modere Trim reviews have been so mixed. If weight loss is what you are looking for, there are products on the market that work better as a weight loss supplement and are much cheaper. These products may also lack the adverse side effects that Modere Trim has, so depending on your individual goals and needs, these three weight loss products may be far more effective.

#1- Leanbean: The Best Fat Trimmer for Women

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

If you are a woman looking to burn fat and stop the production of fat while building lean muscle, Leanbean may be the product for you. Leanbean is a highly popular, very positively reviewed weight loss supplement that has been designed to specifically assist women in their weight loss and fitness goals. Leanbean claims that it can assist you in three specific ways:

  1. Burning belly fat 
  2. Reducing hunger and cravings
  3. Boosting your energy to reduce fatigue and provide more motivation

While these are not uncommon claims for weight loss supplements to make, Leanbean has found a blend of 12 ingredients that do seem to assist users in accomplishing those three goals. Whether it is through triggering thermogenesis to burn the fat, using fibers to fill the stomach so you feel less hungry, or whether it is by using a blend of caffeine and vitamins to provide users with a boost of energy that is not jittery or anxious, Leanbean is a solid product for weight loss, especially if you are a woman.

About Leanbean

Leanbean contains 12 active ingredients that assist in the weight loss process.

  • Chloride 
  • Turmeric
  • Chromium Picolinate
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B6
  • Zinc
  • Green Coffee
  • Glucomannan
  • Acai Berry
  • Choline
  • Piperine
  • Garcinia Cambogia

So, what are these 12 ingredients doing? To analyze that, let's break down what the 3 main claims of Leanbean are in relation to how the ingredients might help.

  1. Burns Fat: If you are familiar with weight loss supplements, you'll have heard of thermogenesis, but if you are unfamiliar, thermogenesis is the process of increasing your body temperature. Increased body temperature makes your workouts more effective by increasing how much you sweat, removing fat from the body by, almost quite literally, burning it off. There are a number of natural ingredients that can assist the body in thermogenesis. Turmeric plays a big role in getting the body working and generating that body heat to get rid of fat, as does caffeine, which can be found in Green Coffee. Piperine not only helps heat the body up because of the capsaicin in it but it has also been linked to stopping the production of fat, keeping your body lean. Antioxidants present in Acai Berry may also increase blood flow, helping to eliminate the fat in the body as well.
  2. Reduces Hunger: A common ingredient in weight loss supplements is some kind of water-soluble fiber that helps the body absorb water, filling the stomach and making people feel full with less food. Glucomannan is the fiber that Leanbean chooses to use, but this is not the only way that Leanbean reduces hunger. The product also contains Garcinia Cambogia, which has been linked with increased serotonin levels which are also connected with a reduction in hunger.
  3. Boosting Energy: So, let's get the obvious out of the way. Leanbean contains Green Coffee, which has caffeine to stimulate the brain and reduce fatigue, which will make you more likely to get out and work out. The increased serotonin from the Garcinia Cambogia may also be a factor in improving your mood and thus providing you with a boost of energy. Finally, Vitamin B6 and B12 aren't stimulants, so they don't explicitly give you energy, but they will help you more efficiently convert fat to energy, which not only reduces your feelings of exhaustion but also plays a role in removing fat from the body.

As we can see, the ingredients in Leanbean are clearly engineered to help Leanbean achieve the claims it makes. Leanbean does not make outlandish claims but rather focuses on effective ingredients that do what a weight loss supplement should.

Problems with Leanbean

While Leanbean is an effective product, there are a few things to consider before buying it.

  • If you are on any medication for diabetes, pain, or any kind of psychiatric medicine, you should be wary of this product and consult your doctor, as Garcinia Cambogia may adversely interact with these medications.
  • Since Leanbean wants consumers to use the product three times a day, that means taking a nightly dose of caffeine, which may cause restlessness. Furthermore, because of the caffeine content, Leanbean is not appropriate for women who are pregnant or nursing.


Leanbean is significantly cheaper than Modere Trim at only $59.99 for a 30-day supply. A 60-day supply costs $119.98 and comes with free shipping, while a 120-day supply costs $189.97, which essentially gives you a free bottle. All orders come with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

Click here for the Best Price on Leanbean

#2- PhenQ: A Great Overall Fat Burner

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

PhenQ is another product you'll see come up in reviews about fat burners, but unlike Modere Trim reviews, PhenQ is generally discussed in largely positive terms. This is because PhenQ aims to achieve 5 different goals using a powerful blend of ingredients. PhenQ claims that it can:

  1. Burn fat by boosting your metabolism and activating your body's thermogenetic qualities.
  2. Stop fat from being produced so it does not come back.
  3. Boost your energy.
  4. Improve your overall mood.
  5. Reduce hunger and cravings by making you feel more full.

Much like Modere Trim, this is a ‘big if true' moment. However, unlike Modere Trim, PhenQ does seem like it is able to achieve these five goals with its five ingredients.

About PhenQ

PhenQ is made up of 5 ingredients that are all putting in a lot of work to help you lose weight and keep the fat off.

  • Capsimax Powder
  • L-Carnitine Fumarate
  • Caffeine
  • Chromium Picolinate
  • Nopal Cactus Extract

Just like we did with Leanbean, let's look at if these ingredients are actually able to help customers achieve the benefits that PhenQ claims.

  1. Thermogenesis and Metabolism: Heating up the body is a common trick that weight loss products use, much like we saw with Leanbean. PhenQ contains a heavy dose of Caffeine which will not only get the blood pumping to heat the body up, but will also get your insides going to metabolize excess fat in the body. Capsimax Powder is essentially a blend of pepper extracts. As we discussed with Black Pepper Extract, the capsaicin present in pepper extracts heats the body up, which in turn triggers the thermogenesis to burn fat. Finally, L-Carinitine Fumarate is an amino acid that is connected with increasing metabolism so that the body cycles through its excess fat and removes it as waste.
  2. Stopping the Production of Fat. Capismax Powder contains Piperine, which has been shown to stop fat cells from producing, which will help keep fat from building up in your body and giving you a flabby stomach. 
  3. A Boost of Energy and A Decrease in Fatigue: Caffeine is a stimulant, so it is going to have stimulating effects on the mind. By putting a fairly heavy dose of Caffeine in its mix, PhenQ is fighting off fatigue which will improve your overall mood and help you gain the energy to get to the gym. The increased metabolism may also help boost your overall mood as your body converts stored fat into energy. Chromium Picolinate has also been shown to have positive mental-boosting effects, with some studies saying it has positive effects on depressed persons.
  4. Keeps You From Overeating: As we mentioned with Leanbean, ingredients that are high in fiber are common in weight loss supplements as they help reduce hunger and allow a person to get full faster. Nopal Cactus is a high-fiber ingredient that accomplishes that very goal. Chromium Picolinate has also been linked in multiple studies to reduce hunger and the overall craving for snacks, even in individuals with binge-eating disorders.

As we can see, there is evidence that the ingredients used by PhenQ actually do benefit users in the ways that PhenQ advertises.

Problems with PhenQ

PhenQ is a great product, but it may not be right for everyone. Here are a few things to consider before you purchase PhenQ.

  • If Caffeine was an issue with Leanbean then it is far more of an issue in PhenQ. Leanbean only contains 10 milligrams of Caffeine per dose. PhenQ contains 142 milligrams. If you are pregnant, nursing, or overly sensitive to stimulants, PhenQ is not for you.
  • Do not use PhenQ if you are not going to exercise. The thermogenic qualities will have you sweating and have your heart racing, and without intense exercise to burn off that energy, you'll ultimately be doing more harm than good.


A 30-day supply of PhenQ costs $69.99 and comes with free shipping. For $139.99 you can receive 3 bottles of PhenQ or a 90-day supply. A 150-day supply costs $209.99. All orders are subject to a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Click here for the Best Price on PhenQ

#3- Hourglass Fit: A Caffeine-Free Fat Burner

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Hourglass Fit will, in many ways, look a lot like the other weight loss products we have examined. It makes the usual claims that most weight loss products make, like:

  1. The promise to burn fat and help stop the production of fat cells.
  2. The promise to reduce cravings and help you keep weight off by reducing snacking.
  3. The promise to boost mood and energy to provide you with the positive mindset to work out.

However, what makes Hourglass Fit unique is that it accomplishes all of this without resorting to Caffeine. That's right, if you were thinking that your Caffeine sensitivity would keep you from using a weight loss supplement, Hourglass Fit is the right product for you.

About Hourglass Fit

So, how does Hourglass Fit boost metabolism and burn fat without resorting to caffeine? Well, let's start by looking at the ingredients in Hourglass Fit.

  • Vitamin B2, B6, and B12
  • Konjac Root (Glucomannan)
  • Black Pepper Extract
  • Cayenne Pepper Extract
  • Chromium
  • Zinc

You may notice that the ingredients included are similar to some we have seen in PhenQ and Leanbean. You'd be correct in noting this similarity, as Hourglass Fit is very similar to many weight loss supplements, but the difference is how they achieve weight loss without caffeine. Hourglass Fit is a great weight loss alternative to Modere Trim for the following reasons.

  1. Thermogenesis and Metabolism Boost Without Caffeine: We've discussed at length the benefits of Vitamin B in regards to boosting metabolism and converting fat to energy, but it is worth mentioning again because Hourglass Fit has more Vitamin B than our previous weight loss supplements. When combined with the Cayenne and Black Pepper extract, your body will achieve thermogenesis using capsaicin instead of a stimulant. You'll still get the heat but without the jitters.
  2. Still Provides A Boost to Mood: Hourglass Fit has your mental wellness in mind as well. Vitamin B will provide you energy while Chromium will help boost serotonin in the brain, generally providing you with a calmer, more positive outlook. All of this is achieved while avoiding the potentially nervous and anxious side effects of Caffeine.
  3. Stopping Your Hunger: Many weight loss supplements will claim that Caffeine is an appetite suppressant, but those claims are generally false. Hourglass Fit focuses on proven appetite suppressants like Glucomannan, which is high in fiber, and Chromium, which affects your brain chemistry and keeps you from wanting to eat.

If a Caffeine-free experience is what you need from your weight loss supplement, Hourglass Fit is a great option.

Problems with Hourglass Fit

Hourglass Fit could be a great product to assist in your weight loss, but there are a few factors to consider before making this purchase.

  • This product contains Zinc, which, as we have discussed, most people are not suffering from a deficiency of and can become toxic in the body if taken in excess
  • If you have heart conditions, this product may not be for you, as pepper extracts can raise blood pressure and heart rate.


A 1-month supply of Hourglass Fit will cost you $60. A 2-month supply will be $120 and a 3-month supply will be $180. The 3-month supply comes with a free bottle, essentially making it a 4-month supply. 2 and 3-month supplies come with free shipping.

Should you buy Modere Trim or its alternatives?

The Modere Reviews are in, and they are inconclusive. If you are looking for a solid skincare and joint care treatment, Modere Trim may be the product for you. However, if you are looking for a weight loss supplement, there are products that are more proven to assist with burning fat off and keeping it off while also providing benefits to your overall mood and energy. When you factor in how expensive Modere Trim is, other weight loss alternatives may be the better option.

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.

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