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This Article is From Nov 27, 2023

Ostarine (MK-2866): Dosage, Before And After, & Benefits

Ostarine, also known as MK 2866 or Enobosarm, is a selective androgen receptor modulator, or SARM for short.

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Ostarine, otherwise known as Enobosarm or MK-2866, is a cutting-edge new compound that has the potential to 10x your muscle growth, and help you rapidly shred off body fat like anabolic steroids... except according to clinical trials, it has extremely minimal side effects.

In other words, Ostarine MK 2866 is basically a "legal steroid" with almost none of the side effects, and bodybuilders across the world are taking it in droves, packing on up to 10lbs of muscle per month.

Today's article will cover:

•    What is Ostarine?
•    Clinical Development
•    Benefits of Ostarine
•    Best Ostarine Dosage
•    Before and After Results
•    Ostarine Side Effects
•    Where to Buy Ostarine
•    ...and more

So, if you want to learn how Ostarine can help you increase muscle mass, improve physical function and athletic performance, as well as shred off excess fat, then keep reading this article from start to finish.

CLICK HERE - Use Code "MD10" for 10% Off Ostarine (MK 2866)

What is Ostarine MK 2866?

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Ostarine, also known as MK 2866 or Enobosarm, is a selective androgen receptor modulator, or SARM for short. Selective androgen receptor modulators (or SARMs) are a cutting edge new type of "legal steroids" that have been under intensive research since the 1990's for clinical development.

To put it in layman's terms, Ostarine was developed by GTx Pharmaceuticals in the 1990's, as a form of steroids to help elderly cancer patients suffering from muscle wasting. So, in other words, SARMs like Ostarine were developed to be extremely safe versions of steroids.

How is this possible, you might ask? The magic lies in your androgen receptors. These are little points of contact, spread throughout your muscle tissue. In fact, you have androgen receptors all over your body, not just in your skeletal muscle tissue, but in your organ tissues as well.

By directly stimulating androgen receptors in your skeletal muscles, but ignoring the androgen receptors in your organ tissues, Ostarine MK 2866 and other selective androgen receptor modulators are able to give you a ton of lean muscle growth and fat loss, without many side effects.

Ostarine Dosage

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

While there is no clinically established best Ostarine dosage, generally speaking, we can pull from the existing clinical data as well as ample anecdotal evidence from bodybuilder reports on forums.

Ostarine MK 2866 was typically administered in very low doses in the preclinical and clinical development studies. In fact, dosages as low as 3mg showed promise in human clinical trials.

Many users and many bodybuilders, however, have taken far more than this. Remember that this dosage is what they gave elderly men with cancer and/or auto immune disorders, so realistically a healthy young man can take a lot more without side effects.

Here are the general dosage guidelines for bodybuilders:

•    Beginner Dosage: 5mg/day
•    Intermediate Dosage: 10mg/day
•    Advanced Dosage: 20mg/day

If your goal is to pack on ample lean body mass in a way that is similar to anabolic steroids, then you should try taking 20mg of Ostarine MK 2866 per day for 3 months followed by a PCT.

If you just want to give Ostarine MK 2866 a try and see how much it will increase your muscle strength or help you build muscle mass, you can try starting off at the beginner dosage of 5mg/day.

CLICK HERE - Use Code "MD10" for 10% Off Ostarine (MK 2866)

Ostarine Cycle

If you want to keep all the muscle mass you built on your Ostarine cycle, and keep all the body fat off that you shredded, it is recommended that you "cycle" Ostarine in periods of 2-3 months.

In other words, don't take Ostarine MK 2866 for longer than 3 months, followed by a period of 3 months "off cycle," where you keep working out, but don't take any Ostarine or SARMs for that 3 month break.

This is how you're supposed to "cycle" SARMs like Ostarine. Your "off time" should match your "on time" to give your body a break and prevent any sort of tolerance development that might occur over time.

Ostarine Before and After

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Selective androgen receptor modulators like Ostarine are known for increasing lean body mass extremely rapidly, but nothing does a justice like looking at pictures.

In just 30 days, you can see how much muscle mass this guy added on. Ostarine improves lean body mass extremely quickly, which is how it makes transformations like that possible.

Here are his cycle stats:

•    Packed on 10lbs of Muscle Mass
•    Melted off 5.5lbs of Fat Mass
•    Strength Increased by 54.8%

Is it any wonder why androgen therapy is being explored? And big pharmaceutical companies are researching this selective androgen receptor modulator (Ostarine) as function promoting therapies?

SARMs like Ostarine have the potential to not only help users increase lean body mass, which is amazing for elderly men and cancer patients wasting away, but they also have the ability to help young and healthy men get in better shape, too.

CLICK HERE - Use Code "MD10" for 10% Off Ostarine (MK 2866)

Ostarine Results

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Let's take a look at more of the results that this amazing selective androgen receptor modulator can help get for people like you. As you can see, this guy had a ton of positive effects from his Ostarine cycle, like muscle preservation despite getting leaner, and also increased muscle size, too.

His amazing results were accomplished by simply taking 15mg/day of Ostarine MK 2866 for 90 days, or roughly 3 months for his cycle. He noted that his total lean body mass rapidly increased from day 1.

Here are his cycle stats:

•    Packed on 22.7lbs of Muscle
•    Melted Off 9.4lbs of Fat Mass
•    Strength Increased by 72.9%

As you can clearly see, no other dietary supplements (except other anabolic steroids maybe) can even come close to the anabolic effects of SARMs like Ostarine (or others like RAD 140 or Ligandrol).

Ostarine Benefits

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Now, let's go over some of the Ostarine benefits, because not all of them are obvious. While this compound was built to help fight muscle wasting syndrome and to help fight muscle wasting diseases and muscular dystrophy in general, its benefits go far beyond just muscles.

In fact, Ostarine treatment is being researched and considered for women suffering from Osteoporosis, for example, because not only does Ostarine increase bone strength, but it also increases bone mineral density which is a godsend for elderly women with frail bones.

Here is a list of confirmed Ostarine benefits:

•    Faster Protein Synthesis
•    Increased Bone Density
•    Rapid Bone Healing
•    Very Quick Fat Loss
•    Huge Boost in Muscle Growth

Anybody who wants to get the benefits of MK 2866 simply has to buy a little bit of it online (it's fully legal to buy and sell for research purposes), and just "research" 10mg/day for 3 months or so.

Ostarine Side Effects

While the chemical structure of SARMs like Ostarine makes them generally extremely safe, there are still some mild adverse effects to be aware of, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

Because Ostarine binds to specific receptors in the body, treatment with this compound is generally considered to be very safe according to the research. In short, Ostarine side effects are minimal.

Here are some potential side effects of MK 2866:

•    Involuntary Weight Loss
•    Lowered Testosterone Production
•    Mild Back Acne

Most clinical studies show that treatment with Ostarine, whether to ovariectomized rats, or healthy elderly men in double blind placebo studies, is exceptionally safe and most experience no side effects.

If you have any sort of breast cancer that runs in your family, you should certainly check with your doctor before trying any sort of androgen receptor modulators SARMs, since they can have an effect on your hormones which may exacerbate a pre-existing condition.

Where to Buy Ostarine for Sale

Where you buy any sort of SARMs for sale from is extremely important. I've heard many horror stories of people getting fake SARMs and having all sorts of weird issues like liver damage and I even know one guy who got BREAST CANCER from buying fake SARMs online.

If you're going to buy Ostarine, we recommend that you only get it from our #1 vendor, known as Chemyo. They sell research chemicals like Ostarine 100% for research purposes only, so it is all 3rd party verified and rigorously tested.

Don't waste your money on other companies. Chemyo has been around since 2014 and has been providing the world with the utmost quality of research chemicals since then.


1) Roch PJ, Henkies D, Carstens JC, Krischek C, Lehmann W, Komrakova M, Sehmisch S. Ostarine and Ligandrol Improve Muscle in an Ovariectomized Rat Model. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Sep 17;11:556581. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.556581. PMID: 33042018; PMCID: PMC7528560.

2) Leciejewska N, Pruszynska-Oszmalek E, Bien J, Nogowski L, Kolodziejski PA. Effect of ostarine (enobosarm/GTX024), a selective androgen receptor modulator, on adipocyte metabolism in Wistar rats. J Physiol Pharmacol. 2019 Aug;70(4). doi: 10.26402/jpp.2019.4.04. Epub 2019 Oct 19. PMID: 31642815.

3) Roch PJ, Henkies D, Carstens JC, Krischek C, Lehmann W, Komrakova M, Sehmisch S. Ostarine and Ligandrol Improve Muscle Tissue in an Ovariectomized Rat Model. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Sep 17;11:556581. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.556581. PMID: 33042018; PMCID: PMC7528560.

DISCLAIMER: This information does not constitute advice or an offer to buy. SARMs are 100% for research purposes and not for human consumption. Any purchase made from the above article is at your own risk. Always check with your local jurisdictions to ensure you are following all the laws.

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