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This Article is From Feb 15, 2024

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Reviews : Is this Fake Pee Legit

In this review article you will get to know everything about Quick Fix Fake Urine, whether it works in passing the drug tests, its complexities and its ranking compared to the other brands of synthetic fake urine.

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Reviews : Is this Fake Pee Legit

Drug abuses have become alarming throughout the world. This menace causes many workplace hassles such as absenteeism, irregularity, accidents, wrong working and loss of reputation. Inorder to stay clear of all these job seekers and the employees have to pass drug tests.

In such situations Quick Fix Synthetic Urine comes into play. Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is nothing but a fake pee used by the candidates to deceive the lab tests. Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is made using real clean human pee and makes it resemble a real human urine from all aspects such as appearance, color, ingredients, specific gravity and ph values.

In this review article you will get to know everything about Quick Fix Fake Urine, whether it works in passing the drug tests, its complexities and its ranking compared to the other brands of synthetic fake urine.

About Quick Fix Synthetic Urine

This fake pee is made by the company called Spectrum Labs. This product has been in the market for the last 25 years. The synthetic urine product is available in the market in two sizes: Standard Size and Plus Size.

These two products are the same except for the amount of synthetic urine contained in these. While in Standard Size you get 2 Ounces of synthetic urine, in Plus Size you get 3 Ounces. Therefore you must not go by the name thinking Plus might have extra quality.

One positive point about the brand is that the company continuously updates the quality of their fake synthetic urine according to the requirements of the drug tests which are evolved from time to time to avoid fake tests. Main thing of the Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is its formula.

The company often changes the formula, the current one is known as formula 6.3. The company is in the process of regularly assessing the quality and the customer feedback as well as the latest requirements of the drug tests.

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Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

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How Good Is Quick Fix Synthetic Urine To Pass A Drug Test

To understand this we have to go through the quality of the product. In order to make the product resemble a real human urine free from toxins and adulterants the sample must pass the test requirements. These requirements are mentioned below:

  • The color of the sample should be pale yellow
  • Appearance should have some foaming due to the presence of leaked protein in traces
  • Right Ph level
  • Creatinine level
  • Right specific gravity
  • Presence of urea
  • Presence of uric acid

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine contains all the above drug test requirements which are enough for passing a normal drug test. But there remains a question mark when more stringent and additional scrutiny is done.

It is prudent to know the stages that the fake urine sample has to pass during its drug test.

The steps are:

  1. The first step that the lab operator has to measure is the temperature of the urine sample given by the candidate. This is because the temperature of the urine decreases with time thereby giving a false test report. This temperature has to be within the allowable range of human urine which is 32 to 37 degree celsius. If the urine sample fails in the preliminary test then the sample will be rejected meaning your drug test is failed.
  2. Once the fake Quick Fix Urine sample passes the first stage it has to go through a test called validity test. It takes a few hours to complete the drug validity test. In this test the urine sample is tested against a set of panels. The factors tested here are ph value, creatinine range, specific gravity of the urine sample and presence of other adulterants such as codes, nitrates etc.
  3. If the urine sample provided for the drug test passes the above two tests, it is subjected to an immunoassay test. Here the sample has to be tested against five panels which detect the presence of five chemicals that are drug metabolites.
  4. Though quite rare, in some extra sensitive areas the authorities may even ask for the most stringent drug test which is called Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrum Analysis. This is an expensive test. This is done only in case of a high amount of suspicion. Most fake urine samples fail to pass this test. Same is true for Quick Fix Synthetic urine too.

From the above we can see that Quick Fix Synthetic Urine can easily pass all the above drug test stages except the rare one given in the last of the four stages which is of course a rare occurrence.

Things you find inside the package of Quick Fix Synthetic Urine

  1. You will get a prepared synthetic urine contained in a vial with a temperature strap attached to one side of the vial.
  2. Heat Pads
  3. Elastic band
  4. Instruction sheet

We have found that the quality of the liquid urine is very good and the heat pad effective so that the urine sample temperature is maintained within the range.

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Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

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How Quick Fix Synthetic Urine stands with respect to other market leaders

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine has been manufactured as per the basic formula of synthetic urine. The product would be able to pass all normal drug tests. But when the drug tests become stringent, it struggles to survive.

If we try to compare this product with the market's top ranking products we find that Quick Fix Synthetic Urine has only 3 ingredients whereas real human urine contains 14 vital chemicals. This is the reason why it may fail in cases of complex drug testing procedures.

Another drawback of Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is in its appearance and color. Real human urine has foams due to the presence of leaked protein. But this synthetic urine does not look so. The color of the urine is far from that of real urine which is pale yellow.

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine will not be able to pass the drug test called Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis. Luckily such drug tests are seldom applied by most employers due to its prohibitive expense.

In case you find that your drug test is going to be more stringent beyond the regular five panels tests then you should go for superior and more reliable synthetic fake pee.

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is cheap but that must not be the only criterion of selection when your chance of selection depends on passing the drug tests.

How to prepare for the test with Quick Fix Synthetic Urine

The first condition of using this brand of synthetic urine is for you to have one and half hours time before you submit your sample. Then you need to follow the following steps

  • You will have the synthetic urine already prepared for you. You are only to activate the heat pad.
  • For getting the liquid warm you may use a microwave so that the fake urine gets heated slowly. With this process the urine reaches its required temperature within 10 seconds. The other way is to use the heat pad which will need 45 minutes to raise the temperature. Go on checking the temperature till it becomes within the range 32 to 37 degree celsius. The temperature must not be more when the temperature strap may stop showing the readings.
  • It is important that the fake urine maintains the temperature. The heat pad regulates the temperature and it works for a maximum of 8 hours. The other way to maintain the temperature is to attach the bottle against your skin. It is possible to heat the urine up when the temperature drops.
  • The last step is to conceal the prepared bag so that it does not evoke any suspicion. Place it under your underwear. Be calm and without any expression of stress. It is preferred to put on a baggy type bottom to hide any bulging. Before submission give the bottle a gentle shake for foam formation and then pour it into the lab cup.
  • If there happens to be a delay in the submission of the fake urine sample, its temperature is very likely to fall below the range. For such emergencies it is advised to take a flask containing hot water. You may add some hot water and check the temperature range before pouring the sample into the lab container.

Buying instructions of Quick Fix Synthetic Urine

Quick fix synthetic urine is available both in local shops as well online. But in most of the local shops you may have to pay a higher price to the extent of 20 to 30%. So unless you have some emergency it is advisable to buy the synthetic urine online from reputable brands.

Another important point for the buyers is that many companies suspect fake urine when found in 2 Ounces quantity, as most the brands provide vials of 2 Ounces of fake synthetic urine. Therefore it will be prudent to buy the plus size containing 3 Ounces to tackle situations when the lab operator asks for more than 2 Ounces of urine sample for the drug test.

Quick fix synthetic urine should be bought only from their official site online. Here you will get genuine products as well as from fresh stock. Avoid buying from Amazon etc, it is possible that their stocks are backdated.

The cost of a standard size of Quick fix synthetic urine is $30 and that of a plus size containing 3 ounces of synthetic urine is $40.

About synthetic urine

Synthetic urine is known by various names such as fake urine, fake pee, synthetic urine etc.The main condition of a synthetic urine is that it must resemble a real and clean human urine. In the market two types of synthetic fake urine are available. One form is powdered real human urine which needs to be mixed with pure water to make it in the liquid form.

The other form is liquid urine made synthetically in the lab. Primarily synthetic urine was made for some specific purposes. Such applications of synthetic urine are scientific research, testing diapers, calibrating testing equipment for urine, scientific research etc.

Later when the big companies started to test urine of their employees in order to stay clear of various effects of cannabis abuses such as absenteeism, irregularity, reputation etc, many users of cannabis started using fake urine to pass drug tests.

Synthetic urine is prepared to resemble real human urine in all aspects such as appearance, color, smell, ingredients, specific gravity, ph value etc. Cheap quality synthetic urine like quick fix synthetic urine does not appear like real urine and contains only urea, uric acid, and creatinine.

Quality synthetic urine contains 14 important ingredients and looks like real urine in appearance, color and smell. Such fake urine easily passes most drug tests.

The various brands of synthetic urine provide different heating arrangements. Some provided heating pad and temperature measuring strap, while others provide heat activating powder. There are brands who provide both.

Types of fake synthetic urine

  • Basic Synthetic Urine is made from a basic formula. It contains ingredients like creatinine, urea, uric acid with a proper ph value. Such basic synthetic urine is used for the calibration of laboratory equipment, testing diapers and other products and as alternatives.
  • Advanced synthetic urine is made from an advanced formula and such synthetic urine contains more elements of real human urine with right specific gravity and temperature. This is used for advanced medical research.
  • Medical grade synthetic urine is a much advanced formulation closely resembling a real human urine. Used for diagnostic tests taking urine.
  • There is another synthetic urine called unisex synthetic urine. This fake urine suits for both the sexes by taking an average contents of real urine of both the genders.
  • Detox synthetic urine is solely made for passing drug tests. This type of fake urine contains some more ingredients such as minerals, vitamins etc to resemble closely to real human urine. But customers have right concerns regarding the effectiveness of this type of synthetic urine in clearing drug tests.
  • Prosthetic device synthetic urine is made for teaching purposes. The areas where it is used are catheterization, collection of urine and others.

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Tips about passing a drug test

  1. See that the temperature of the fake urine sample is within the allowable range before submission. As the lab checks the temperature of the sample within 2 minutes of submission, any variation will lead to rejection at the first stage only. The temperature of the sample should range between 32 to 37 degree celsius. Many synthetic urine manufacturers provide heat pads or heat activating powder for the heating purpose. You must ensure the temperature before submission, it should not be too high or too low.
  2. Before going in for the drug test you should practice the preparation of the fake urine at home. You have to do it discreetly without arousing suspicion. You must be well conversant beforehand so that there is no mistake during the actual test time.
  3. Know about the test procedure in advance. Though in most cases unsupervised drug tests are allowed, in some cases the tests are done under supervision. You have to be duly cautious to evade suspicion.
  4. Take care to buy quality synthetic urine. Going for the cheap variety often will result in rejection. As the stake is quite high do not bother for the expense and focus on passing the drug test.
  5. Be aware of the legal as well as ethical considerations. In some organizations the deceiving of the test is taken very seriously. At such times you may be subjected to legal consequences. It is advisable to avoid fake urine samples at such testing labs.
  6. Best method is to keep away from drug abuse and go for rehabilitation. Honesty will pay in the long run

Frequently Asked Questions

When quick fix synthetic urine is suspected to be fake?

In the following circumstances the Quick Fix Synthetic Urine may arouse suspicion in the mind of the lab operator:

  1. The lab may doubt the sample as fake when its color and appearance do not resemble real urine. For example if the color is not with a tint of yellow or when the lab man goes to smell the urine sample or shake it to find its froths, the urine is suspected to be a fake urine. In general cases such tests are not done except in suspicion.
  2. The lab after receiving the urine sample checks the temperature within two minutes. If the sample is found below or above the range allowed the sample comes under suspect and rejected.
  3. The next stage of the drug test is called validity check where some ingredients are checked. If it fails the urine will be rejected.

Does the Lab watch urinating?

It depends on the type of drug test that the company decides for their drug tests. There can be three types of drug tests.

The most common type of drug test is the unsupervised drug test. In this test nobody watches while urinating. You may be separated by a screen or may be in a different room altogether. This is the ideal type of drug test where you can safely and accurately check different aspects of the fake pee such as temperature, froth etc before submission. Approximately 95% of drug tests are covered by such types of tests procedure.

The supervised drug test again can be of two types. In the first type somebody will keep you under constant watch. Though they won't directly watch you urinating, but will observe for any abnormality such as bulging of stomach etc. In such cases you have to be very cautious as the watch man will always be there as a deterrent.

The third type is the supervised drug test. This is the most stringent drug test. This type of drug test is extremely rare and is undertaken for enforcement of law or failed drug tests. In this type the observer will watch you urinating. For such drug tests the candidate will be informed beforehand.

How much can we rely on Quick Fix Synthetic Urine?

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is prepared by a basic formula. For all general types of drug test the synthetic urine passes. Also it is cheaper.

But the problem is that with the passing days, the drug tests are also evolving and are capable of detecting fake urine. Quick fix made from basic formula contains only urea, uric acid and creatinine. Therefore if the lab goes to test for the other ingredients found in real urine, it will fail.

Also the fake urine does not also look like real urine. Its color, smell and froth do not resemble real human urine.

The heat pad provided by the company is not of good quality. It may sometimes overheat and is very difficult to maintain the temperature of the fake urine within allowable range.

Do they specifically test for determining fake synthetic urine?

The drug test is not meant for determining whether the sample is synthetic or not. The drug test wants to check whether the sample is as per the minimum requirements of a real urine sample. So they will test against panels to find its resemblance with real human urine. The most important criteria they check are specific gravity, ph value, and presence of some ingredients within normal ranges.

When can I get the report after submitting a urine sample?

If the test is carried out manually it will take 24 hours to get the report in case it is negative. But in some labs, a digitized testing machine is used in which case you will know the negative report within 15 minutes.

If the urine sample passes the initial tests it will be subjected to validity check and very rarely gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis. In such cases the report will take two to three days to come.

What is the range of temperature of the urine to pass drug tests?

The temperature of the synthetic urine before submission should be in the range 32 to 37 degree celsius. This is a very important criterion for clearing the stage 1 drug test.


In conclusion, Quick Fix Review unequivocally stands as the premier choice when it comes to synthetic urine or fake pee products. Its consistent track record of reliability and effectiveness has earned it a reputation as the gold standard in the industry. Quick Fix not only mirrors the chemical composition and temperature of real urine but also boasts a rigorous quality control process to ensure accuracy and dependability. Whether used for passing drug tests or scientific experiments, Quick Fix's impeccable performance and unmatched user satisfaction make it the go-to solution. When your credibility and peace of mind are on the line, Quick Fix is the undisputed best choice.

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