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This Article is From Nov 22, 2023

The Best NMN Supplement for Anti-Aging - Genuine Purity

All of the clinical research being conducted right now shows that NMN converts to NAD+, and NAD+ has been proven to slow the aging process in nearly every cell in the human body.

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"Man, I sure do love the way my body is aging," said almost no one, ever. Sure, living a long, fulfilling life is a great thing. The indignities of aging, though:

●    The struggle to stand without groaning.
●    Hair somehow migrating from where it should be to where it shouldn't.
●    Needing that early morning nap (and an early afternoon one).
●    A sex drive that rarely gets out of neutral.
●    And an immune system that has all but given up.

Most of us just assume this is what it's supposed to be like when we get older. But, what if I told you that the best NMN supplement on the market could make these indignities a thing of the past?

Now, I'm not saying that the best NMN supplements should be used to combat underlying health concerns. But they're definitely worth talking to your doctor about if you're feeling overwhelmed with the effects of cellular aging.

Not familiar with NMN supplements? While they're certainly not the fountain of youth in pill form, they have been clinically proven to slow, and sometimes seemingly reverse, the aging process, as well as the indignities associated with it. Let's take a quick look.

A Quick Explanation of NMN & NAD+

If you're new to the world of anti-aging and NMN supplements, let me take just a couple of minutes to explain a couple of terms.

●    NMN - Stands for nicotinamide mononucleotide. This is a naturally occurring molecule in our body that converts to NAD+ in the liver.

●    NAD+ - Stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. This coenzyme is responsible for energy production, DNA repair, cellular repair, mitochondria health, and mental acuity.

Only recently have scientists discovered how NAD+ works to keep us healthy and keep our cells in working order. What they've also realized is that as we age, our body produces significantly less of this NAD+. By the time we reach middle age, our NAD+ stores are half of what they used to be.1 And NAD+ continues to decline the older we get.

This reduction in NAD+ is responsible for almost every indignity we face as we age. Nearly every clinical study performed on humans has shown that increasing our NAD+ stores has a direct correlation with improving our biological age.

I'll get into a few of these clinical studies after my review of what I consider to be the best NMN supplement on the market. Right now, I'll discuss why we're talking about NMN supplements to help boost our NAD+ levels.

Why Not Supplement with NAD+?

Fair question. Clinical studies have proven that increasing our NAD+ levels helps us to look and feel younger. So why aren't we supplementing with NAD+ instead of NMN? For a couple of reasons:

●    Molecule Size - The NAD+ molecule is just too large to be absorbed by cells when taken as an oral supplement.

●    Bioavailability - NAD+ doesn't easily break down when taken orally. Much of it is degraded by stomach acids, and what's left is usually excreted before it can do any good.

No need to worry, though. NMN supplementation allows us to get all of the NAD+ we need to look and feel younger. Here's how...

When we ingest NMN supplements, whatever NMN is left after passing through the stomach travels to the small intestines. Here, the NMN is absorbed by the intestines and passed through to the liver. Once the NMN gets to the liver, it's converted to pure NAD+.

From there, the NAD+ goes about its routine of cellular repair helping us to look and feel young again.

Have you Tried NMN Supplementation Before?

Those of you who have read all of the promising clinical research on NMN, NAD+, and aging probably rushed right out and started supplementing with what you thought was the best NMN supplement. My guess is that you saw absolutely no improvement in the aging process.

"How can this be!" you ask yourself. All of the clinical research being conducted right now shows that NMN converts to NAD+, and NAD+ has been proven to slow the aging process in nearly every cell in the human body. "Why didn't supplementing with NMN work for me?"

I can tell you why.

Administering NMN orally, through  NMN supplements, lands that NMN in the stomach. Once there, the stomach does its job; it attacks that NMN with stomach acids, dissolving the majority of it.

If you took 100mg of NMN, only a small fraction will make it unscathed to the small intestines. Not nearly enough to produce the amount of NAD+ you need to see its anti-aging benefits.

This is why I chose Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN as the best NMN supplement on the market. 100% of the NMN in this supplement makes it to the small intestines. How is that possible? By using a liposomal delivery system.

A Brief Look at Liposomal Delivery

Liposomal delivery is a new scientific process that allows molecules to pass through the stomach unharmed so that they can be processed more efficiently by the body.

During this process, scientists create a microscopic bubble from safe and naturally occurring lipids. They then fill this bubble with whatever molecule they want, in this case, NMN.

Once ingested, this bubble is impervious to stomach acids. Instead of that NMN you just paid good money for being destroyed in the stomach, it moves unharmed into the small intestines. Once in the small intestines, the lipid is triggered, and it releases its NMN payload.

NMN, between the mouth and the stomach, is of absolutely no use and has no anti-aging benefits. None. Only once it reaches the small intestines can it start to convert to NAD+ and begin repairing and rejuvenating cells.

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

This is why I consider Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN to be the best NMN supplement on the market. As opposed to most other NMN supplements, NMN in Genuine Purity makes it to the small intestines, where it needs to be. All other NMN supplements I've researched are destroyed in the stomach and have little, if any, anti-aging benefits.

Click HERE to Get the Latest Deals on Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN

Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN - The Best NMN Supplement Available Today

Let's take a deep dive into why  Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN is the best NMN supplement on the market.

- Genuine Purity - Quality Products, Every Time

Genuine Purity products are manufactured by Leading Edge Health. This health and wellness brand has been creating quality, well-respected supplements for over 20 years.

Why does that matter? Because, as opposed to fly-by-night supplement manufacturers, Leading Edge Health has a reputation to maintain.

When clinical studies on NMN and anti-aging started to confirm that "reversing" the aging process was possible, every fraudster and their brother started manufacturing sub-par NMN supplements. Once the bad reviews started rolling in, they just closed up shop and moved on to the next big thing.

Not Leading Edge Health. They've been creating quality supplements for over 20 years. There's a reason they're still in business, while 1000s of other supplement companies have failed.

- Liposomal Delivery - Getting NMN Where it Needs to Go

Genuine Purity's liposomal delivery system is one of the main reasons I consider it the best NMN supplement on the market. Even if most other NMN supplement manufacturers used 250mg of pure 96% NMN like Genuine Purity, which most don't, it wouldn't matter.

Normally, the NMN in their supplements would be destroyed by stomach acid before it could get to the lower intestines. Genuine Purity's liposomal delivery ensures that NMN remains intact while in the stomach. Only after passing into the lower intestines is the NMN payload released.

Unless an NMN supplement can reach the lower intestines, it's totally and completely worthless as far as anti-aging benefits, or any benefits, are concerned.

- NMN Dosage & Purity

Another reason I consider Genuine Purity to be the best NMN supplement available today is they considered clinical studies when formulating their dosage. There are two camps other NMN supplement manufacturers fall into:

●    Under-Dosing - NMN is expensive to manufacture. As a result, many NMN supplements contain way too little NMN. These manufacturers will tout the anti-aging benefits of this age-defying molecule and then formulate their products with so little of it they might as well be selling sugar pills for all the good they do.

●    Over-Dosing - In the other camp are manufacturers that know the recommended daily dosage and will market their product as having 2x, 3x, or even 4x that recommended dosage. And they overcharge you accordingly. None of that matters, though. Without a liposomal delivery system, all of that expensive NMN is degraded in the stomach, rendering it worthless.

Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN formulates its product with the recommended daily dosage of 250mg of pure 96% β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN). And, with its liposomal delivery system, all 250mg of that NMN is targeted exactly where it needs to go to be effective.

- Reviews of the Best NMN Supplement

The best way to find out if a product can live up to its claims is to see what the people who have used it have to say. People who have spent their hard-earned money to purchase a product are not shy about letting a company know it doesn't work.

However, that doesn't seem to be the case with Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN. As far as I could find, there are very few bad reviews for this product. The few I did find said something like, "I took it for a couple of weeks and didn't notice any results."

Well, obviously. No supplement works that quickly. Nutrients in supplements take time to kick in. Even the best supplements, whether NMN or something else, could take up to 4-6 weeks to show the desired results.

Let's take a look at what some people who actually took the time to let the NMN get to work as needed are saying about this supplement.23

●    Impressed! - Rick acknowledged the Genuine Purity's price but feels it's justified by the tremendous benefits he perceives, particularly highlighting the importance of NAD+ for the body.

●    Energized! - Frank celebrates the newfound energy and stamina to work out three times a week despite not being young, crediting Liposomal NMN for this boost.

●    Refreshed! - Olivia notes that her sleep has improved, and she no longer relies on coffee every day, feeling robust and attributing this to Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN.

●    Transformative! - Stella speaks to the early effects of Liposomal NMN, mentioning an improvement in brightness, happiness, and job performance after a short period of use. It's the best NMN supplement as far as she's concerned.

●    Revitalized! - Marta, who began taking Liposomal NMN on advice, expresses feeling energetic since starting the supplement.

●    More Alive! - A user did extensive research on NAD+ and decided to try Liposomal NMN, noticing effects that made them feel younger, healthier, and more alive, along with improved sleep.

●    Uplifted! - After a friend's recommendation, another user experienced a boost in mood and more energy for work and daily life, praising Liposomal NMN as one of the best decisions they ever made.

Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN has been well received by the vast majority of its users. I'm pretty certain you'll feel the same after trying it.

- The Benefits of Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN

I was going to make this a pros or cons list of what I consider to be the best NMN supplement on the market. After giving it a lot of thought, I could only come up with one con with regards to Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN: the price.

Each bottle of Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN costs $69.95. When you consider the price to manufacture NMN and wrap it in a liposomal delivery system so it's effective, the price makes sense. To be fair, one bottle contains a 2-month supply, so that averages out to only $1.17 a day. A little more palatable when you think of it that way.

Now that we have that one con out of the way, let's take a look at the many benefits of choosing Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN over an inferior product:

●    Manufacturing - As opposed to many supplement manufacturers, Leading Edge Health manufactures its Liposomal NMN supplement in the USA in an FDA-approved, cGMP-compliant facility.

●    Guaranteed - Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN is backed by a no-questions-asked guarantee. If you're not happy, return the bottles within 67 days for a 100% refund (minus S&H).

●    Formulation - Only 250mg of pure 96% NMN. No fillers or harmful by-products.

●    Delivery System - Genuine Purity's liposomal delivery system carries its NMN payload all the way to the small intestine so that it can actually be converted into NAD+.

●    Bulk Pricing - Genuine Purity understands that continued supplementation for long-term benefits is necessary. So, the more Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN you buy, the cheaper it gets.

●    Free Shipping - It won't cost you an arm and a leg to get the best NMN supplement delivered right to your door. All shipping within the continental USA is free.

●    Clinically Dosed - No over- or under-dosing here. You get the clinically recommended daily dose of 250mg of pure 96% NMN.

●    Company Reputation - The manufacturer of Genuine Purity, Leading Edge Health, has been doing business for over 20 years. They're established, trusted, and available between 6 am and 6 pm Pacific Time, seven days a week, excluding holidays, if you have any questions or concerns.

●    No Prescription Required - No need to haul yourself out to the pharmacy to purchase Genuine Purity. No prescription is needed, and you can buy it from the comfort of your own home.

●    A Big, Fat Zero - Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN is organic and vegan and contains zero sugar, GMO, dairy, eggs, soy, gluten, wheat, or preservatives. Just pure 96% NMN.

As you can see, even though the price per bottle is a bit up there, the benefits you get by buying a superior product are well worth the money.

- Buying the Best NMN Supplement Couldn't be Easier

Are you ready to start feeling and looking younger? Head on over to the Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN website. It's the only place online where you can purchase the best NMN supplement on the market and take advantage of the 67-day money-back guarantee, bulk pricing, and friendly customer support.

⇛ Click HERE to Get the Latest Deals on Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN

Clinical Studies - Understanding How the Best NMN Supplement Slows Aging

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

There is no question or ambiguity any longer; clinical studies have shown supplementing with NMN boosts NAD+ levels in the body. This boost in NAD+ directly correlates to looking and feeling younger.

Let's take a look at just a few of these studies.

- Study #1 - NMN Supplementation Elevates Blood NAD+ Levels and Alters Muscle Function in Healthy Older Men

In this double-blind study, 42 healthy men 65 or over were given 250mg of NMN daily (the same dosage in Genuine Purity). Researchers saw many improvements after 12 weeks in the group supplementing with NMN, including:

●    Boosting NAD+ levels in healthy older men.
●    Improved muscle strength and performance.
●    A significant improvement in gait speed.
●    A significant improvement in physical tests.

These and numerous other indicators of age were improved in older men by supplementing with 250mg a day of NMN. Furthermore, researchers determined that "NMN supplementation at 250 mg/day for 12 weeks is well tolerated in healthy older men".4

- Study #2 - The Role of NMN in Anti-Aging, Longevity, and its Potential for Treating Chronic Conditions

In this scientific paper, researchers concluded that a decline in NAD+ levels in older men and women was directly responsible for numerous age-related illnesses and disorders.

Furthermore, they concluded that supplementation with NMN has shown great promise in delaying, and even reversing, many of these age-related disorders, including "age-related chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular issues, cognitive impairment, and many others".5

- Study #3 - Increasing NAD+ Levels Restores Mitochondrial Function and Limits Aging

This study focused on restoring NAD+ levels to limit mitochondrial dysfunction and aging, particularly in relation to Werner syndrome (a rare genetic disorder characterized by accelerated aging). The researchers concluded, "these findings suggest that boosting NAD+ levels can help in restoring mitochondrial function and limit aging-related changes".6

- Study #4 - The Science Behind NMN: A Stable & Reliable NAD+ Activator and Anti-Aging Molecule

This study states that aging is directly associated with a decrease in NAD+ levels. This can be remedied through supplementation with NMN, which they determined was responsible for:

●    Improved Insulin Sensitivity (Better Glucose Control)
●    Improved Mitochondrial Function
●    Reduced Adipose Tissue Inflammation
●    Improved Neuronal Functions
●    And an Extended Lifespan

Interestingly, at the conclusion of this study, the researchers pondered, "A liposomal version of NMN may well mimic the body's own transport system, enhancing uptake and delivery, as science advances its understanding of the holy grail of reversing aging."

⇛ Click HERE to Get the Latest Deals on Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN

Can the Best NMN Supplement for Anti-Aging Work for You?

The science says it can. Numerous clinical studies say it can. And Genuine Purity customers say it can. There's really no question about it; supplementing with NMN boosts NAD+, which directly relates to looking and feeling younger.

And, Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN isn't just any NMN supplement. Based on its pure 96% NMN formulation and its scientifically proven liposomal delivery system, we conclude that it's the best NMN supplement on the market right now.

Boosting NAD+ levels with NMN supplementation has shown amazing progress, helping with:

●    Supporting heart function.
●    Managing glucose levels.
●    Maintaining cognitive functions.
●    Slowing muscle loss and improving strength.
●    Reducing the risk of fractures and broken bones by improving bone density.
●    Protecting against hearing loss.
●    Reducing the risk of vision-related problems such as macular degeneration.
●    Managing weight loss by improving metabolic functions.
●    Reducing age-related chronic inflammation.
●    Boosting the immune system and improving recovery time.
●    Improving sex drive and sexual functions.

I mentioned earlier that the best NMN supplement on the market isn't the fountain of youth in pill form. It sure does sound like it is, though. Doesn't it?

Are you sick and tired of looking and feeling your age? Are you finally ready to kick your age-related indignities to the proverbial curb? Then head on over to the Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN website and grab yourself a few months' supply of the best NMN supplement on the market.

And with their no-questions-asked 67-day guarantee on the purchase price, what have you got to lose?

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

⇛ Click HERE to Get the Latest Deals on Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN



2. Purity-review.html

3. Purity-liposomal-nmn-is-the-best-nad-supplement-in-2022-40829468




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