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This Article is From Oct 18, 2023

Top 5 Best Super Greens Powders For Intestine Health and Bloating

It will only take you 1 minute a day with Super Greens Powders to change your life.

Partner Content

With YourBiology Supergreens powder at the top of our list, along with many more amazing gut health options (and more), you can now enjoy life without bloating, with no pain, or constipation, with no annoying gas and indigestion.

It will only take you 1 minute a day with Super Greens Powders to change your life.


Digestive and intestinal disorders seem to be a very common problem of modern people.

Nevertheless, what is to blame for this "flare-up" of gastrointestinal difficulties in the person's daily life?

What are digestive disorders and how are they caused?

Is there a way to treat them with natural means, or is medication required?

First, note that there are many digestive disorders with differences among the persons suffering from them.

Stomach or abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhoea or constipation and belching, are just some of the common digestive issues faced by the majority of the people.

A large part of the responsibility is borne by the "bad" way of life and diet of modern man.

In fact, the combination of a "lazy" life (with no physical activity) and intense daily stress, multiplies these problems, enlarging even more.

And this is only the beginning of evil.

However, there is a solution to easily "correct" your diet, in just 1 minute a day.

The solution is called Super Greens Powders and it is the most innovative and safe way to deal with digestive problems in a 100% natural (gut friendly) way.

Super Greens Powders are an innovative method of "boosting" your diet, in an easy and economical way.

Lots of superfoods in just 1 "green" health pill.

  1. YourBiology Supergreens Powder (Number one consumers selection)
  1. AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder (Amazing anti-bloating benefits)
  1. Enso Supergreens Powder (Extreme benefits in digestion - Immunity - Energy)
  1. Bloom Supergreens Powder (Sweet selection for “sensitive” tasters)
  1. Garden of Life Green Powder (Rich antioxidant protection, digestive Support and Instant Anti-Bloating)

They are worth a try.

Digestive Disorders and effects on general health

If the digestive system malfunctions, then (unfortunately) other problems follow.

When the assimilation of food is not done properly, then every meal of the day ends up being a real torture.

Pain. Indigestion. Burns. Belching. Gases.

So how is it possible to remain productive at work and active in your daily life when after every meal you face so many problems?

And as if the pain wasn't enough, the bowel dysfunctions (diarrhoea or constipation) also follow.

Not to mention the other, secondary psychological and social problems created by such a "painful" situation in the person's daily life.

Unfortunately, all the symptoms of a malfunction of the gastrointestinal system are almost always accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and lethargy, intense sweating, nervousness and bad psychology.

This happens for this very simple reason: The digestive system and the nervous system are inextricably linked.

The digestive function is an automatic function of the organism, functioning under the Autonomic Nervous System.

This means that both the digestive system can affect the nervous system, and vice versa.

The slightest sympathetic stimulation of the Autonomic Nervous System can inhibit the digestive function, causing the person some (or some) of the following disorders mentioned below.

Which are the most common Digestive Disorders faced by modern people?

  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Stomach pain
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Colics
  • Nausea
  • Flatulence
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Duodenal ulcer
  • Colitis

The human organism has 2 “brains”

The role of the intestine in the general health of a person is undoubtedly a leading one, a fact now confirmed by a multitude of scientific researches.

Today, an increasing number of scientists tend to come to the same admirable conclusion: The human body has 2 brains.

The "second brain" of the human organism is the intestine and (as shown by research) is connected not only to the digestive process, but also to mood, energy, immunity, and even to memory and cognitive functions of the brain .

The truth, then, is that the intestine communicates with the brain in a rather "intelligent" and complex way: through crossing neurons (as confirmed in a related study carried out at the University of Illinois on 4/2/2020).

The "intestine-brain axis" is a biological reality now accepted by all scientists and supported by multiple researches.

The intestine and the bacteria "housed" send signals to the brain, however, the brain also sends signals to the intestine.

In the intestine-brain axis they share common neurons, targeting sensory/motor control.

The intestine-brain neural axis consists of neurons controlling the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, while the sensory neurons transmit to the brain all the necessary information related to the nutrients needed by the organism, the motor neurons respectively regulate the motility and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hippocrates, the "father" of medical science, believed that almost every disease starts from the intestine and is related to it.

Centuries later, science itself seems to verify him by proving that the intestine is directly related to the mind, and at the same time affects (positively or negatively) a person's mood and emotions.

Therefore, we would say that the intestine is related to the quality of the person's life, everyday life, sociability and mood.

Due to the fact that it is much easier and more effective to control our intestine function (compared to our brain health), we select Super Greens Powders.

The knowledge that science now has in its hands combined with the immense healing power of nature combine to offer each individual a healthy digestive function and a clearly superior quality of life.

Emotions and the intestine

One of the reasons most people face serious gastrointestinal disorders (such as bloating) in their daily lives is their stressful daily life.

As already pointed out, between the intestine and brain, there is a very strong connection (with one influencing the functioning of the other).

Thus, the stress of everyday life in some people eventually translates into restlessness, nausea, tendency to vomit, pain, bloating or indigestion.

Even stomach acids are affected by the signals received through the person's brain and nerve connections.

So, for example, when we are hungry the brain sends signals to the stomach to produce gastric juices to facilitate the digestion of the next meal.

Nevertheless, stress can affect the function of the intestine, causing the person unwanted symptoms such as:

  • Bloating
  • Pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • tendency to vomit
  • stomach cramps
  • discomfort
  • nausea

It is therefore clear that various psychological factors affect the physiology and certainly the function of the intestine.

Stress for example (in many people) can cause bulimia, overeating or even anorexia.

However, the opposite also happens, i.e., disturbances in the functioning of the intestine can cause anxiety and stress in the person, dysthymia, depression or even panic attacks.

It is therefore no surprise that gastrointestinal disorders (such as bloating, stomach cramps and heartburn) are linked to a person's stressful daily life, causing them a series of secondary symptoms.

The secondary symptoms of an unhealthy intestine

  • tight muscles (mainly the trapezius of the back)
  • headaches
  • sleep disorders
  • chills
  • low libido
  • changes in body weight
  • restlessness
  • difficulty concentrating
  • procrastination
  • fatigue
  • pessimism
  • depression
  • nervousness
  • reduced memory capacity
  • reduced immunity of the organism

Intestine health is the "key" to good brain health

A very important reason to take care of the good health of your intestine (putting more emphasis on your diet), is the scientifically documented fact of the connection of the intestine with the brain.

In other words, a healthy intestine implies a healthy brain, and by extension a whole healthy organism.

The intestinal flora consists of trillions of microbes and bacteria, some of which are beneficial and necessary, while others are pathogenic and harmful to health.

However, all these microbes "living" in the intestinal tract - good, but also bad - make up the so-called "microbiome" of the organism.

This microbiome (that is, the complex of good and bad bacteria of each organism) extends throughout the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus.

The microbiome "communicates" with the nervous system through biochemical reactions, and appears to influence the immune system as well, determining its function.

Studies prove that an imbalance in the intestinal flora can cause a series of biochemical reactions in the brain of the person, causing him from increased anxiety and nervousness to depression.

Nevertheless, now science - having understood the magnitude of the contribution of intestine health to a person's overall health - aims to strengthen the intestine to deal with chronic health problems and serious diseases afflicting many people today.

By changing the balance in the intestinal flora (i.e. the microbiome) we can deal with damage to our digestive system, up to serious general health conditions and brain function disorders.

This method requires a "restart" in the intestine.

Drastic changes in the person's daily diet, with parallel detoxification of the intestine and "cleansing" of all the harmful elements prevents the good absorption of nutritious food elements.

Foods containing beneficial probiotic elements as well as prebiotics feeding the friendly intestine bacteria are essential to be on the table every day.

And when this is not possible due to circumstances, then the intake of advanced nutritional supplements "supplementing" the person's diet with all these essential beneficial elements needed is required.

Super Greens Powders are the new hot trend in healthy eating and are the top choice for intestine health and bloating.

It is a completely natural and "intestine-friendly" way to "load" your diet with all the nutrients your organism is missing, and all this in just 1 minute (1 pill).

Best Super Greens Powders [Detailed Reviews]

#1. YourBiology Supergreens Powder (Number one consumers' selection).

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Click HERE to Visit the Official Website

As a result of what mentioned earlier, if you are looking for an effective way to give your organism a health boost (without paying a fortune for expensive superfoods), then YourBiology Supergreens Powder is what you are looking for.

It is a powder filled with all the necessary nutrients that the organism needs to stay healthy and functional, at every level.

Additionally, YourBiology Supergreens Powder is a great selection for intestine health as well [and no doubt tops the list of top Super Greens Powders specifically for intestine health and bloating].

Rich in prebiotics, probiotics & digestive enzymes, it rebalances the intestinal microflora (the microbiome) and supports healthy digestion, without bloating.

YourBiology Supergreens Powder - Ingredients and function

YourBiology Supergreens Powder is a rich blend of 20 different superfoods with enormous nutritional value, which would be very difficult to "incorporate" individually into your daily diet.

From spirulina and chlorella (2 amazingly healthy algae with incredible health benefits) to wheatgrass and barley grass, YourBiology Supergreens Powder green blend supports a complete and healthy diet for anyone living in stress and madness every day.

It also contains a mix of probiotics, effectively supporting digestive health, and a mix of prebiotics that help the good gut bacteria survive.

With this combination, YourBiology Supergreens Powder helps in easier breakdown of food, optimal assimilation of nutrients (through the intestine) and reduction of bloating.

Below we see some of the most basic ingredients of YourBiology Supergreens Powder:

Soya Lecithin (SOY)

Soy lecithin is a natural emulsifier that contributes to the smooth but drastic improvement of the digestive process, and fights unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, heartburn and indigestion.

It also contributes to the optimal absorption of nutrients by the organism, while offering a large number of phospholipids (good fats) promoting optimal brain and liver function.

In addition, soy lecithin reduces inflammation and improves blood cholesterol levels.

Apple Fiber Powder

Apple fiber is a type of dietary fiber that promotes healthy digestion and helps drastically reduce bloating, belching and indigestion.

Another reason we find this particular ingredient extremely valuable is its ability to help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Rice Bran Powder

Rice bran powder is a rich source of insoluble fiber also playing an important role in a person's intestinal (and not only) health.

It prevents constipation and contributes to healthy intestinal motility to have regular and painless bowel movements.

In addition, this valuable fiber is a very rich source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, supporting the overall health and immunity of the individual.

Helps reduce inflammation & promotes good physical condition, anti-ageing and wellness.


Chlorella is a type of freshwater algae, extremely rich in protein, iron and very powerful antioxidants.

It contributes to strengthening the organism's immunity against viruses, microbes and bacteria.

It also naturally helps to improve blood cholesterol levels and strengthens the organism with abundant nutrients absolutely needed (proteins, vitamins and minerals).

Chlorella is an amazing method of active detoxification of the organism and "rebooting" it.

Spirulina Powder

Another (popular for its enormous health benefits) type of algae found in the premium green powder YourBiology Supergreens Powder is spirulina.

Rich in proteins, vitamins and beneficial minerals, it supports the function of the immune system, improves brain function and helps fight inflammation.


Alfalfa is a plant rich in vitamins, minerals and abundant antioxidant elements that prevent serious health problems and enhance the smooth functioning of the organism.

Alfalfa supports healthy digestion and detoxification of the organism.

Rich in vitamins A, K and C, it is an excellent nutritional supplement for health and wellness.


Inulin is a type of dietary fiber that promotes smooth digestive function and fights bloating.

This prebiotic fiber is ideal food for the "good" intestinal bacteria and contributes to their survival.

It effectively fights constipation and supports the individual's immunity.

Organic Kelp

Here's another type of algae in YourBiology's flagship Super Greens Powder.

Organic Kelp is a seaweed rich in iodine, and therefore contributes to the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland.

In addition, it helps to improve digestion and fight bloating and other digestive disorders.

It fights inflammation, reduces pain and supports healthy metabolism.

Co-Enzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a powerful antioxidant aid for the organism.

It helps protect cells from oxidative damage and promotes the body's anti-ageing.

It also improves energy production and combats the feeling of fatigue and physical/mental exhaustion.

It reduces inflammation and supports heart health.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the most common and recognized species of the Lactobacillus genus. Specifically, the species acidophilus (which means species that "loves" acid) is thought to have been named so because lactobacilli are isolated from the intestinal tract in an environment that is quite acidic.

It is a type of beneficial bacteria that supports healthy digestion and fights disorders such as bloating.

It also strengthens the function of the immune system and contributes to a healthier organism.

YourBiology Supergreens Powder - Digestive Benefits

YourBiology Supergreens Powder is a truly beneficial selection for boosting health, and not just digestive health.

It normalizes the digestive process, reduces bloating, fights constipation and diarrhoea, eliminates heartburn and indigestion.

Its prebiotic and probiotic elements bring the intestinal microflora back into balance and favor the survival of the "good" bacteria.

On the other hand, digestive enzymes help to break down food and optimize the absorption of nutrients.

In addition to its digestive health benefits, YourBiology Supergreens Powder is an amazing selection for its overall health and immunity boosting effect.

It is the number one selection of the consumers today on a global scale.

Click HERE to Visit the Official Website

#2. AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder (Amazing anti-bloating benefits)

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder is a very popular choice, and especially for all those who have problems with their intestine health and experience bloating, heartburn/indigestion/GERD after their meals.

This powder is packed with high quality ingredients all working together to support a healthy and fully functional digestive system as well as boost one's overall health.

The AG1 company was founded in 2010 by the New Zealander Chris Ashenden (current CEO), with the aim of promoting health and making it "possible" for everyone.

This is a reputable high quality nutritional supplement company.

The AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder supplement is a (high nutritional value) greens powder created to help meet the nutritional needs of the modern man who doesn't have the time (or inclination) to prepare high nutritional value meals.


Clearly, AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder cannot replace a healthy diet... but it can reinforce it with many valuable nutritional elements, highly necessary to maintain the health of the organism and its smooth functioning in the person's daily life.

AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder contains a total of seventy-five (75) vitamins, minerals, probiotics, herbs, adaptogens and other nutrients intended to promote optimal health (and not just digestive, but overall).

Daily use of this superfoods super-powder supports high energy levels, enhanced immunity, optimal intestinal function, anti-aging, hormonal balance, nervous health, high cognitive performance and improved psychology.

AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder|Nutrition facts

  • Calories: 50
  • Carbohydrates: 6 g
  • Fiber: 2 g
  • Sugar: <1 g
  • Protein: 2 g
  • Vitamin A: 62% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 467% DV
  • Vitamin E: 553% DV
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1): 250% DV
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 154% DV
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): 125% DV
  • Vitamin B6: 176% DV
  • Folate: 170% DV
  • Vitamin B12: 917% DV
  • Biotin: 1.100% DV
  • Pantothenic acid: 80% DV
  • Calcium: 9% DV
  • Phosphorus: 10% DV
  • Magnesium: 6% DV
  • Zinc: 136% DV
  • Selenium: 36% DV
  • Copper: 22% DV
  • Manganese: 17% DV
  • Chromium: 71% DV
  • Sodium: 2% DV
  • Potassium: 6% DV

AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder|Key ingredients and action

AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder includes not 1 but 4 proprietary blends, which (each individually but also in combination) work for the benefit of a person's digestive and general health... providing them with immediately visible benefits in their daily life.

However, let's see in detail these 4 mixtures of the supplement and their active power.

- Alkaline, Nutrient-Dense Raw Superfood Complex

This blend consists of truly abundant nutrients, specifically selected to support a healthy intestine microbiome, and a healthy and strong organism in general.

Ingredients of the mixture: organic spirulina, lecithin, organic apple powder, inulin, organic wheat grass juice powder, organic alfalfa powder, organic chlorella powder, organic barley leaf, acerola fruit juice powder extract, broccoli flower powder, papaya fruit powder, pineapple fruit concentrate , bilberry fruit extract, beetroot powder, rosehip fruit powder, carrot root powder, spinach leaf powder, cocoa bean polyphenol extract, grape seed extract, green tea extract, licorice root powder, lycium berry fruit extract, ginger rhizome powder, slippery elm bark powder , kelp whole plant powder

- Nutrient dense extracts, herbs, and antioxidants

This second blend of AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder is a super-fortified blend of powerful natural antioxidants, plant extracts and herbs, adaptogens and nutrients promoting good health and fight inflammation in the organism.

Ingredients of the mixture: alkaline pea protein isolate, citrus bioflavonoids extract, artichoke leaf extract, citric acid, rhodiola root, eleuthero root extract, rosemary leaf extract, milk thistle seed extract, R,S alpha-lipoic acid, ashwagandha root extract, dandelion whole plant dry concentrate, hawthorn berry extract, beta-glucans, policosanol, coenzyme Q10, stevia leaf powder, vitamin K2

- Digestive enzyme and super mushroom complex

According to the company, the third blend added to the AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder formula contains natural enzymes that support a smooth digestive process and fight disorders (such as bloating).

This also contributes to the optimal absorption of nutrients from the intestine, and therefore to the optimal health of the user on every possible level (physical/mental/psychological).

Ingredients of the mixture: astragalus root powder, bromelain, burdock root powder, reishi mushroom powder, shiitake mushroom powder

- Dairy-free probiotics 7.2 billion CFU

The fourth blend of the leading digestive health supplement AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder includes 2 strains of important probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus & Bifidobacterium bifidum), supporting a healthy intestine microbiome and an unobstructed (and painless) digestive process.

AG1 Supergreens - Digestive benefits

AG1 Athletic Supergreens Powder is the second selection of our list of Best Super Greens Powders specifically formulated to contribute to optimal intestine health and fight bloat.

With a variety of digestive enzymes, plant extracts, probiotics, vitamins and superfoods, this green health supplement helps your body against digestive disorders, inflammation, bloating and other discomforts following every meal.

They also help the intestine to break down food more efficiently and better absorb all of its nutrients.

In addition, the supplement's high content of plant-based dietary fiber helps regulate bowel movements and promotes a healthy body weight over time.

#3. Enso Supergreens Powder(Extreme benefits in digestion - Immunity - Energy)

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Enso Supergreens Powder is a top superfood powder that can instantly "upgrade" your diet and surely your health.

It immediately fights the "irritating" bloating that bothers you after your meals, and helps you maintain high health of your digestive system.

Without problems.

No hassles.

With regular bowel movements.

Enso Supergreens Powder is our third selection of Best Super Greens Powders for intestine Health and Bloating, and it's an option that gets very positive reviews from its users, so we decided to give it a try.

It is a mixture of more than 20 superfoods stimulating the organism and providing it with an abundance of nutritional (necessary) health elements.

This green super-powder contains vegetables and herbs, along with probiotics and digestive enzymes supporting a healthy, properly functioning intestine.

Consistent daily consumption of Enso Supergreens Powder can maximize the ultimate health benefits (digestive and overall).

Enso Supergreens Powder - Key ingredients

Enso Supergreens Powder is a "bombshell" of over 20 superfoods contributing to digestive health, fight bloating and promote overall health and wellness.

Below, some of the ingredients:

  • Chlorella
  • Spirulina (a blue-green algae)
  • Kale
  • Nettle leaf
  • Burdock root
  • Barley grass
  • Dandelions
  • Nopal cactus
  • Dulse (a type of edible, red seaweed)
  • Alfalfa
  • Broccoli
  • Moringa
  • Peppermint leaf
  • Ginger root
  • 5 billion colony forming units of probiotics

Enso Supergreens Powder - Action

Enso Supergreens Powder is a great way to include in your daily diet many nutrients (that you may have been lacking for so long).

Some of the benefits of this green health supplement and top choice Super Greens Powders for intestine health and bloating are shown below:

Increased energy

The blend of superfoods using the top supplement Enso Supergreens Powder boosts your organism's energy levels and helps you be more active/more functional/more efficient throughout the day, from morning to late night.

Improved digestion

The probiotics along with the digestive enzymes included in the Enso Supergreens Powder formula help to immediately improve digestion and reduce bloating.

With Enso Supergreens Powder you will have less burping and reflux, and definitely a smoother digestive function not embarrassing you when you are with people.

Fighting inflammation

Many of the raw materials used by this leading Super Greens Powder from the Enso Supergreens company have been specially selected due to their very high content of strong antioxidant elements, acting against inflammation in the organism, reducing pain, preventing functional damage to the body & promoting good health and antiageing.

Improved cardiovascular function

Another thing worth mentioning about Enso Supergreens Powder for digestive health is that - in addition to intestine health and protection - it also ensures cardiovascular stimulation by reducing triglyceride levels and controlling blood pressure.

#4. Bloom Supergreens Powder (Sweet selection for “sensitive” tasters)

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Our fourth selection on the list of Best Super Greens Powders for Intestine Health and Bloating is a Bloom Nutrition's product (Bloom Supergreens Powder).

The company was founded in 2019 by the married couple Mari Llewellyn and Greg LaVecchia with the aim of offering the consumers health supplements with high quality ingredients, but that also taste delicious.

Therefore, this is the Bloom Supergreens Powder.

One of the tastiest green drinks, not tasting like drinking grass.

A sweet tasting and pleasant drink to start your day energetically. Your EVERY day.

Contains 7 different ingredient blends (including 1 plant-based dietary fiber blend and 1 digestive enzyme blend).

The product does not contain gluten, dairy or soy.

Bloom Supergreens Powder is the company's best seller and has even gone viral on TikTok.

Bloom Supergreens Powder - Key Ingredients

In the formula of Bloom Supergreens Powder you find the following mixtures of health ingredients and superfoods:

  • Fiber Blend
  • Green Superfood Blend
  • Pre- and Probiotic Blend
  • Fruit and Vegetable Blend
  • Antioxidant Beauty Blend

#5. Garden of Life Green Powder (Rich antioxidant protection, digestive support and instant anti-Bloating)

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

The last product we have selected for you among the Best Super Greens Powders for Intestine Health and Bloating (for the year 2023) is Garden of Life Green Powder.

This is a popular green superfood powder designed to support digestive health and effectively fight bloating and indigestion.

This super-powder is made from a blend of organic greens, fruits and vegetables and is aimed at those who do not rest on mediocrity and seek the best quality for their health.

Garden of Life Green Powder could not be among the Best Super Greens Powders for intestinal health and bloating, since with specially selected nutrients & antioxidants it promotes smooth intestinal function, optimal digestion, and certainly the best nutrition of the organism.

Garden of Life Green Powder is formulated with the highest quality organic ingredients to support digestive health and "ease" digestion.

The organic components of this powder work together very harmoniously and promote the optimal "processing" of food and the maximum absorption of its nutrients.

Garden of Life Green Powder – Blends contained

Organic Green Juice Blend

Barley grass juice, alfalfa grass juice, oat grass juice, wheatgrass juice, kamut grass juice

Organic Fruit and Veggie Antioxidant Blend

Apple, beet, broccoli, carrot, spinach, tomato, pineapple, strawberry, tart cherry, blackberry, green bell pepper, brussels sprout, blueberry, ginger, garlic, green onion, raspberry, parsley, cauliflower, red cabbage, kale, cucumber, celery, asparagus

Organic Sprout Blend

Flax meal and sprout, amaranth sprout, quinoa sprout, millet sprout, buckwheat sprout, garbanzo bean sprout, lentil sprout, adzuki bean sprout, sunflower seed sprout, pumpkin seed sprout, chia seed sprout, sesame seed sprout

Raw Probiotic and Enzyme Blend

Lipase, beta-glucanase, protease, aspergillopepsin, papain, cellulase, phytase, lactase, peptidase, hemicellulase, xylanase, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Garden of Life Green Powder - Basic Ingredients

  • Organic Wheat Grass Juice
  • Organic Barley Grass Juice
  • Organic Alfalfa Grass Juice
  • Organic Oat Grass Juice
  • Organic Kamut Grass Juice
  • Organic Spirulina
  • Organic Chlorella
  • Organic Broccoli
  • Organic Carrot
  • Organic Spinach
  • Organic Beet
  • Organic Tomatoes
  • Organic Kale

Garden of Life Green Powder - Key digestive benefits

  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Fights bloating
  • Reduces the feeling of indigestion
  • Supports gut health
  • Helps to detoxify the organism
  • Excellent source of plant-based fiber referees
  • Does not contain gluten or dairy (suitable for people with intolerances)
  • Carefully selected high quality organic ingredients
  • Improves mood
  • Increases energy reserves

Why are green Superfoods so important for Intestine Health (and the Digestive System in general)?

First, let's clarify that nutrition is the main key to maintaining a healthy organism, without "functional problems".

Who really has the time to properly organize their meals so that they get ALL the necessary nutrients their body needs to function properly?

The truth is that the lack of time, the intense daily stress, the many obligations and the burdened quality of life of the modern man have serious effects on his health.

According to the latest research, superfoods - in addition to being an amazing source of nutrients - are also an amazing way to boost intestine health.

Super Greens Powders are the hottest thing in digestive health nutritional supplements today.

The reason is they combine many nutrients in just 1 health drink.

As "superfoods" provide the body with a very wide range of nutrients and health benefits, Super Greens Powders have become the number one in global demand as a dietary health supplement in general (and not just for digestive health).

Nevertheless, especially when it comes to gut health, Super Greens Powders with the various superfoods they use, promote a healthy gut microbiome and play a key role in maintaining a person's digestive health, but also the functioning of their immune system, cardiovascular health, cognitive function, even the psychology and overall wellness.

Regular consumption of Super Greens Powders for Intestinal Health and Bloating can help EVERY person with digestive issues have a smoother and painless digestive routine, and therefore a much-better quality everyday life.

Super Greens Powders reduce the risk of digestive problems (such as bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, belching, heartburn and gas) and help promote digestive "normalcy".

YourBiology Supergreens is the premier selection of Super Greens Powders for boosting digestive and intestinal health, as well as anti-bloating.

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.

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