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This Article is From May 05, 2023

How To Clear Drug Test - Pass a Drug Test For Weed Using Detox Kit

In major sports events and in getting employment as well as in post-employment dope testing, the use of the drug poses issues as positive drug tests will deprive the users of their prospective aspirations.

How To Clear Drug Test - Pass a Drug Test For Weed Using Detox Kit

Marijuana is used by many people and the use has found an increasing trend since 1960. Most people use the drug for fun, to have a kick, float in ecstasy, and relax from the mundane world. But some people use Marijuana for their medical emergencies such as getting relief from extreme pain.

Marijuana is called by different names such as weed, cannabis, dope, and pot. At present smoking marijuana has been made legal in a few countries even for recreational uses.

But one major problem with using marijuana is that the remnants of the drug remain in detectable condition for a longer time compared to other drugs. In major sports events and in getting employment as well as in post-employment dope testing, the use of the drug poses issues as positive drug tests will deprive the users of their prospective aspirations.

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The issue that ponders in the minds of cannabis users is how to pass a THC test. There are many solutions available on the market which include taking capsules, drinking detox liquid supplements, use of detox shampoo, taking fiber supplements as well as going through detox programs of 1 to 10 days.

Let us talk about the following ways of detoxing the system How to pass a drug test for marijuana fast

3 Ways To Detox The System To Pass A Drug Test:

  1. Powdered Urine
  2. 10-Day Detox Program
  3. 5-day detox program
  4. Powdered Urine : Best Solution for How To Clear A Drug Test!!

Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Buy Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit From Official Website

You may be taking cannabis for fun and for recreation, but if you are to face a dope test even a slight amount of THC in your system may jeopardize the prospect making you unsuitable for a sport or for a job opening. Despite the fact that smoking marijuana has been made legal in some countries, there is no relaxation when it comes to participating in some major sports or getting a job.

Dope tests are done not only for the participants of major sporting events but also for the people working in various companies. The companies resort to dope testing with the aim to keep their workplace free from any type of drug abuse. Also, there are some tricks that some companies play with their employees in order to avoid them from giving their due promotions or increments. They try to do it through sudden dope testing and many workers get caught with their positive dope test results.

But now you can rebuff the employer by taking advantage of the synthetic urine powder and save your position in the workplace. Moreover, synthetic urine is convenient to prepare and conceal under your underwear. The women can conceal the bottle of prepared urine under their bras using a Drug test pass kit.

At present time many organizations are resorting to dope tests by testing the urine sample of their workers. To avert the risk of being detected positive in dope tests synthetic urine powder has been formulated for masking the real urine. Synthetic urine is made quite similar to the human clear urine. The urine sample can be prepared from the synthetic urine just by adding water and heating it to a temperature similar to the natural urine.

After you make the urine from the synthetic urine provided to you the urine sample will look, smell and appear just like real urine but without any drug. For heating the urine to its temperature the company provides a heating pad and temperature strips. The duplicate urine so made looks so real that it is similar in all the aspects such as color, ph balance, smell, specific gravity, and temperature.

The creative brain which worked in inventing synthetic urine is Friedrich Wohler. The wonderful thing about his invention is that he discovered the synthetic form of urine while doing his research work on something else. Now synthetic urine has become a great opportunity for many people using cannabis even for entertainment purposes to stay free of positive dope tests. This fake urine is so real-looking that the lab technicians cannot differentiate and the sample passes the test.

This fake urine becomes a very useful tool How to pass a THC test where the test is unsupervised. You can just produce the fake urine by bringing it from home. But in the cases where the drug tests are performed under supervision, you can use fake tubes that can be easily concealed below the underwear or bras.

In addition to taking doses of THC, even some stimulants or poppy seed intake through some food may bring a positive in drug tests. So it is very important for the users to know How to pass a drug test for marijuana.

Powdered urine is a novel way to stay clear of drug tests. This is made from human urine that even smells like it. The dehydrated human urine is available in a powdered form. So if you are subjected to unsupervised drug testing, then powdered urine can be used as a fake sample after mixing it with water, shaking, and heating to copy the appearance, constituents, and temperature of a normal clear human urine free from drugs.

Ingredients of Powdered Urine

The powdered urine contains all the ingredients that normal human urine has. The main ingredients of powdered urine are

  1. Creatinine
  2. Chloride
  3. Urea
  4. Potassium
  5. Sodium
  6. Dissolved ions
  7. Water
  8. Uric acid

In all the parameters like appearance as well as smell, this seems to be a perfect copy of human urine. Creatinine is one very important ingredient in fake urine because the lab testers first try to find creatinine in the urine sample. Creatinine works as a tool for authentic urine samples.

Characteristic features of synthetic urine

While looking for the right synthetic urine you must ask the following questions before deciding to buy the synthetic urine.

  1. The synthetic urine must contain urea as well as uric acid
  2. The content of creatinine is very important as this is considered the main proof for the sample urine is the right one
  3. Must not contain any trace of toxins
  4. Should smell similar to human clear urine
  5. Should look pale yellow similar to the human urine
  6. Price aspects
  7. Whether the maker of the synthetic urine is a reputable company

The test procedures are different for different companies. Unless the synthetic urine is bought from a dependable and reputed manufacturer there is the possibility for the drug test to fail. Such dope tests are mostly done under supervision. The candidate should use detox liquid and  detox pills prior to the test date as a precautionary measure to pass the dope test. Also, they should rehearse making the fake urine from the synthetic urine powder including heating it to its correct temperature range beforehand.

Precautions before the dope test using a urine sample

  1. The most important thing is to remain calm and relaxed. Since you are to do something that is not very ethical you may quite likely get nervous with raised heartbeats. Try hard to conceal all your inner turmoils and show normalcy.
  2. Carefully conceal the synthetic urine under your underwear for men and bras for women.
  3. Do not forget to heat the fake urine to a temperature ranging from 32 degrees Celsius to 37 degrees Celsius.
  4. Do not submit a cold urine sample
  5. Follow the instruction very carefully for making the fake urine
  6. Try not to be stressed while submitting the sample
  7. Avoid diluting the urine too much. Follow the instructions.
  8. Check for the expiry date of the synthetic urine. After the expiry date, some chemical ingredients may lose their properties.

Click to order Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kitat an exclusively low price today!

Crucial steps How to pass a THC test using a urine sample

  1. Reputed synthetic urine suppliers provide heating pads and temperature strips along with synthetic urine powder. If your synthetic urine powder is without heating pads, you have to start the process from home. Microwave the synthetic urine mix in the microwave to its desired temperature after opening the cap.
  2. For the synthetic kits that provide temperature strips check for the right temperature that is within the range of 32 degrees Celsius to 37 degrees Celsius. The prepared urine sample must not be too cold or too hot as a Drug test pass kit.
  3. Close the bottle after replacing the cap and shake the mixture well.
  4. Secure the hand warmer tightly with the bottle. Turn on the hand warmer. The warmer will maintain the temperature of the urine sample. Skip the step if you have heating pads.
  5. Conceal the bottle containing the urine sample in the right place. It can be in the groin, underwear, and bras. Take care not to show any sort of stress and remain comfortable.
  6. When your turn comes for the urine test, do not forget to check the temperature.
  7. Remove the cap and pour the fake urine sample into the test container. Hide the emptied bottle back to its hiding place.
  8. Submit the urine sample with absolute normalcy

How to prepare powdered urine

The preparation of the product is quite easy. You just need to mix the powder with water, shake the mixture and heat it.

Along with the package you get a mixing vial, instruction guide, temperature strips, and heaters. Follow the instruction guide and you get your mixture ready for use.

Pros of powdered urine

  • Free from artificial preservatives
  • Low cost
  • Shelf life is longer
  • Copy of human urine
  • Made from dehydrated human clear urine
  • Supplied with heating pads and temperature strips
  • Instructions for making the fake urine sample from the synthetic powdered urine is clear

Cons of powdered urine

  • Preparation time is longer
  • If preparation is messed up, the result may be affected
  • Suitable for unsupervised drug tests
  • Expensive
  • The heating device does not work for a long time

The powdered urine kit includes

  • A dehydrated powdered form of human urine free from drugs
  • Medical vial made of plastic 50 ml
  • Air-activated-heater (lasts for six hours)
  • Temperature strip
  • Instruction guide containing tips and hints

Preparation of urine samples from the kit

  1. First, you have to pour the content of the small vial into the 50 ml container
  2. Fill the vial 50 ml with water to its brink
  3. Screw the vial with its cap tightly
  4. Shake the vial so that all the powdered content is dissolved completely
  5. On one side of the vial stick the temperature strip
  6. Now open the package containing the heater. Stick the heater to the side opposite to the one where the temperature strip is sticked
  7. The temperature should be within 32 to 3 degree Celsius

Important tips to be followed before the test

  1. Check the temperature of the urine prepared. It should be in the range of 32 to 37 degree Celsius. It is important because the drug tester would doubt the sample and may ask for direct testing.
  2. The water to be mixed with the urine powder should be at room temperature. The heating pad provided with the kit would heat up the mixture to the correct required temperature.
  3. Precautions are to be taken while using the heater pad. The heating pad is designed to heat up the powdered urine mixture to its correct temperature. Take care to stick the heating pad diametrically opposite to the temperature stick. If the heating pad is stuck close to the temperature strip, the strip will measure the temperature of the heating pad giving you a false reading.
  4. The trouble with the temperature occurs when the urine is either too hot or too cold. In that case, the temperature strip will not show any reading. Wait for the urine to cool by blowing over it if it is too hot.
  5. Sometimes the tester may demand more urine up to 75 ml. In that case, you may dilute the urine with some more addition of water. Keep an extra heater that is available on the market to meet the need when the drug test gets delayed.
  6. Practice the above procedures with plain water in place of prepared urine; use of the heating pad, temperature monitoring, blowing the urine, opening the cap and blowing, etc.
  7. Concealing fake urine is also important. The men can conceal the urine under their tight underwear. They should use two underwear and conceal the bottle in between to keep the bottle warm. The women can conceal the bottle below their bra or in the way the men conceal it.

Frequently asked questions

Question: is it safe to borrow a urine sample from a non-drug user friend?

Answer: it is not advisable to borrow urine from a friend. You do not have any surety that the pH balance or the level of creatinine in the urine will not raise doubt in the mind of the drug tester. It has many other risks of infections too.

Question: can I pass a drug test using synthetic urine?

Answer: yes you will pass the drug test using the synthetic powdered urine provided you follow all the instructions and directions given in the package and in this article respectively meticulously. Do not over-dilute the synthetic urine, heat the fake urine prepared, to the right temperature, and do not show stress.

Question: is the synthetic urine powder suitable for tests other than THC and its metabolites?

Answer: the only condition for the synthetic urine to pass is that your drug testing is by testing urine samples. Fake urine is suitable for any kind of drug abuse. It can also be used by athletes.

Question: what is the purpose of a hand warmer?

Answer: the hand warmers are provided to maintain the temperature of the fake urine sample. It can keep the sample warm for 45 minutes. It does not overheat the urine sample, its purpose is only to control the temperature to its ideal readings.

Question: what is the time for the synthetic urine powder to expire?

Answer: unopened pack of synthetic powder lasts for one to two years. But an opened pack must be used immediately. Each synthetic urine pack provides its expiry date on its package.

Question: are synthetic urine powders unisex?

Answer: yes, all the synthetic urine powders are for both sexes. For the dope tests using urine samples, gender is not at all a factor.

10-day detox program :


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Why a 10-day detox program

Our body tries its best to remove all the toxic substances from the system as fast as possible naturally. There are some natural ways to accelerate the flushing process following some instructions as given below. However in the normal case also the body works faster unless affected by some individual factors such as a low rate of metabolism, high-fat content of the body, lack of hydration, lack of exercise, lack of fibers in the diet, lack of complete sleep, etc.

The above causes of slowing down the natural process of the body to remove THC and its metabolites from the system can be overcome to some extent by the followings:

  1. Immediately stop further consumption of the cannabis
  2. Alcohol slows down the natural process. So to the intake of alcohol.
  3. Avoid taking medication if possible because such medicines also help in slowing down the removal process of the body.
  4. Try to eat a healthy diet including lean meat, vegetables, and fruits. Each meal should be small but in time
  5. Make a habit of regular exercise till you sweat
  6. Drink frequently water distributed all over the day so that at no point in time do you get dehydrated
  7. Increase urination rate by taking diuretics
  8. Sleep well and profoundly
  9. Include fibers in your diet

But even if you adopt all the above steps, the natural process of the body cannot remove all the toxins from the various areas of the body where the THC and its metabolites get accumulated. You can accomplish How to pass a THC test fast by adopting various detox programs ranging from one day to ten days.

The question that might be arising in your mind is why the different numbers of days for the detox program. The detox programs are divided into three main categories: short-term detox courses, medium-term detox courses, and long-term detox courses. How to pass a drug test for marijuana best.

Short-term detox program

These detox programs can be from one day to five days. Such programs are designed for people who are exposed to low levels of THC and its metabolites. Another reason why people choose short-term courses is due to the proximity of the drug test. The aim of such short-term courses is to quicken the removal of the toxins from the system leaving only traces that can be masked using a detox liquid supplement.

Medium-term detox program

The medium-term detox program is for people who are exposed to THC and its metabolites in medium amounts. Such people can be cleansed within this time frame.

Long-term detox program

But there are many people who get exposed to regular consumption of cannabis. The high exposure can be caused by taking large amounts of THC and also by regularly taking the drug daily or a number of days a week.

To further refine the exact requirement of the course specifying the days we have the following guideline

For people with very light exposure to THC and its metabolites: 1 to 4 days detox program

For people with medium exposure to THC and its metabolites: 5 to 7 days detox program

For people with high levels of exposure to THC and its metabolites: 10 days detox program

So now you are well equipped with all information for deciding the various programs. Let us now delve into the various aspects of the 10-day detox program.

Ingredients included in the 10-day detox program

The 10-day detox program will provide you with three types of things. There will be capsules, a detox liquid supplement, and a dietary fiber supplement. As many as twenty ingredients are there in all these three different elements of the detox program.

The ingredients have been carefully formulated and are safe to use. All these ingredients will work to remove all the remnants of the toxins from your system through stools, urines, and through other organs such as the liver and the kidney.

The ingredients in the pills include:

  1. Alfalfa
  2. Potassium
  3. Chloride
  4. Sodium
  5. Calcium
  6. Boron
  7. Kelp
  8. Magnesium

All the above ingredients of Drug test pass kit along with their companions detox liquid supplement and fiber supplement together would draw out all the THC and its metabolites from your system and remove them through your stool and urines at a rate that is many times faster than the body's natural process of toxin removal.

You will be astonished to find the difference within the first two days of taking the detox program. The frequency of your going to the toilet will increase and you will be able to see the effects of the removed toxins in the appearance and the smell of stool and urine.

The detox liquid supplement will further enhance the rate of urination with a faster toxin flushing from the various areas of the system.

Ingredients of detox liquid supplement provided with the program

  1. Potassium
  2. Sodium
  3. Chloride
  4. Boron
  5. Magnesium
  6. Sulphate
  7. lithium

After that comes the effects of dietary fiber. The fibers you ingest through the fiber supplement provided with the detox program will drive out all the remnants of toxins through the bowel movement. Another important thing that is worth mentioning is that the 10-day detox program is effective not only in the complete removal of all detectable THC and its metabolites from the system but also from any other type of toxins that might have accumulated in the system. The contents in the detox dietary fiber are psyllium Husk and dietary fiber.

Instructions for a 10-day detox program

  1. The detox program for 10 days will start as soon as you wake up in the morning. You will start the program by taking 3 capsules with 8 ounces of water. Afterward, you need to go on taking 3 capsules every hour up to a total of five times. You will thus consume 15 capsules on the first day. The same routine is to be continued for all 10 days totaling the capsule consumption to 150 capsules.
  2. After completing the schedule for the consumption of the capsules as directed above every day, you are to follow the natural guidelines of natural detoxification processes which we have already discussed in the earlier chapter. Go as frequently as possible to the toilets to urinate as much as possible to flush out the THC and its metabolites.
  3. You will take the detox liquid supplement on the tenth day two hours after you finish the day's last pill. Before that, you will have to prepare the detox liquid. For this, you have to mix the detox liquid provided with 32 ounces of plain water. You may also use orange juice to prepare the mixture. At the first instant after two hours of taking the last pill of the tenth day, drink half of the prepared mixture. During this process, you are not to eat or drink anything.
  4. Drink the leftover half of the liquid detox supplement mixture after two hours of drinking the first half.
  5. The next day after using the detox liquid supplement consume the dietary fiber supplement provided with the detox program. The high amount of fiber will draw out the remaining toxin THC metabolites from the system and remove them through the stools.
  6. To prepare the dietary fiber you have to mix the supplement with 8 ounces of water. Immediately after preparing it, you have to drink the full mixture. You must not make the delay as otherwise, the mixture will turn too thick to drink.
  7. After waiting for 10 minutes to allow the fiber mixture to enter into the stomach take 16 ounces of water spread over the next 5 minutes. Avoid taking anything edible or drinking for two more hours.

The role of the detox liquid supplement

Detox liquid supplement is provided with the detox program, not with an aim to remove the toxic remains from the body. You need to take the detox liquid supplement for flushing out the toxic remains that are on their way out through the bladder. So the detox liquids are for quickening the flushing out process.

The detox liquid has been prepared with ingredients specifically to accelerate the removal of all the toxic remains much faster than water can.

The other thing the detox liquid does is provide the body with various substances that are found in human urine. When these substances pass through the urine it appears to be in perfect balance.

This way the detox liquid supplement can also be considered as a masking agent. But since it tries to mask, as and when fresh THC and its metabolites come into the kidney, the same will start appearing in the urine afresh.

So it tries to offer you only temporary relief for three to four hours within which you are to submit the sample for testing.

Pros of the 10-day detox program

  1. The 10-day detox program has been designed for people having high exposure to THC and its metabolites.
  2. The program is most suitable for removing all the remnants of cannabis smoking including its metabolites
  3. The 10-day detox program not only flushes out the remains of THC and its metabolites but also removes the toxic remnants of other drug abuses.
  4. The 10-day detox program includes detox liquid as well as detox fiber supplements. This ensures that not the slightest trace of toxins remains in the system
  5. After the consumption of the 150 capsules, the detox program also asks to take liquid supplements and fiber supplements to fine-tune the removal of toxins from the system. The liquid and the fiber supplements trigger the natural process of removal of toxins from the body
  6. All the ingredients provided in the 10-day detox program are 100% natural
  7. The products are completely safe for use

Cons of the 10-day detox program

  1. The ingredients of the program cause a laxative effect for ousting all the toxins through the body's natural waste disposal system
  2. Pregnant as well as women who are nursing may refrain from using the 10-day detox program
  3. Other people who are having some underlying medical issues or taking medications must consult their physicians for any possible interaction before deciding to undergo the 10-day detox program
  4. The 10-day detox program is expensive

The 10-day detox program is only available on its Official website :

5-day detox program :


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Buy Toxin Rid 5 Day Detox From Official Website

This program has been designed for people with medium levels of exposure to THC and its metabolites. The 5-day detox program will provide you with capsules, detox liquid, and detox dietary fiber. After undergoing the 5-day detox program strictly as per the instructions provided by the supplier the users will be able to be completely free from any detectable toxins such as THC and its metabolites.

Instructions for a 5-day detox program howto pass a drug test for marijuana best

Day 1

Open the capsule package and take 3 capsules with water. Continue taking 3 capsules every hour thereafter totaling 5 times. The total number of capsules to be consumed per day is 15 capsules. You must not in any case exceed 15 capsules a day.

Day 2 to Day 5

Repeat the instructions given on Day 1 for four more days. The total consumption of capsules will be 75 in five days.

In all these five days you have to take lean protein, a diet with high fiber, and fruits. You must also drink large amounts of water during the period of detoxing.

Routine on the last day of the program

As you complete taking the last capsule on the fifth day totaling the capsule intake to 75 in five days, wait for two hours. After two hours of taking the last capsule of the fifth day, drink half of the detox liquid supplement with 16 ounces of pure water and orange juice.

Wait for another two hours after drinking half of the detox liquid supplement, and drink the remaining half of the detox liquid with water and orange juice.

You are to refrain from taking anything still after two hours of drinking the liquid detox. After fasting for two hours you are free to eat and drink.

Dietary fiber intake

Dietary fiber is provided with the 5-day detox program to eliminate all the traces of toxins from the system. This is optional but recommended highly for people who are exposed to THC and its metabolites after taking cannabis regularly i.e. who are exposed to medium to high amounts of toxins and who want to know How to pass a THC test.

You can start taking the dietary fiber supplement after four days of the detox program.

Preparation of the dietary fiber supplement for Drug test pass kit

The dietary fiber, provided with the 5-day detox program, is to be mixed with 8 ounces of distilled water one hour prior to taking the fiber mix.

You must drink the prepared mix quickly within two minutes. Otherwise, the paste will become thick and difficult to drink.

Wait for 15 minutes and then drink 16 ounces of filtered water. Do not take more fluid after that.

Some tips for accelerating the process of detoxification and How to pass a drug test for marijuana best

It is true that detox programs have been designed to remove all types of toxins from your system. As soon as you undergo the program as per your choice, the capsules, liquid supplement, and dietary fiber supplement will start working to make the removal of the toxic remains from the system fast.

But there are some things that you should do from your side to help the program do its duty in a more refined way. Abide by the following tips during the detoxification period so that you are certain of passing the dope testing.

  • Immediately stop further consumption of cannabis
  • Also, you must not take alcohol or any other toxin-creating abuses
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in fiber
  • Keep your body well-hydrated by drinking enough fluids
  • Keep the scale of your exercise in low grade during the detox program
  • Do not drink tea or coffee during the detox period

Pros of the 5-day detox program

  1. The detox program makes you ready for various types of do[pe testing
  2. All the ingredients of capsules, detox liquid, and detox fibers are made from 100% natural sources
  3. The product is free from synthetic substances
  4. Free from artificial fillers
  5. Instructions provided by the company are quite inclusive

Cons of a 5-day detox program

  1. Expensive
  2. Instructions are slightly confusing
  3. One has to be very careful to follow the instructions

Frequently Asked Questions for detox programs

Question: what is a THC detox program?

Answer: many people smoke cannabis as a means of entertainment while some people get highly addicted to it. Depending on the level of exposure the users are categorized into minor, medium, and high exposure users. But the point raising issues is that cannabis use leaves behind toxic remains in your body system for a pretty long time.

The remnants of cannabis smoking are THC and its metabolites which are detectable in drug tests. Nowadays many companies subject their workers to drug tests and positive tests cause the aspirants the opportunity of losing their employment and knowing How to pass a drug test for marijuana best.

The detox program removes all the toxic remains of the drug from the system so that the aspirant can be free from THC and its metabolites not only from urine but also from blood, saliva, hair follicle, and fingernails. The detox program can be 1 to 10 days depending upon the extent of exposure and the time left before the drug test.

The program provides capsules, detox liquid, and detox fiber supplements that are to be taken strictly as per the instructions and directions. It is capable of removing all the toxic remnants from the system enabling you to pass the test.

Question: does the detox program Drug test pass kit cause any withdrawal symptoms?

Answer: what the detox program does is to free the system from toxic substances to an undetectable level. The program itself does not cause any withdrawal system. Some people may face some sort of withdrawal symptoms and that is due to stopping the cannabis and not due to the detox program. People with mild exposure do not feel any symptoms.

Question: how long do the toxins remain in the system?

Answer: THC and its metabolites remain for a longer time compared to the other drugs. The average time that THC remains in various samples is given below:

Blood sample: 4 to 12 hours depending upon the intensity of use of the drug

Saliva sample: 48 hours

Urine sample: 3 to 45 days depending upon the intensity of use

Hair sample: 3 months