Safest Steroids For Muscle Growth And Cutting: Beginners Guide To First Steroid Cycle

What are the safest steroids for beginners? What to start with? Are oral or injectable steroids safer? The most detailed guide about anabolic steroids for bodybuilding in men and women.

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Anabolic steroids have a longstanding history, existing for numerous years, and it's likely they will continue to be prevalent. Initially, these substances weren't developed for athletes or individuals seeking to enhance their physical appearance or performance. Instead, their primary purpose was in healthcare, aiding patients in muscle development. This article delves into the safest steroids and cycles for utilization.

Essential Insights

- Almost all steroids carry potential side effects, including elevated cholesterol levels and suppression of natural testosterone production.

- Risk reduction is achievable through lower doses, shorter cycles, and adherence to proper dosage guidelines and Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) procedures.


- Various products are available to mitigate adverse effects. Read about a common Post Cycle Therapy regimen at the end of the article.


Factors Contributing to Steroid Risks

Steroid misuse is notorious for its adverse side effects. While it's feasible to diminish the risk of harm or illness, exercising caution is essential. The primary danger of steroids lies in excessive dosages without appropriate PCT.


Don't forget that all medications have side effects, absolutely all of them, including antibiotics, eye drops, etc. In case of an overdose, all drugs can produce negative effects.


Potential risks of prolonged or excessive steroid cycles include:

- Anabolic steroids significantly raise LDL and total cholesterol levels, potentially leading to cardiovascular diseases and heart complications.

- Many steroids boost red blood cell production, which, combined with increased body weight, can substantially affect blood pressure.

- Kidney function can be severely impaired due to anabolic steroid usage.

Safest Steroid Options

There are certain steroids deemed safer for beginners, which are also utilized in official medical treatments for various conditions. If there are no contraindications for steroid use, individuals can commence their first steroid cycle with these anabolics, catering to muscle growth or weight loss objectives.

Anavar: The Preferred Choice for Oral Steroid Use

Anavar stands out as an oral steroid frequently incorporated in cutting cycles to boost fat reduction and augment lean muscle development.

Notably, Anavar is among the select steroids capable of simultaneously promoting muscle growth and fat burning. While muscle gains with Anavar are not excessively high, a typical increase of 10–15 pounds is often observed. Recognized for its mild nature, Anavar continues to be FDA-approved for medical use. It's regularly prescribed for managing bone pain in osteoporosis and aiding rapid weight gain in patients recovering from trauma, infection, or surgery.

Anavar's unique trait is its suitability for women and children, demonstrating its mild effects, unlike other steroids that can cause masculinization in women or be overly toxic for minors. In bodybuilding communities, Anavar is often referred to as the 'girl steroid' due to its relative safety for female use in low to moderate doses. In contrast, many other anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) can lead to enlarged clitoris, reduced breast size, body hair growth, and voice deepening in women.

However, Anavar is not solely used by women. Many men also choose Anavar, not just for its bodybuilding benefits but for its significant enhancement of muscle strength, power, and endurance.

Dosage Guidelines for Anavar

Initially, when Anavar was introduced, a standard dose of 5–10 mg daily was typical. Nowadays, athletes and bodybuilders often opt for 15–25 mg daily, typically over a 6–8 week period. Extended cycles might lead to hepatotoxicity, increased LDL cholesterol levels, and further suppression of natural testosterone production.

For women, there were no specific dosage recommendations when Anavar first emerged, with the only warning being against its use by pregnant women. Over time, through experimentation, it has been established that doses ranging from 5–10 mg can yield significant results in muscle growth and fat loss while minimizing virilization effects. Women's cycles are generally maintained at a shorter duration of 4-6 weeks.

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Testosterone Enanthate: Top Choice for Injectable Steroids

Testosterone Enanthate is an FDA-approved injectable steroid widely used for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in men experiencing natural testosterone deficiency worldwide.

It's recognized as a vital medication by the World Health Organization for managing endocrine disorders and was one of the most frequently prescribed drugs in the United States in 2017, with over 5 million prescriptions. The surge in testosterone prescriptions from 2001 to 2011 suggests an ongoing issue with low testosterone levels.

In the realm of bodybuilding, testosterone is primarily employed in bulking cycles for significant muscle and strength gains. It's also used in cutting cycles to maintain muscle mass. When administered in appropriate doses, testosterone ranks as one of the safest steroids. It can lead to considerable muscle gains (20–30 lbs) and remains a favorite in bodybuilding circles, even decades after its introduction.

While any steroid or medication can pose risks if injected improperly, there's also an oral version of testosterone (undecanoate) available for those preferring to avoid injections. However, its higher cost makes it a less common choice among bodybuilders compared to injectable forms. For novice steroid users, a testosterone enanthate cycle is often recommended as a starting point.

Testosterone Enanthate Dosage Guidelines

Effective bodybuilding with Testosterone Enanthate hinges on correct dosage, which influences the body's response and adaptation to the compound. Here's a look at typical dosages in bodybuilding:

For Men

- Beginners usually start with 200-250 mg per week, the lower effectiveness threshold.

- Intermediate users may increase to 500-750 mg weekly.

- Advanced users sometimes reach up to 1000 mg (1g) per week.

These dosages should be customized based on individual reactions and tolerability, always prioritizing health.

For Women

- Women typically start with 50 to 100 mg per week, sufficient for desired muscle enhancements and performance boosts while minimizing androgenic side effects.

TRT Dosage for Low Testosterone Treatment

- TRT dosages aim to mimic natural testosterone levels, usually around 100-200 mg every 7-10 days.

- The specific dosage varies depending on individual needs, the condition being treated, and desired outcomes.

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More safe steroids you can start your body transformation with


Turinabol, also known by its chemical name Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone or simply TBol, stands out as a particularly gentle steroid option in the market. Its mild nature often leads to it being overlooked, yet it possesses considerable capabilities in augmenting muscle size, strength, and recovery.

This steroid is a modified variant of Dianabol, another renowned steroid. However, Turinabol sets itself apart by not causing water retention, a common issue with many testosterone derivatives. This characteristic is highly valued by those seeking to achieve lean muscle gains without the unwanted bulk of water weight.

Turinabol's reputation in the fitness world is bolstered by its ability to enhance performance and foster lean muscle development while keeping water retention at bay. Recognizing and respecting its potency is crucial for anyone incorporating it into their fitness regimen.

Both male and female fitness enthusiasts favor Turinabol for its distinctive properties and effective results. Particularly noteworthy is its ability to foster lean muscle growth without the typical water retention side effect. This leads to a more defined and toned physique, a common goal among both genders in their fitness journeys.

Another factor contributing to Turinabol's popularity is its relative mildness when compared to other anabolic steroids. It presents fewer risks of androgenic side effects like aggression, acne, and hair loss. This is especially appealing to women, who are generally more susceptible to such side effects, and is equally valued by men seeking to reduce potential risks.

In essence, Turinabol has gained admiration for its ability to enhance muscle definition while being more tolerable, endearing itself to a wide range of fitness enthusiasts. It stands as an attractive choice for those aiming for a solid, well-defined physique, with minimized side effects.

Turinabol Dosage

Regarding Turinabol Dosage, the key to effective and safe usage lies in the correct dosage, which varies based on factors like gender and fitness objectives. These dosages are guidelines, as individual responses can differ.

Men usually consume higher doses of Turinabol due to their naturally higher testosterone levels. Typically, the dosage ranges from 30-100 mg per day, with beginners advised to start at 30-50 mg and more experienced users potentially increasing to 100 mg daily.

For women, lower dosages are necessary, reflecting their lower natural testosterone levels and heightened sensitivity to steroids' androgenic effects. A standard Turinabol dosage for women might be between 5-10 mg per day, which can still yield significant muscle mass and strength gains even at these lower levels.

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Masteron, commonly known by its nicknames "Mast" or Drostanolone, has become the go-to steroid for a diverse crowd including celebrities, bodybuilders, professional athletes, and fitness enthusiasts aiming for peak physical form. Its reputation as one of the safest steroids available is complemented by a range of benefits.

For those looking to boost muscle definition, increase energy levels, or strengthen their overall physique, Masteron is a powerful tool. It offers more than just physical enhancement; it elevates performance and overall fitness in various dimensions.

In the realm of muscle development, Masteron is a standout. It aids in building lean muscle mass, ensuring your workout efforts are fully utilized. Its ability to reduce body fat while preserving muscle leads to a coveted lean and muscular look.

Masteron is particularly notable for its suitability for women, a rarity among anabolic steroids. It induces fewer hormonal changes, thereby reducing side effects and preserving femininity, making it a preferred choice for female athletes, often favored over alternatives like Winstrol or Anavar.

One significant advantage of Masteron is its endurance-boosting properties. This translates into longer, more intense training sessions and heightened workout efficiency, paving the way to easier fitness achievements.

Masteron Dosage

Determining the right dosage of Masteron is crucial for achieving desired results without adverse effects. The appropriate dosage varies based on your objectives, bodybuilding experience, and individual steroid response.

For Men

Typically, men find an effective Masteron dosage to be within 300-400mg per week. However, seasoned bodybuilders might opt for higher doses, around 600-800mg per week, depending on their objectives and tolerance levels. An added advantage of Masteron is its ability to moderate testosterone conversion rates, negating the need for additional preventive measures during cycles.

For Women

The recommended Masteron dosage for women is significantly lower, generally between 50-150mg per week. Starting at the lower end of this spectrum is advisable to assess bodily reactions before considering any increase, always with an eye on potential side effects. Since the female body handles DHTs effectively, women using Masteron don't require a testosterone base, unlike male users.

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Primobolan: Oral and Injectable

Primobolan, or 'Primo' as it is colloquially known, refers to the anabolic-androgenic steroid methenolone. This steroid, a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is noted for reducing the undesirable effects of other steroids it's combined with while amplifying their positive aspects.

Primo is favored for its role in promoting muscle development, aiding in fat reduction, and boosting immunity, making it an excellent choice for those seeking to refine and sculpt their muscular build.

It's important to understand the two variants of Primobolan: Methenolone Acetate (oral form) and Methenolone Enanthate (injectable form). Both are based on Methenolone but differ in composition and effects, which should be considered when choosing the right form for specific fitness goals.

Methenolone Acetate (Oral Primobolan)

This form of Primobolan, Methenolone Acetate, is available as an oral pill. It's been chemically altered to survive liver metabolism, although this modification results in a lesser potency compared to its injectable counterpart.

Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan Depot)

Methenolone Enanthate, or Primobolan Depot, is the injectable version of Primo. This form bypasses liver processing, allowing for direct entry into the bloodstream, leading to higher effectiveness and a potentially more potent, albeit gradual, impact.

Primobolan is lauded for its myriad benefits for both genders at all levels of fitness. It enhances athletic performance, aids effective cutting phases, and boosts immune function.

For female users, Primobolan is particularly appealing due to its lower androgenic effects, making it a safer option for women who want to harness the benefits of anabolic steroids with minimal negative reactions.

Primo excels in muscle growth by increasing nitrogen retention and is effective at preserving muscle, particularly during calorie deficit periods. It's ideal for achieving a lean, hard physique.

Athletes favor Primobolan for its endurance-boosting properties, enhancing muscle functionality and improving performance across various sports and fitness activities.

In cutting cycles, Primobolan's ability to foster lean muscle growth without causing water retention is especially beneficial, aiding in achieving a well-defined physique. It's a favorite among bodybuilders preparing for competitions.

Beyond physical improvements, Primobolan also bolsters overall health by strengthening the immune system, enhancing the body's defense against illness and infection, especially important during intense training periods.

Primobolan Pills Dosage

Appropriately dosing Primobolan pills is key to maximizing its benefits while minimizing risks. However, the ideal dosage varies with factors like age, fitness level, and specific goals.

For Men

Men typically require a daily dosage between 50 and 200mg to achieve optimal results with minimal side effects. Starting with a lower dose in the initial cycle and adjusting based on the body's response is advisable.

For Women

Women benefit from lower dosages of Primobolan, starting around 12.5-25mg daily to achieve noticeable effects while minimizing side effects. Some may increase to 50mg daily, but personal tolerance and careful monitoring are essential.

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Dosage of Primobolan Depot

The dosage approach shifts when switching to Primobolan Depot. Its slower release rate offers convenience, requiring fewer injections and more consistent dosage levels.

For Men

A typical dosage for men using Primobolan Depot ranges from 300 to 800mg per week. Splitting this weekly dosage into two injections helps maintain steady steroid levels and reduces discomfort at higher doses.

For Women

Female users benefit from lower dosages, usually between 50 and 100mg per week, providing a balance between performance enhancement and maintaining femininity. Starting with a low dosage and observing the body's reaction is a prudent approach for individualized effectiveness.

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Growth Hormone for bodybuilding

HGH, or human growth hormone, is a peptide hormone naturally produced in the body, playing a vital role in the growth of skeletal muscle and the generation of cells.

This hormone significantly influences metabolism and fat storage, leading to notable reductions in subcutaneous fat in individuals with elevated HGH levels. The natural production of HGH is influenced by several factors, including genetic makeup, sleep patterns, age, physical activity, and overall health condition.

While HGH is not classified as an anabolic steroid, it does possess muscle-enhancing capabilities, though these are generally milder compared to traditional steroids. In medical contexts, HGH is often prescribed for treating muscle wasting conditions such as cachexia, including in AIDS patients.

HGH aids the body in transitioning away from a state of catabolism, enhancing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis within muscle cells, thereby encouraging the accumulation of lean mass.

One of HGH's most significant impacts on body composition is its ability to reduce subcutaneous fat. Typically, the fat loss effects of HGH are more pronounced than its anabolic actions, resulting in leaner physiques and improved muscle definition.

Our observations indicate that HGH stimulates collagen production, leading to substantial anti-aging benefits. Collagen, a protein responsible for skin elasticity, helps reduce wrinkles and prevent sagging, besides being crucial for the health of hair and nails. It thickens hair follicles, slows down the graying process, and reduces nail brittleness.

This contrasts with many anabolic steroids, which we've noted to decrease collagen production and potentially accelerate aging signs. HGH users often appear visibly younger and report increased energy levels, attributed to HGH's influence on carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels. Moreover, HGH enhances cognitive functions, with growth hormone receptors located in key brain areas such as the cerebral cortex, choroid plexus, and hippocampus.

HGH Cycles

In medical treatments for conditions like intrauterine growth retardation, HGH is typically administered in dosages of 1-3 IU per day. For performance enhancement, the dosage ranges from 2-4 IU daily, with elite bodybuilders sometimes using up to 6 IU for further mass gain.

HGH cycles vary in length, typically lasting from 6 to 24 weeks, with 16 weeks being a common duration for standard bodybuilding cycles. HGH is usually employed by more experienced users of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) aiming to amplify their muscle gains.

Newcomers with substantial muscle mass often start with bulking steroids like Dianabol or Testosterone, turning to HGH for additional growth and fat loss after reaching a plateau. However, for those seeking modest muscle hypertrophy, a cycle involving HGH might be considered.

In our experience, mild steroids such as Anavar and Primobolan can yield comparable results to HGH, potentially in a safer manner. It's important to note that the long-term effects of HGH use are not fully understood.


Post Cycle Therapy Protocol for Steroid Cycles

The primary goal of post-cycle therapy (PCT) is to reignite natural testosterone production, helping maintain gains from a cycle and ensuring hormonal balance for optimal physical and mental health. Steroids typically lower natural testosterone levels but rarely shut down production entirely.

A common PCT protocol after steroid use includes:

- hCG: 2000 IU for 20 days (administered every 2 days)

- Tamoxifen (Nolvadex): 20 mg twice daily (continuous use for 45 days)

- Clomiphene (Clomid): 50 mg twice daily (continuous use for 30 days)

For those utilizing an Anavar-only or Primobolan-only cycle, using one of these PCT drugs alone is often sufficient to quickly restore endogenous testosterone production.

Women taking steroids in proper dosages may not require PCT. However, for extended and intense cycles, a well-planned PCT is advisable.



While it's important to acknowledge that no anabolic steroid is entirely risk-free, much like other medications including antibiotics, some steroids have been recognized as essential medicines by prominent health organizations. Additionally, a number of these steroids have received approval from the FDA. The legal use of steroids today primarily occurs when they are prescribed by a healthcare professional for specific health conditions.

For those looking to purchase steroids, it is crucial to choose a reputable supplier. A trustworthy provider like, known for their established presence in the market and a substantial customer base, can be a safe option.

The steroid market is vast, with many platforms and forums hosting ads for potentially unreliable underground labs that might sell ineffective or low-quality products.

Therefore, it is advisable to invest in genuine, authentic steroids from reliable suppliers such as America Roids. While immediate delivery might not always be possible, this supplier always offer secure payment options like credit cards, which include the possibility of disputing charges in case of issues. Customers always receive pharma-grade products that are tested and less likely to pose health risks.


What is the Safest Oral Steroid?

Based on our evaluations, the safest oral steroid is oral testosterone (undecanoate). Other relatively safe options include Anavar and Primobolan, known for their mild nature and minimal side effects. These steroids are particularly less harmful to critical organs like the heart and liver. For female users, Anavar is considered the safest oral steroid, ideally suited for maintaining femininity.

What is the Safest Steroid Cycle?

Our findings suggest that combining multiple steroids tends to increase the risk of side effects. A cycle using only testosterone or Anavar, or other mild steroid described above is generally perceived as the most benign, making it a popular choice for beginners embarking on their first steroid cycle.

Safest Steroids for the Heart

For heart health, the safest steroids include Primobolan and Masteron. Additionally, while not a steroid, Growth Hormone is an option with significant benefits and a favorable profile for heart health. Growth Hormone can provide substantial advantages without the risks associated with typical steroids.


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