Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi on Wednesday said that people "get reformed" after going to jail but not Lalu Yadav. Listing the 150-plus properties that Lalu Yadav's family reportedly owns, Mr Modi hit out at the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief, saying even after being convicted in multiple scams Lalu Yadav has not changed. Mr Modi was speaking in Patna at the launch of his book documenting "benami" land deals, allegedly involving the RJD chief and his family members.
"It is said that people get reformed after going to prison. However, some people never improve. Lalu Yadav did not improve even after being convicted in the fodder scam. Lalu Yadav's family is the owner of 141 plots, 30 flats, and over half a dozen houses," said the Bihar Deputy Chief Minister.
"How come 29-year-old Tejashwi Yadav is the owner of more than 20 properties? They had no ancestral land... Tejashwi remained unsuccessful in cricket... Tej Pratap also owns 28 and Misha Bharti 23 properties," Mr Modi says in his book. He also claimed that Lalu Yadav's wife and former Bihar Chief Minister Rabri Devi owns 43 plots and over 30 flats.
Senior RJD leader Shivanand Tiwari slammed Mr Modi for his book on corruption cases against Lalu Yadav and his family. After raids by the Income Tax Department the on Deputy Chief Minister's sister, Rekha Modi, who is one of the accused in Rs 1,900 crore Srijan scam, the RJD had alleged that Mr Modi's family had direct links with the scam. "These people (NDA leaders) are crying from rooftops that Lalu Yadav is the most corrupt politician but they are silent on the many scams perpetrated during NDA rule," said Mr Tiwari.
On Saturday Tejashwi Yadav and Rabri Devi managed to get a regular bail from the CBI court but could not get provisional bail from the Enforcement Directorate court in the IRCTC case, in which the entire family is facing charges.
Lalu Yadav was sentenced from four years to 14 years in jail after being pronounced guilty in several fodder scam cases. He is still on trial in two cases. Lalu Yadav is currently admitted to the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences in Ranchi, under police custody, owing to heart-related problems.
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