Bachchans blessed with a girl

Updated: November 16, 2011 09:42 IST

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has checked in to the Seven Hills Hospital for delivery in the early hours of Monday morning, sources say.

Bachchans blessed with a girl
The big moment is finally here and it was papa Bachchan who gave out the big news.

“IT'S A GIRL!!!!!! :-)))))” tweeted an excited father Abhishek Bachchan.

Grandfather Amitabh Bachchan also tweeted saying, “T 561 - I AM DADA to the cutest baby girl.”

Coming Up: Aishwarya Rai baby: New photos...
Aishwarya Rai baby: New photos
As the Bachchans waits for the arrival of Baby B, the family keeps Aishwarya company at the Seven Hills Hospital.

Eager grand father-to-be tweeted: "And as I write, there is still no news from Aishwarya ... your wishes and prayers with us ... Thank you."
(Photos: Milind Shelte)
Aishwarya Rai baby: New photos
Aishwarya's father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan and sister-in-law Shweta Bachchan-Nanda dropped by Tuesday evening.
(Photos: Milind Shelte)
Aishwarya Rai baby: New photos
We hear they left in a while and Mr Bachchan returned again at night.
(Photos: Milind Shelte)
Aishwarya Rai baby: New photos
Aishwarya was admitted to the Seven Hills Hospital around 11.30 pm on Monday night.
(Photos: Milind Shelte)
Aishwarya Rai baby: New photos
The legendary actor Amitabh had earlier tweeted: "A day of expectation .. but another day ! The Lord has his ways and they are most special .. we wait !!"
(Photos: Milind Shelte)

Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in for delivery...
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
According to the latest buzz, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has checked in to the Seven Hills Hospital for delivery in the early hours of Monday morning. In this picture Aishwarya is seen (fourth from left) at the hospital. (Photos: Milind Shelte)
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
Abhishek Bachchan waits outside the hospital. (Photos: Milind Shelte)
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
Amitabh Bachchan walks in the Seven Hills Hospital. (Photos: Milind Shelte)
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
Jaya Bachchan walks in with daughter Shweta Nanda. (Photos: Milind Shelte)
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
Abhi gets ready to sit in his car. (Photos: Milind Shelte)
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
Aishwarya's mother Vrinda Rai (in yellow salwaar kameez) leaves the hospital along with other relatives. (Photos: Milind Shelte)
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
Abhishek at the hospital. (Photos: Milind Shelte)
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
Aishwarya's father Krishnaraj Rai walks in. (Photos: Milind Shelte)
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
Ash's brother Aditya Rai (second from right) outside the hospital. (Photos: Milind Shelte)
Latest photos: Aishwarya checks in  for delivery
Relatives wait outside the hospital. (Photos: Milind Shelte)

Coming up: Aishwarya at the Seven Hills hospital
Aishwarya at the Seven Hills hospital
Aishwarya arrives at the Seven Hills hospital on Sunday (November 13, 2011) for a regular check-up along with Abhishek and Amitabh.
Aishwarya at the Seven Hills hospital
Aishwarya, surrounded by family.

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