Directed by Hari K Chanduri, Disco is a story of an orphan boy named 'Disco' played by actor Nikhil, who got his name as the lights started flickering when he was born in a government hospital.
Directed by Hari K Chanduri, Disco is a story of an orphan boy named 'Disco' played by actor Nikhil, who was named such because the lights started flickering when he was born in a government hospital.
Later, Disco finds out that Shiny stays in Bangkok and decides to go there with his friends to meet her. After reaching Bangkok he finds out that Shiny is the daughter of a don, played by Ashish Vidyarthi.
As the story unfolds, Shiny's father abducts Disco's friends and he's left in a complicated situation where he needs to choose between his friends and love of his life.