Paying tributes to late Oscar-winning actor-filmmaker Richard Attenborough on Monday, Indian celebrities recalled the importance of his monumental film Gandhi, which brought Mahatma Gandhi's life story alive cinematically for the generations to come. Mr Attenborough died in London on Sunday following prolonged illness. He was 90. His 1982 film, Gandhi, which won him two Oscars, is a biopic on Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who led India's non-violent independence movement against British rule.
It featured a host of Indian actors including Rohini Hattangadi, Om Puri, Alyque Padamsee, Alok Nath and Roshan Seth. Here's what some celebrities had to say on Twitter in rememberance of the filmmaker,who, according to Shoojit Sircar, gave the world, "the only biopic we're proud of".
Alok Nath: The man who reinvented the Mahatma for the whole world to see & know, director of my debut film GANDHI sir Richard Attenborough rest in peace sir.