The duo launched the trailer of their film in Bandra, Mumbai on Monday evening.
Salman Khan And Aayush Sharma On Antim Duty The duo launched the trailer of their film in Bandra, Mumbai on Monday evening. Oct 26, 2021 11:30 am IST Published On Oct 26, 2021 11:30 am IST Last Updated On Oct 26, 2021 11:30 am IST Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email Salman Khan looked dashing in an all-black outfit. He plays the role of a cop in the film. (Image courtesy: Varinder Chawla) Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email The actor happily posed with his brother-in-law Aayush Sharma, who features as a gangster in Antim: The Final Truth. (Image courtesy: Varinder Chawla) Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email The trailer launch was also attended by Antim actress Mahima Makwana and director Mahesh Manjrekar. (Image courtesy: Varinder Chawla) Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email In another part of the city, John Abraham and Divya Khosla Kumar were pictured launching the trailer of their film Satyameva Jayate 2. (Image courtesy: Varinder Chawla) Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email The actress attended the event in a baby pink dress. (Image courtesy: Varinder Chawla) Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email John Abraham was sporting a black tee and jeans. (Image courtesy: Varinder Chawla)