Actress Shilpa Shetty was spotted in Mumbai's Juhu on Wednesday. The 42-year-old actress was seen dressed in a white t-shirt paired with ripped denims.
Actress Parineeti Chopra, who is currently shooting for Rohit Shetty's Golmaal Again, was photographed in Bandra, Mumbai. The 28-year-old actress was dressed in a white top paired with ripped denims. She happily waved for the cameras.
Actress Ameesha Patel was spotted offering food to the underprivileged children in Juhu, Mumbai. The 41-year-old actress was seen dressed in a pink top paired with denims.
Actor Ali Fazal, who last featured in 2016 movie Happy Bhag Jayegi, was spotted in Bandra, Mumbai. The 30-year-old actor happily posed for the cameras.