
15 Fitness Tips That Will Transform Your Body

It's high time, you should lose weight now! Take your first step towards fitness by following these simple tips. We ensure these fitness mantras can make a big difference in your life.

  • #Tip1: Go natural! Fresh is always healthier than processed. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible to get your daily dose of nutrients.
  • #Tip2: Aim to take 5-6 meals in a day. Keeping fit is tough, if binge eating creeps into your routine. Break your food intake into meals scheduled at regular intervals, which will not only help you keep a tab on your weight but also give way to a healthier lifestyle.
  • #Tip3: Junk food is the mother of all the causative factors of ill health. Take a conscious step towards a healthier life and reduce your intake of junk. Ditch the food dipped in bad fats such as ghee and mayonnaise.
  • #Tip4: For a healthy life, aim to introduce whole grains in your diet. Opt for brown rice, whole grains and red rice instead of white rice, as these are hub of fibre and nutrients.
  • #Tip5: Say no to refined flour. The excessive intake of refined flour can lead to diabetes, obesity, to name a few. A healthier replacement is whole grain or multi-grain flour.
  • #Tip6: Move over French fries! It is time to indulge in healthy treats. Ditching everything and anything with potatoes may require truckloads of self-control but if the weighing machine petrifies you, then this is one sacrifice you have to make.
  • #Tip7: Cutting white sugar out of your diet means less Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), increased energy, weight loss, a healthy immune system and improved mental focus. Replace your spoon of white fat with healthier alternative such as raw honey, jaggery and stevia.
  • #Tip8: Go low on food loaded with sodium, it is a crucial causative factor of blood pressure. Avoid indulging in pickle, canned food and papad as much as possible for a healthier heart.
  • #Tip9: Laziness and inactivity kills as many people as smoking. You should do at least one activity on a daily basis for a minimum of 15 minutes and 5 times in a week.
  • #Tip10: For a healthy lifestyle, plan based diet is very important in which you get maximum proteins. For vegetarians - dairy products, nuts, walnuts and flaxseeds are the major source of proteins.
  • #Tip11: Overeating is not all about hunger and taste. It's about mindless eating. Reduce size of the plate from 12 inches to 10 inches it will reduce your food intake by 22%.
  • #Tip12: Increase your liquid intake. Drink more of buttermilk, lemonade, coconut water, jaljeera and avoid fruit juices, soda and diet soda which contain high amounts of sugar.
  • #Tip13: One in five women suffer from PMS(Pre Menstrual Syndrome), for them it is important to avoid caffeinated drinks, diet soda. They should increase an intake of Vitamin D and Calcium in their diet.
  • #Tip14: Detoxification gives your body a rest, so when you are on detox diet, focus on low fat milk products, fruits and vegetables. There is no need to rely on all day liquid diet to detoxify your body.
  • #Tip15: It's important to have 7 to 8 hours of sleep without any disturbance for your metabolism to work perfectly. Lack of sleep can make you gain unwanted fat.
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