5 Pictures of Shocking Taipei Plane Crash

A TransAsia Airways flight with 53 passengers aboard clipped a bridge shortly after takeoff and crashed into a river in Taipei. A rescue mission is underway. Here are the pictures of the incident.

  • The flight clipped a bridge shortly after takeoff and crashed into a river in Taipei. At least 15 people have died.
    The flight clipped a bridge shortly after takeoff and crashed into a river in Taipei. At least 15 people have died.
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  • Civil aviation officials said the flight took off at 10:53 am and lost contact with controllers two minutes later.
    Civil aviation officials said the flight took off at 10:53 am and lost contact with controllers two minutes later.
  • Local news agency said that the flight from Taipei to the outlying island of Kinmen lost contact with flight controllers at about 10:55 a.m.
    Local news agency said that the flight from Taipei to the outlying island of Kinmen lost contact with flight controllers at about 10:55 a.m.
  • Rescue crews in rubber rafts clustered around an exposed area of the mostly sunken fuselage. (AFP Photo)
    Rescue crews in rubber rafts clustered around an exposed area of the mostly sunken fuselage. (AFP Photo)
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  • 30 people remained unaccounted for. They were either still in the fuselage or had been pulled downriver, said an official. (AFP Photo)
    30 people remained unaccounted for. They were either still in the fuselage or had been pulled downriver, said an official. (AFP Photo)