Ask the Experts: What Carbs to Eat and What to Avoid

Are you keeping a tab on what you eat and how much carbs you should you be eating in a day? #MyFit100Days experts suggest it is very important to know the difference between good carbs and bad carbs in order to make healthy choices for yourself. Some carbohydrates can promote good health whereas some if taken in inappropriate quantity can lead to health issues.

Did you know a diet rich in carbohydrates doesn't necessary cause weight gain? Weight gain happens when you eat too much of wrong carbs.

Next time you make some healthy health decisions this quick list will come to your rescue.

  • Are you keeping a tab on what you eat and how much carbs you should you be consuming in a day? #MyFit100Days experts suggest that it is very important to know the difference between good carbs and bad carbs, in order to make healthy choices for yourself. Some carbohydrates can promote good health whereas some if taken in inappropriate quantity can lead to health issues.<br><br>
Did you know a diet rich in carbohydrates doesn't necessary cause weight gain? Weight gain happens when you eat too much of wrong carbs. Next time you need to make some healthy health decisions this quick checklist will come in handy.
    Are you keeping a tab on what you eat and how much carbs you should you be consuming in a day? #MyFit100Days experts suggest that it is very important to know the difference between good carbs and bad carbs, in order to make healthy choices for yourself. Some carbohydrates can promote good health whereas some if taken in inappropriate quantity can lead to health issues.

    Did you know a diet rich in carbohydrates doesn't necessary cause weight gain? Weight gain happens when you eat too much of wrong carbs. Next time you need to make some healthy health decisions this quick checklist will come in handy.
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  • Quinoa is a whole-grain food, which means quinoa is more slowly digested than refined-grain counterparts. As a result, you feel full for a longer duration and your blood sugar level remains stabilized, which prevents fluctuation in your energy levels.<br><br>
Nutritional Information: One-half cup of cooked quinoa gives you 19.7 grams of total carbohydrates out of which 2.6 grams is fibre.
    Quinoa is a whole-grain food, which means quinoa is more slowly digested than refined-grain counterparts. As a result, you feel full for a longer duration and your blood sugar level remains stabilized, which prevents fluctuation in your energy levels.

    Nutritional Information: One-half cup of cooked quinoa gives you 19.7 grams of total carbohydrates out of which 2.6 grams is fibre.
  • Whole pulses like <i>rajma, chole,</i> and <i>lobia</i> are rich both in carbohydrates and protein. This makes these an ideal combination in a diet plan.<br><br>
It is recommended to eat one serving of pulses in a day. Eating a cup daily is associated with lower levels of LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels which in turn can decrease your risk of heart disease.
    Whole pulses like rajma, chole, and lobia are rich both in carbohydrates and protein. This makes these an ideal combination in a diet plan.

    It is recommended to eat one serving of pulses in a day. Eating a cup daily is associated with lower levels of LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels which in turn can decrease your risk of heart disease.
  • A perfect way to kick-start your day is to eat cereals. Team it up with slim or double toned milk as per your choice. Key factor is to keep an eye on the nutrition label on the pack. An ideal breakfast cereal should have at least 3 grams of fibre and maximum 10 grams of sugar.
    A perfect way to kick-start your day is to eat cereals. Team it up with slim or double toned milk as per your choice. Key factor is to keep an eye on the nutrition label on the pack. An ideal breakfast cereal should have at least 3 grams of fibre and maximum 10 grams of sugar.
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  • Ditch the packed and processed corns and eat the fresh ones which are readily available everywhere.
Packed with Vitamins A, B and E, corns also contain good amount of essential minerals and fibre. <br><br>

Did you know corn is full of starch, water content and is high in carbohydrates? As a result it provides you with long term energy. During summers one tends to lose a lot of essential bodily fluids and in that situation your energy levels take a dip. Expert suggests having corns can be a good solution.
    Ditch the packed and processed corns and eat the fresh ones which are readily available everywhere. Packed with Vitamins A, B and E, corns also contain good amount of essential minerals and fibre.

    Did you know corn is full of starch, water content and is high in carbohydrates? As a result it provides you with long term energy. During summers one tends to lose a lot of essential bodily fluids and in that situation your energy levels take a dip. Expert suggests having corns can be a good solution.
  • You might have thought eating bananas daily can make you gain weight. But, wait did you know bananas are rich in nutrients like vitamins A, B, C and E and minerals like potassium, zinc and iron? Banana is also rewarded as a food which is a strong source of energy.<br><br>
Quick Tip: Grab a banana 30-45 minutes before your workout routine, it will act as a natural power bar.
    You might have thought eating bananas daily can make you gain weight. But, wait did you know bananas are rich in nutrients like vitamins A, B, C and E and minerals like potassium, zinc and iron? Banana is also rewarded as a food which is a strong source of energy.

    Quick Tip: Grab a banana 30-45 minutes before your workout routine, it will act as a natural power bar.
  • No matter how much you love it, it is time you ditch these small harmful substances from your life. Fried potato means trans-fats and we all know this bad fat can directly raise your total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels; therefore it is advisable to avoid it as much as you can.
    No matter how much you love it, it is time you ditch these small harmful substances from your life. Fried potato means trans-fats and we all know this bad fat can directly raise your total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels; therefore it is advisable to avoid it as much as you can.
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  • Refined grains are highly processed and as a result all the essential nutrients which are present in the food items are left out, leaving you only with unwanted calories and other harmful elements. <br><br>
You should be avoiding the following - white bread, white rice, plain bagels, regular pasta and sugary cereals.
    Refined grains are highly processed and as a result all the essential nutrients which are present in the food items are left out, leaving you only with unwanted calories and other harmful elements.

    You should be avoiding the following - white bread, white rice, plain bagels, regular pasta and sugary cereals.
  • Due to chemicals and preservatives added to these, processed and packaged foods are void of any nutrients and contain only calories. While they may seem convenient as a quick snacking option, but in the long run, these can cause harm to the body.
    Due to chemicals and preservatives added to these, processed and packaged foods are void of any nutrients and contain only calories. While they may seem convenient as a quick snacking option, but in the long run, these can cause harm to the body.
  • Next time you feel thirsty don't choose aerated drinks or soda instead opt for healthier options like coconut water, lemonade, home-made ice tea.
 <br><br>Aerated drinks are loaded with artificial and natural sweeteners and is extremely harmful for the body. If consumed regularly, these pose the threat of increasing the sugar level in our body to a great extent.
    Next time you feel thirsty don't choose aerated drinks or soda instead opt for healthier options like coconut water, lemonade, home-made ice tea.

    Aerated drinks are loaded with artificial and natural sweeteners and is extremely harmful for the body. If consumed regularly, these pose the threat of increasing the sugar level in our body to a great extent.
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  • Anything and everything is bad if consumed in high quantities. Stay away from products which contain sugar, honey or maple syrup in high amounts. According to American Heart Association, it is recommended that women should get no more than 100 calories per day and men should get no more than 150 calories per day from added sugars.<br><br>
You need to ditch toffees, cookies, cakes, ice cream, pastries, doughnuts and candy bars as these things are loaded with all things sweets.
    Anything and everything is bad if consumed in high quantities. Stay away from products which contain sugar, honey or maple syrup in high amounts. According to American Heart Association, it is recommended that women should get no more than 100 calories per day and men should get no more than 150 calories per day from added sugars.

    You need to ditch toffees, cookies, cakes, ice cream, pastries, doughnuts and candy bars as these things are loaded with all things sweets.