Caught on Camera: Outstanding Moments From PM Narendra Modi's Japan Trip

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a five-day tour to Japan, his first major foreign visit since a landslide election win in May. His bonhomie with counterpart Shinzo Abe has yielded big results with Japan pledging to double its direct investment to 33.56 billion dollars over the next five years in India. But aside from the summit level talks, PM Modi has also been making big headlines in certain unconventional ways - from visiting kindergarten schools to playing traditional Japanese drums. Here are some of the key moments of PM Modi captured on camera in Japan.

Sep 02, 2014 14:43 IST
  • Caught on Camera: Outstanding Moments From PM Narendra Modi's Japan Trip
    Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a five-day tour to Japan, his first major bilateral visit since a landslide election win in May. Besides the summit level talks, PM Modi has also been making big headlines in unconventional ways - from playing Japanese drums and flutes to clicking selfies with students. Here are some of the key moments of PM Modi captured on camera in Japan.

    In this picture, PM Modi, delighted by students playing the soprano recorder at the Taimei Elementary School in Tokyo, chimes in.(Tweeted by @MEAIndia)
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  • Caught on Camera: Outstanding Moments From PM Narendra Modi's Japan Trip
    It was a unique moment when PM Modi sat down with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe in traditional Japanese style to drink tea from a bowl.(AFP photo)
  • Caught on Camera: Outstanding Moments From PM Narendra Modi's Japan Trip
    PM Narendra Modi to the surprise of onlookers played drums for some time at the TCS Japan Technology and Cultural Academy in Tokyo. (ANI photo)
  • Caught on Camera: Outstanding Moments From PM Narendra Modi's Japan Trip
    PM Modi even posed for selfies with Indian students of Sacred Heart University in Tokyo.(Tweeted by @MEAIndia)
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  • Caught on Camera: Outstanding Moments From PM Narendra Modi's Japan Trip
    On Sunday, the Prime Minister shared a light moment with a child during his visit to the Golden Pavilion, a Buddhist temple in Kyoto.(PTI photo)