Domino's Pizza plans moon delivery
The Japanese arm of Domino's pizza has announced its plans to build the first pizzeria on the moon's surface aptly called: Domino's Moon Branch. (Photo credti: Domino's Pizza)
The Japanese arm of Domino's pizza has announced its plans to build the first pizzeria on the moon's surface aptly called: Domino's Moon Branch. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
The decision to make a moon branch came after rivals Pizza Hut delivered a pizza to astronauts in the International Space Station in 2001. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
The moon branch is a dome-shaped concrete restaurant. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
It is estimated that the entire project will cost the company around $21.8 billion (Y1.67 trillion). (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
Domino's said they will be using mineral deposits on the moon to make the concrete. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
The company has also released a few sketches of the project, which show a two-storey dome and a basement of steel plating plus an area to make pizzas. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
The staff will be required to live on the premises. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
They also plan to have a play area for the staff stationed at the Moon Eatery. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
A gym for the staff. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
A look at the proposed storage room. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)
If the staff wants to relax then there will be a private room too. (Photo credit: Domino's Pizza)