First pics: Bus driver hits 40 vehicles in Pune

At least seven persons were killed and a number of others injured when a man got behind the wheel of a city bus and crashed it against cars and other vehicles on Pune roads early this morning.

  • A man hijacked a city bus in Pune early this morning and ran amok, reportedly crushing at least 40 vehicles, the police have said.
    A man hijacked a city bus in Pune early this morning and ran amok, reportedly crushing at least 40 vehicles, the police have said.
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  • For a half hour, the bus lurched through the city's streets, hitting one vehicle after another and running into pedestrians.
    For a half hour, the bus lurched through the city's streets, hitting one vehicle after another and running into pedestrians.
  • Santosh Mane, an employee of the state transport corporation, had a valid license and a master-key to public buses.
    Santosh Mane, an employee of the state transport corporation, had a valid license and a master-key to public buses.
  • He then began driving rashly in the wrong lane, allegedly hitting several vehicles and pedestrians.
    He then began driving rashly in the wrong lane, allegedly hitting several vehicles and pedestrians.
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  • Eyewitnesses say they flung schoolchildren out of his way as he steered maniacally through sections packed with morning commuters from 8.15 to 8.45 am.
    Eyewitnesses say they flung schoolchildren out of his way as he steered maniacally through sections packed with morning commuters from 8.15 to 8.45 am.
  • Traffic marshals fired at the bus to force Mr Mane to stop.
    Traffic marshals fired at the bus to force Mr Mane to stop.
  • According to some reports, the 30-year-old driver was eventually stopped by a college student who managed to overpower him.
    According to some reports, the 30-year-old driver was eventually stopped by a college student who managed to overpower him.
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