Five High-Touch Surfaces At Home That You Should Clean Daily To Reduce COVID-19 Risk

Updated: November 03, 2020 23:32 IST

The world is in the middle of a pandemic and according to experts, cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces at home regularly is an important precaution to lower the risk of transmission of the infection. Sanchit Gaurav, CEO and Founder, Housejoy, a home construction and renovation company, asserted that lack of sanitation paves the way for micro-organisms to enter the home and causing various diseases. He said, 'Usually we deem spotless and visibly clean surfaces as safe, however, viruses and bacteria can thrive on places such as kitchen counters, tabletops, washrooms, doormats, curtains. One should periodically deep clean their home, especially the high-touch surfaces.' He further said that the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has established the importance of personal and home hygiene and safety. According to Vikas Bagaria, Founder, Pee Safe, cleaning alone is not enough when it comes to dealing with viruses like coronavirus. He recommends first cleaning the surface and then disinfecting it. He said that while on one hand cleaning is removing contaminants from a surface, disinfecting help in killing the pathogens. He said that to clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces at home, use a solution of water and detergent and dip washable items into the mixture for at least 30 seconds and then clean the items with plain water followed by spraying a disinfectant. For items that cannot be dipped into water, use surface protectant or 70 per cent alcohol to sanitise those items, he said. Following are the five surfaces, as per experts, that one must pay more attention to and clean and disinfect regularly to reduce COVID-19 risk.

Five High-Touch Surfaces At Home That You Should Clean Daily To Reduce COVID-19 Risk

Door Knobs And Handles

Door knobs and handles are the first surface area that people are likely to come in contact with, hence, the experts say that it these surfaces should be wiped and disinfected regularly.

Five High-Touch Surfaces At Home That You Should Clean Daily To Reduce COVID-19 Risk

Tables And Kitchen Tops

According to experts, tables and kitchen tops should be cleaned and disinfected each time after use because whatever is brought into the house is generally kept on these.

Five High-Touch Surfaces At Home That You Should Clean Daily To Reduce COVID-19 Risk

Switches And Switch Boards

Another high-touch surface that should not be ignored and needs to be disinfected daily are the switches and switch boards. Right from the doorbell switch to the bathroom light, all the switches and switch boards should be cleaned frequently.

Five High-Touch Surfaces At Home That You Should Clean Daily To Reduce COVID-19 Risk

Faucets And Toilet

It is important to clean and disinfect faucets and toilets after using these, say experts. This is because if the hands of the user are contaminated, they are likely to come into contact with a faucet while using it. Hence, wash and disinfect it once you are done rinsing your hands with soap and water. Before sitting on a toilet seat, do not forget to sanitize it with a Toilet Seat Sanitizer. A toilet seat is a home to millions of bacterias and viruses, says Mr. Bagaria.

Five High-Touch Surfaces At Home That You Should Clean Daily To Reduce COVID-19 Risk

TV Remotes, Cellphones And Other Gadget Used Daily

Any gadgets that are being used regularly at home should also be cleaned on a daily basis, say experts.

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