Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015

A full dress rehearsal of the Republic Day Parade was held in New Delhi, with two days to go for the event, at which US President Barack Obama will be the chief guest.

Jan 23, 2015 21:06 IST
  • Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015
    The Army version of the Akash surface-to-air misile.
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  • Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015
    The T-90 (Bhishma) Main Battle Tank (MBT).
  • Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015
    The Brahmos WPN System, a supersonic cruise missile jointly developed by India and Russia.
  • Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015
    A tableau of the Indian Navy taking part in the full dress rehearsal.
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  • Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015
    A Satellite On The Move unit, which enables uninterrupted satellite communications access on the move.
  • Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015
    A tableau of the Indian Armed Forces showing high altitude operations.
  • Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015
    A 3D Tactical Control Radar.
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  • Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015
    A tableau of the Indian Navy.
  • Full Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day 2015
    An Indian Air Force display about the 1965 War.