NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand

NDTV, in collaboration with the Uday Foundation in Delhi, has initiated a drive to provide blankets to people living in flood affected villages of Uttarakhand.

Dec 30, 2013 12:31 IST
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    As part of the blanket donation drive initiated by NDTV, in collaboration with Uday Foundation in Delhi, blankets were distributed to those in need in the Gangotri Area of District Uttarkashi.
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  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    The drive aims to provide respite to the Uttarakhand flood victims from the cold weather by distributing blankets to them.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Thousands were killed, rendered homeless and left stranded in Uttarakhand by heavy rains, landslides and floods earlier this year.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Through the blanket donation drive 10,232 blankets have been collected and distributed in Uttarakhand.
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  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    You too can join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
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  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
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  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    As part of the blanket donation drive initiated by NDTV, in collaboration with Uday Foundation in Delhi, blankets were distributed at Triyugi Narayn Village Panchayat in Rudraprayag District and to BRO labours.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    The blanket donation drive aims to provide Uttarakhand flood victims some respite from the winter chill by distributing blankets to those in need.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    You can join the blanket donation drive as well. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    As part of the blanket donation drive initiated by NDTV, in collaboration with Uday Foundation in Delhi, blankets were distributed at the District Hospital and Old Age Home Gopeshwar, Uttarakhand.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Blankets were distributed to patients and their families at the hospital.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    You can join the blanket donation drive as well. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    As part of the blanket donation drive initiated by NDTV, in collaboration with Uday Foundation in Delhi, blankets were distributed to people living in the flood affected villages of Uttarakhand.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    The blankets were donated to road construction workers on the Bardinath Highway.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    You too can join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    NDTV, in collaboration with Uday Foundation in Delhi, has initiated a drive to provide blankets to people living in the flood affected villages of Uttarakhand.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    The distribution of blankets began on the way to remote villages of Chamoli district in Uttarakhand.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Thousands were killed, left stranded and rendered homeless in Uttarakhand by incessant showers, landslides and flash floods earlier this year.
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    You can also join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here
  • NDTV's blanket donation drive in Uttarakhand
    Join the blanket donation drive. For details, click here