No Rules Framed For All-India NRC, Says PM And Other Big Stories

Updated: December 23, 2019 07:45 IST

No Rules Framed For All-India NRC, Says PM And Other Big Stories
Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined BJP's spirited response to the aggressive protests against the amended citizenship act by seeking to uncouple the proposed National Register of Citizens (NRC) with changes in the Citizenship Act, and launched a ferocious attack on Congress and its allies for inflaming passions by spreading "rumours and lies". The paper also carries a story on a probe ordered by the Uttar Pradesh government on the alleged role of Islamic fundamentalist outfit Popular Front of India in violence in the state during the protests last week. More
No Rules Framed For All-India NRC, Says PM And Other Big Stories
The paper also leads with Prime Minister Narendra Modi response to the protests over the amended citizenship act and proposed National Register of Citizens (NRC), as he accuses political rivals of stoking violence during protests across the country that have claimed at least 24 lives since Parliament approved the new law on December 11. The paper also reports on Jharkhand, where results of the assembly elections will be announced today. More
No Rules Framed For All-India NRC, Says PM And Other Big Stories
There is no talk on an NRC for India since his government had taken power in 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared on Sunday, contradicting Union Home Minister Amit Shah's statement in the Lok Sabha on December 9: "We are very clear that NRC will happen in this country", the paper reports. A report on the family of a man who died of a gunshot injury in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar on December 20, also makes it to front page of today's paper. More
No Rules Framed For All-India NRC, Says PM And Other Big Stories
Prime Minister Narendra Modi blaming "urban Naxals" and Opposition parties of launching a campaign of misinformation to target him, was the lead story in the paper. It also carried Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's response in which he blames PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah of "destroying" the future of the country's youth. More
No Rules Framed For All-India NRC, Says PM And Other Big Stories
Is PM Modi jumping the NRC ship or buying time? headlined the paper while carrying the story on PM's speech at Delhi rally where he claimed that "the word NRC" had not been discussed during his five-year-old tenure. More

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