Snowstorm hits United States
Fierce snowstorms in the United States have cut power supplies and caused hundreds of road accidents, playing havoc with the everyday lives of people across the country.
On Wednesday, the second blustery snowstorm to sweep across the Northeast in less than a week had made its way into the New York area, and officials had closed schools, courts and the U.N. headquarters. Seen here, MunicÂipal workeÂrs clearing a sidewÂalk in New York'Âs Times SquarÂe.(NYT Photo)
In the heavily travelled territory between New York and Washington, no one was going anywhere fast. Several major airlines, including Southwest and Continental had cancelled many of their Wednesday flights from East Coast airports.
In this picture, SleddÂing in Fort Tryon Park in ManhaÂttan, childÂren took advanÂtage of a rare schooÂl closiÂng on WedneÂsday.(NYT Photo) -
A severe winter storm that dropped 7-12 inches of snow through the Chicago area resulted in cancellation of nearly 600 flights at the city's airports on Monday.
In this picture, A plow clears snow in front of a United Airlines jet at O'Hare Airport in Chicago, Illinois.(AFP Photo) -
Commuters make their way on a snow covered street in Washington,DC.
Hundreds of emergency crews battled to clear snow-clogged roads and restore power to thousands of homes across the US east coast before a new storm hits, aided by some welcome winter sun.(AFP Photo)