The Obamas, Clintons And Trumps - A Look At America's Leading Families

With Barack Obama's tenure as President of the United States nearing its end, a new First Family will move in to the White House once the United States has a new President. Will it be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? Here's a look at the Obamas, Clintons and Trumps.

Nov 05, 2016 15:18 IST
  • The Obamas, Clintons And Trumps - A Look At America's Leading Families
    President Obama and Michelle Obama on their wedding day.
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  • The Obamas, Clintons And Trumps - A Look At America's Leading Families
    US President Barack Obama with First Lady Michelle Obama and their two daughters Malia Ann Obama and Sasha Obama.
  • The Obamas, Clintons And Trumps - A Look At America's Leading Families
  • The Obamas, Clintons And Trumps - A Look At America's Leading Families
    Democratic Party nominee for President Hillary Clinton with her husband Bill Clinton.
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  • The Obamas, Clintons And Trumps - A Look At America's Leading Families
    Former President Bill Clinton with his and Hillary Clinton's daughter, Chelsea Clinton.
  • The Obamas, Clintons And Trumps - A Look At America's Leading Families
    The Clintons with their grandson, Aidan.
  • The Obamas, Clintons And Trumps - A Look At America's Leading Families
    Donald Trump posing with his family.
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  • The Obamas, Clintons And Trumps - A Look At America's Leading Families
    The Trump Hotel team on the historic opening of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.