Banega Swasth India - Swasthya Mantra (English)

Under the aegis of its overarching movement - Banega Swasth India, Dettol has launched the first ever public health and hygiene podcast - Swasthya Mantra. The aim is to sensitise children about the importance of cleanliness, sustainable living and inculcate good hygiene practices like washing hands, in their daily life. Know more about India's largest and longest running public health campaign on health and hygiene, NDTV-Dettol Banega Swasth India on

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What Are The Symptoms Of Diarrhoea And How Can It Be Prevented?

Diarrhoea is caused by germs that enter the body through dirty hands, unsanitary practices or unclean water. Diarrhoea leads to lose motions and vomiting due to which body loses a lot of water. Here's what you need to keep in mind in case of Diarrhoea.

MoreApr 30, 2023 23:50 (IST)

Best Out Of Waste, It Is Time To Learn Upcycling

Think before you throw. Everything has value, including things you may want to discard as waste. Here are some simple ideas on how you can upcycle and reduce the waste burden on the planet.

MoreApr 30, 2023 23:50 (IST)

What Are Some Hygiene Practices To Follow Before Meals?

In this podcast a teacher tells her students about the best practices to adopt before sitting down to eat. From washing hands to ensuring that the dishes served are clean, students learn how important hygiene is to stay healthy.

MoreApr 30, 2023 23:50 (IST)

Natural Resources Are Finite So Adopt The Mantra Of Conservation

Whether it is electricity or water, conserve today so that we do not run out of these resources tomorrow. Here are some steps you can adopt in your daily life to cut down wastage of power and water.

MoreApr 30, 2023 23:50 (IST)

Take Care Of Plants Like They Take Care Of Us

Plants give us food to eat and oxygen to breath. There will be no life on earth if we do not have plants and trees. So let's be mindful of life around us and take care of it.

MoreApr 30, 2023 23:50 (IST)

Eating Healthy Is The Key To Good Health

Fried, packaged, fast food from outside versus freshly cooked home meals, might be a tough choice. But no matter how tempting, to stay healthy avoid unhealthy eating choices and opt for a nutritious, balanced diet.

MoreApr 30, 2023 23:47 (IST)

Learn The Basics Of Waste Segregation

Segregating waste can help reduce the ever-increasing garbage burden of our planet. What is wet waste and what is dry waste? How can different categories of waste be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner? This podcast hopes to guide on how to manage waste better.

MoreApr 30, 2023 23:47 (IST)

What To Do If You Have Fever?

From hygiene practices to follow and dietary precautions to take, if you have fever then here are some things to watch out for.  

MoreApr 30, 2023 23:47 (IST)

In Times Of COVID-19, Precaution Not Discrimination Is The Way Forward

To ensure we don't drop our guard against COVID-19, it is important not to panic when cases surge. It is even more important to ensure people get themselves tested if they have symptoms and do not conceal it. Instead of fearing discrimination for contracting the virus, people should be encouraged to take preventive steps like washing hands, wearing masks, social distancing, to stop the spread of the disease.

MoreApr 30, 2023 23:47 (IST)

To Stay Healthy And Disease-Free Ensure A Clean Neighbourhood

Personal hygiene and keeping one's own homes clean will not help if our surrounding area and public spaces are filthy. Pile up of garbage, accumulation of water, unclean public toilets are all sources of germs and diseases.

MoreApr 30, 2023 21:23 (IST)

Hygiene And Equal Access In Our Public Spaces Is A Must

Here's some food for thought - Do our public spaces have clean toilets, ramps for people with mobility issues and ensure safety for people of all age groups and gender?


MoreApr 30, 2023 15:22 (IST)

Importance Of First Aid

Be it a cut, minor burns or muscle pull, here's how first aid can be administered to provide relief to the patient before seeking professional help.

MoreApr 30, 2023 00:47 (IST)

Ensuring Cleanliness Is Everyone's Responsibility

In this podcast a student's diligence to highlight that the school's handwashing station has run out of soap and ensuring that the issue is resolved, has a lesson for everyone. We all have a duty to ensure cleanliness, health and hygiene is maintained all around us.

MoreApr 30, 2023 00:47 (IST)

What Can You Do To Tackle Pollution?

There are some things we can all do to tackle the growing problem of pollution all around us, be it air and water pollution in lakes, ponds, hand pumps which are common water sources. Start by keeping them clean and not throwing garbage in and around them.

MoreApr 30, 2023 00:14 (IST)

What is 3Rs And Why Is It Important To Dispose Of Waste Properly?

In this podcast learn the importance of the 3Rs of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. Why should we segregate wet and dry waste and how can we compost wet waste? Here is a ready explainer on how to manage our waste better.

MoreApr 30, 2023 00:14 (IST)

Are Your School Surroundings Clean?

Garbage around school premises can attract flies and other germs, which can spread diseases. Apart from ensuring garbage gets disposed of in closed bins, it is important to ensure that water does not accumulate around the area to avoid breeding of mosquitoes that can cause vector borne diseases like malaria and dengue.


MoreApr 30, 2023 00:14 (IST)

Teach Children To Keep Their School Toilets Clean

Be it school or public toilets it is everyone's responsibility to ensure cleanliness of toilets they use. Here's how to inculcate this habit among children. Key is to start young.

MoreApr 30, 2023 00:14 (IST)

What Are The Precautions To Take To Stop The Spread Of Contagious Diseases?

From common cold and cough to Tuberculosis (TB), communicable diseases spread through physical or direct contact. Few simple precautions can prevent the spread of these diseases. Here's how.

MoreApr 30, 2023 00:14 (IST)

Why Natural Is Better Than Packaged Food Items?

Learn the benefits of herbs, fruits, and other items that nature has to offer and why it is important to incorporate these in our diet and avoid packaged food, to stay healthy.

MoreApr 29, 2023 23:14 (IST)

Pet Care Is An Essential Part Of A Healthy Surrounding

Be it keeping them clean or ensuring regular health checkups and vaccination, pets deserve as much attention as family members to ensure they do not become a source of germs and diseases.

MoreApr 29, 2023 23:14 (IST)