This Article is From Nov 29, 2010

PMC latecomers welcomed with roses

Pune: The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) school board chairman, Sangeeta Tiwari, on Friday welcomed latecomers to the board's office by offering roses to 46 staff members.

Speaking to DNA, Tiwari said, "Many visitors have made written complaints that employees from the school board come late to work and are never found at their tables." She said the office timing is 10.30 am.

As the complaints about latecomers increased, she stood at the gate with roses on Friday to verify it and found that many arrived at 11.30 am.

PMC education officer, Ramchandra Jadhav, had earlier issued notices to latecomers, after receiving complaints from some school board members.

Tiwari said she has asked the school board officer to warn the staff to be punctual. The school board will carry out surprise inspection of staff attendance next week and suspend latecomers.

Criticising the education officer, Tiwari said it is very easy to identify latecomers with the biometric attendance system installed at the school board office, but the civic administration is not increasing vigilance to verify attendance.

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