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Eat Eggs In Style! 5 Soft-Boiled Egg Holders To Opt For

We bring you some soft boiled egg holder options to elevate the look and feel of your kitchen setup.

Kitchen And Dining

Eggs are possibly one of the most used food ingredients in every kitchen. They are versatile, easy to make and help you put together a wholesome meal. However, some egg recipes can be messy, hence those dishes need proper utensil to keep. Take soft boiled eggs for instance. We bring you some holder options to place the soft boiled eggs and enjoy them without creating any mess.

Here're 5 Soft Boiled Egg Holders For You:

1. Wholelifeobjects Soft Boiled Egg Holder:

This product comes in a set of two and can be used to have your breakfast eggs easily. You can use these holders in microwave oven and they are dishwasher safe too.

2. Shri & Sam Egg Cup Set:

This product, made of ceramic, also comes in a set of two. They look elegeant and can amp up the look of your dining table in a jiffy.

3. Dynore Egg Cups:

This product comes in a set of four and is made of stainless steel. It is convenient to use and easy to clean as well.

4. NobleEgg Egg Cups:

These egg cups are made of porcelain and have unique designs on the body. These cups also come with stainless steel spoons to eat the eggs easily.

5. Mirakii Egg Holder:

If you are planning to make your dinning setup look like a restaurant table, then this product is a must-have. This egg holder comes in a set of two and looks like a plate holding the eggs.