The Tamil Nadu government on Monday objected to grant of bail to correspondent of a school and a Motor Vehicles Inspector, arrested in connection with the death of a second student after she fell through a hole in floor of the bus while returning home on July 25.
Stating that the accident had not only created a law and order problem but also a public order one, Advocate General A Navaneethakrishnan opposed the bail petition and said the father of another student had drawn the school's attention to the hole in the floor of the bus prior to the accident.
However no action had been taken, he said.
After hearing arguments on bail petitions filed by the correspondent N Vijayan and MVI P Rajasekharan, Justice G M Akbar Ali reserved orders on the bail petitions.
Earlier, claiming that the correspondent had no direct involvement in the accident, Vijayan's counsel argued that the school buses were properly maintained and the fitness certificate for the vehicle had been obtained.
The Tamil Nadu Matriculation Schools Welfare Association, Editor of Puratchi Sathanai and Chennai chapter of Tamil Nadu Human Rights Protection Centre have filed intervenor petitions, saying the school and transport department authorities were jointly responsible for the tragedy.
They said the condition of the vehicles, engaged either directly or on contract basis, should have been checked by the school to ensure safety of students. The school had failed to change floor material in the bus.
If the accused were released on bail, there was every possibility of them influencing witnesses, they said.
Stating that the accident had not only created a law and order problem but also a public order one, Advocate General A Navaneethakrishnan opposed the bail petition and said the father of another student had drawn the school's attention to the hole in the floor of the bus prior to the accident.
However no action had been taken, he said.
After hearing arguments on bail petitions filed by the correspondent N Vijayan and MVI P Rajasekharan, Justice G M Akbar Ali reserved orders on the bail petitions.
Earlier, claiming that the correspondent had no direct involvement in the accident, Vijayan's counsel argued that the school buses were properly maintained and the fitness certificate for the vehicle had been obtained.
The Tamil Nadu Matriculation Schools Welfare Association, Editor of Puratchi Sathanai and Chennai chapter of Tamil Nadu Human Rights Protection Centre have filed intervenor petitions, saying the school and transport department authorities were jointly responsible for the tragedy.
They said the condition of the vehicles, engaged either directly or on contract basis, should have been checked by the school to ensure safety of students. The school had failed to change floor material in the bus.
If the accused were released on bail, there was every possibility of them influencing witnesses, they said.
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